A Speedster's Hell

Riley collapsed onto his cot in the closet-sized cell. Another mission, another day of feeling empty inside. He once dreamed of escaping this place but that was shattered when Thrane had the chip implanted into the base of his skull, his creative way of punishing him for constantly breaking out of collars. Not only did it shut off his powers but it also put him in a constant state of pain that could be increased whenever Thrane wanted it.

Looking over to his dresser he stared at the picture frame, one the few possessions he had. Inside was a photo of the only people in his life that had made it worth living. Colt had been a brother to him, always spending time with him even if it was mostly Riley listening to stories about the cat boy and his sister. He was gone, though, and that left a void in the speedster’s heart that still hurt more than the chip ever did. Looking at the other person filled him with sadness and anger, though.

While Colt was like a brother, Klaire was different. He didn’t know how to describe it as emotions were difficult at times for him. He knew he cared about her deeply but while he saw Colt like family, Klaire stirred similar but different feelings especially as they got older. Riley often found himself looking at her, wanting her. Shaking his head he sighed. It didn’t matter anymore. She had abandoned him to this hell hole. Closing his eyes he tried to drown out the chip in hopes of getting some sleep before Thrane or someone else came for him. But there was always a constant buzzing in his skull driving him mad. Perhaps he lucky today or more likely exhausted because he soon fell asleep and dreamed.

Riley rarely dreamed, whether because of the chip or something else. But in rare moments like these, he gratefully thanked whatever force granted these small reprieves. He was living in a cabin by a lake in the forest with Klaire and Colt. They were free from Megacorp and spent their days doing whatever they pleased, from hiking to hunting to fishing to lying around. At night they would sit around a fire and he would look at Klaire, her golden eyes shining brightly. Colt would grin and make an excuse to head to bed early, leaving them alone.

That was when the pictured suddenly toppled over and crashed to the floor. It was obviously a familiar friend, a ghost - more like a poltergeist at this point.

It was Colt Westerly and he was trying to get Riley’s attention.

Riley panicked and grabbed the photo making sure it wasn't damaged. Luckily the glass has been replaced with plastic after Riley used it to cut a collar off. Sighing in relief he looked aroun.

There was a noise as the chair close by creaked. “Oh, come on! You know who this is…” The voice was barely a whisper as the presence tried with all its might to be known. “You know me, Riley.”

“Colt you're here again” Riley said in a hopeful tone as he hugged the photo “Thrane says it's just a side effect of the chip. Please tell me I'm not becoming more crazy?”

“If you were going crazy would you have caught the picture? Items don’t fall on their own!” Colt hissed and tried to rock the chair again, almost making it fall.

Riley started tearing up “I'm tired and alone Colt” he whispered “everyone's gone and all I have now is the pain.” Reaching his hand to the back of his neck he scratched at the surgical scar. “It's always there buzzing in my head like an angry hornets nest.”

“This won’t be forever. I know it won’t.” Colt replied as he went over to Riley and tugged on a lock of hair gently to get him to stop the scratching. “There are those out there coming to save you. I know it.”

“No one's coming for me” he sighed wanting to believe him “I've been forgotten. Even if they were Thrane won't let me go.”

“You’re not weak, Riley.” Colt persisted, his voice fading in and out. “Damn it...not en…fu…”

And then it was like he wasn’t there. It took a lot of energy for a ghost to speak, let alone move things, and Colt had run out of time…

That was when the door opened and a familiar face poked in, grinning. “Hellooooo!” Coral chimed. “Were you talking to yourself again, sugar plum?”

“What do you want Coral?” he sighed, placing the frame carefully on the dresser, his eyes lingering on Klaire.

“Stop looking at that traitor.” Coral hissed out as she closed the door. “She’s not worth your time or thoughts. She ran off with that pyro prick and won’t ever come back for you.”

“Shut up” he growled, biting back tears of anger as he turned to glare at her.

“It’s true, though.” Coral grinned, flashing her sharp teeth as she made her way toward Riley. “Why don’t you hush and have some fun with me?”

“She wouldn't betray me like that” he mumbled turning away from Coral “not her…”

“But she did,” Coral wrapped her arms around his shoulders, leaning onto his back. Putting her mouth by his ear, she whispered. “She’d rather have the cock of that pyro than a weak little speedster…”

“Not her” he growled his head pounding as he tried to drown out the images Coral was putting in his head of Klaire and James. He didn't want to believe Klaire would betray him like that. He always tried to intervene with the guards when they went after her even if it meant getting beaten and sent to the infirmary. He even volunteered for experiments so she wouldn't have to.

“I bet they’re in a bed right now…making love.” Coral stroked a finger down his face, grinning. “They probably laugh at any memory of you, too. Think about it. Why would she escape with him? He’s just made of fire…you’re a real man compared to James. Too bad you couldn’t get out with her. Why is that, Riley? Why would she choose a worthless pyro?”

“She wouldn't she knows I love her…” he whispered Coral’s words starting to get to him. “She wouldn't betray me we promised to leave together…. That she get the chip out…. Make the pain go away…. She promised….”

“Oh?” Coral pulled away and looked around in a childish manner before returning her attention to Riley. “I don’t see her anywhere here, though. The chip is still inside you, right?” Grabbing his face with both hands, she pulled him close to her own. “She’s not here, Riley. She abandoned you and that slut, Tzeitel, too!”

