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View character profile for: Taweret

View character profile for: Jasper Valentra
Safe Place
Taw took Whisper to the rocking chair, giving Jasper time to look away before she settled down to nursing. She was grateful to have Jasper to help her but clearly taking care of a baby was not going to leave her with a lot of free time.
Jasper didn't seem to mind. Any kind of time with Taw, whether it included Whisper or not, was time well spent to him. In his eyes, no matter who sired the child, she was his daughter now and he'd happily help.
Keeping his back turned, he finished the food he was eating and sorted things so Taw could have what she wanted. “I'm going to see if I can figure out the shower on my own. If I need help, can I call you?” He asked. “I know I'm not…educated, but I want to try my best. I want to learn things.”
“Sure Jasper.” Taw said, making sure the phone she had been given was close to hand. She wanted the best for this guy. He had done so much for her. “The hot water is usually marked either in red or with an H, a C or blue for cold.”
“Oh, so that’s what the colors are for.” Jasper said in a pleasantly surprised tone before he went into the bathroom. He almost closed the door all the way, but left it partly open out of fear that it might lock on him. The poor man feared locks now due to how much he got locked up in Amihan for his rebellious behavior over the years.
Taw smiled. After Whisper was done nursing she put her back in the crib and resumed eating.
She would hear a yelp of “HOT HOT” for a moment before Jasper let out a laugh, finally getting things figure out.
“Are you okay?” Taw called to Jasper.
“Yeah! It was just a shock!” Jasper laughed and the shower finally started up.
“Okay.” Taw said and went back to eating.
Jasper would figure out how to turn the shower off after washing himself and rinsing off, but when he got out, he was only in a towel. It was wrapped around his waist as he walked out of the bathroom. “Uh…where are those clothes?” He asked, blushing.
Taw gasped, and looked away blushing. “Are they in the dresser?”
“Dresser?” Jasper blinked and tried to recall what that was. “Oh, that!” He went to the dresser and dug around for pants and some boxers. “I forgot these things exist!”
“Yeah…” Taw carefully kept her gaze averted.
Jasper rushed back to the bathroom to get the clothes on. “Sorry!” He called.
“It’s okay!” Taw said, still blushing.
After getting dressed, Jasper returned and took a seat. “The shower is nice…” He admitted.
“Showers can be nice.” Taw used to enjoy long and luxurious hot showers before becoming Duuk’s mate.
“Well, if you want to shower, I can watch over Whisper for you.” Jasper offered.
“Okay, I just fed her so she should be okay.” Jasper did not have to offer twice. Taweret grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom. After she undressed for the shower she froze, looking at herself. The past year had really ruined her body. Not just the pregnancy, but so many scars from what Duuk did to her, and those he let use her. She felt sick.
Jasper relaxed in his chair and hoped Taw was okay as he watched over Whisper. What she didn’t understand or know was that no matter how many scars Taweret had, he’d still see her as the most beautiful woman alive.
Taw got in the shower, water as hot as she could get it as she scrubbed herself. Jasper loved the Taw of a year ago, not the Taw who had been raped by so many of those Duuk had favored that she could not keep track of them.
Jasper waited, watching the shower door with a little worry. He wondered all the time what went through her mind. He hated what had happened to her. Hated that he couldn't save her from duuk and those monsters. The more he thought about it the angier it made him deep inside.
“I'll never let that happen again…” He whispered, looking down at his robotic arm.
Taw was in the shower for a very long time, and did not come out of the bathroom until she had regained her composure. She was dressed in loose jeans and a t-shirt, something Duuk would hate to see her in. She smiled at Jasper, though it did not quite reach her eyes.
Jasper didn't miss this and stood up, walking over to Taw. “I want you to know something, Taw…” He said softly and reached out with his human hand, gently touching her face. “I'll always be here. No matter what, I'll be here when you're happy, sad, upset…just know I won't ever leave you behind. You and Whisper are my family now.”
“Jasper…” Taw whispered, her tears escaping her.
“You’re my everything, Taw,” Jasper set his hand on her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. “I’m not going to lose you.”
Taw hugged Jasper back, gently crying on his shoulder.
Kissing the top of her head, Jasper let Taw cry. He wanted her to take her time.
“Oh Jasper… The things I had done to me.” Taw whispered.
“It should have never happened…” Jasper replied and rubbed her back gently. “I won’t ever let that happen to you again.”
“It wasn’t just Duuk.” She whispered.
Jasper used the metal fingers to lift her chin up. “I know…and they’ll all pay for what they did to you one day. To everyone they hurt…but most of all, they’ll pay for what they did to you.” He told her, knowing that whatever was underground with and rising in that place would make them all suffer greatly.
He never told anyone about the strange fleshy beast he had met so many years ago.
Taw hugged Jasper again, ear against his chest to hear his heartbeat. She felt safe.