The Nightmare Of Revert

The world has changed, a nightmarish reality looming over those with powers born of mystery and chaos. For some it is a haven of power, giving them reason to hurt all they run into that would otherwise judge their existence. Others are forced to run and hide, doing all they can to blend in and pretend they aren't something abnormal.

For Tzeitel, this is a nightmare locked up within MegaCorp. It is a time without Frisk, without the doctor that helped her avoid Canestone's pregnancy in another universe. She suffers daily without her best friend around, without hope.

Riley is a constant target of both Thrane's hatred and interest. As a Speedster, he has a healing factor that pulls in lots of need for answers. There is also Coral, a water based meta who has delusions of a love life with the speedster...

Klaire has escaped with James, has found Alex and Ami, and hopes to save her friends one day. Each new locations seems to bring them closer to answers, but also results in more questions.

Thrane, leader of MegaCorp, monster of cruelty, and lover of all things horrifying for those beneath him. He finds no pleasure in anything but the answers he wants. This man wants to watch the world burn.

Evie is forced into being a conduit, a battery, a source of power for the most powerful MegaCorp structure that is impossible to reach. The place is hidden in the coldest location on Earth, kept far away from society, and she is the source that keeps it running...

With her nephew as a caged animal, Loreen has no choice but to obey Thrane and do all she can to keep Thrane from hurting all those she cares for. She does all she can to make things tolerable for metas within the compound, but there is only so much she can do as a single person.

As for the Underground, it is a deeply hidden place that is so difficult to find without help, but it is a symbol of hope for all.

And so the nightmare continues...

Next > : Life In MegaCorp (Pt. 1)