Riley looked down in defeat he didn't want to believe but she had a point. He was still here with the chip in his head.“she left me…didn't she?”

“Of course she did, Riley.” Coral cooed at him and pulled her hands away. Her own chip was active, so she was fully solid, dressed in only a thin gown that Thrane permitted her to wear.

Riley growled and punched the wall in frustration “she left with him” he shouted. “It was suppose to me. I looked after her, I cared for her…. I love her…why would she do this?”

Coral shrugged, letting the strap of her dress fall from her shoulder. “Hell if I know what a whore wants.” She retorted.

The door suddenly banged open and a very angry looking brunette glared at Coral. “Get out.” She ordered.

Holding up her hands innocently, Coral giggled. “Hello, doc!” She chimed and started for the door.

“Go to your room.” The other woman, this doc, ordered. Her green eyes narrowed as she watched the water wielder slip down the hallway.

Riley stared at his bleeding hand watching the blood drip onto the floor as he heard Coral leave.

“Riley?” The doctor inquired as she walked toward him with a medical kit in hand. “It’s Loreen.”

Riley nodded still staring at his hand “I’m tired Loreen” he whispered not referring of exhaustion or lack of sleep. “She left me… she promised she wouldn’t. The buzzing is getting worse and I’m hearing Colt again.”

“Colt was killed by Thrane,” Loreen reminded him. “I can’t make any promises about Klaire, though. She said she’d come back. I told you that and it’s all I can give you for now.” Ushering him to sit on his bed, she grabbed the chair and pulled it over. Sitting down in the chair, she got to work on his hand. “Don’t lose hope…please, Riley.”

“I don’t know if I can” He admitted letting her work on his hand “Even if she came here Thrane wouldn’t let me go.” Tapping the back of his neck he then mimed an explosion with his hand indicating the failsafe.

“I’m working on a way to get them out,” Loreen whispered. “Remember?” She was finishing up his hand, wrapping some bandages around his palm.

“Can you promise me something?” he whispered. Can you promise you won’t leave me like this if you can’t get them out? Even if it’ll kill me take the damn thing out and let me go on my terms.”

“I’m not letting you die in here!” Loreen hissed. “Don’t talk like that. I promised I’d get you out and I will. I’ll never leave you, Riley.” She didn’t know exactly what had brought this on, but she had her suspicions and would make Coral pay for it later. That bitch needed a taste of her own medicine…

“Colt made that promise and he’s dead and Klaire made the same one and now she left with James. How do I know you won’t leave as well or get bored of me?” he asked in a tone that conveyed his desperation for some sliver of hope to hold onto. Deep inside a part of him knew that Klaire would save him once she found a way around the chip but that was drowned out by the pain and Coral’s words. Reaching up to the back of head he scratched at the scar hoping for some relief that would never come.

Grabbing his hand to stop him, Loreen met Riley’s gaze. “Have I broken a promise yet? And how can you say that about Klaire?” She inquired, tone serious. “She loves you like a brother and would do anything for you and Tzeitel. I know she and James are working hard out there to find a way back to save you and all the metas here. I just need to find a way around the chip…”

With a sigh, she glanced at her watch. “I have to head back soon…Tzeitel is going to give birth to the twins and I want to make sure she’s well cared for…”

Not that Thrane would make that easy.

Riley tried to hide his hurt when had said the words ‘like a brother.’ It was something people like Coral and Thrane would always use to break him down. Klaire would never choose him and that hurt more than the idea of being abandoned.

Focusing back on her he nodded as she checked her watch. He knew as soon as she left Coral would come back, one of the females would enter, or Thrane would have brought back to the labs for more experiments with his healing factor. “it's ok I'll be fine” he lied wanting her to stay but not wanting to be selfish. “Tzeitel needs you to watch her back through this. You should get going so you're not late.”

“You’re not fine and I’m not leaving until someone comes for me…” Loreen said as she set a hand on his uninjured one. “Riley, I…” She knew how he felt for Klaire, knew he’d been obsessed with the idea of them together, but she’d always been aware of how James and Klaire were pulled to each other like two halves a soul brought together. There was never any separating them and if they wanted to be together, Loreen would never stop them.

She just wished Riley would see what was right in front of him.

The door would open then and Thrane would glare at them. “Loreen, they’re setting the room up.” He informed her in that emotionless tone, crimson eyes on her. “I have to check on the beast…it’s time to feed him again.”

Loreen shuddered and hugged herself. That “beast” was her nephew, Nero.

“I'll be fine” he whispered not wanting her to get in trouble. He waited for Thrane to leave before giving her a hug. “Please stop by soon” he said in a tired voice.

Once Thrane left, Loreen accepted the hug and nodded. “Rest.” She told him before leaving.

Riley nodded and laid down on the bed before covering up with the blanket. Reaching into his pillow he pulled out a small candy bar and handed it her. “It's not much but I thought you might like it.” He often did things like this for her whenever he got his hands on sweets. He knew she blamed herself for the chip Thrane had her put in him.

Loreen took the candy bar and opened it, breaking it in half. Keeping her half, she returned the other half, still in its wrapper. “You deserve some too.” She said and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead before leaving.

Riley ate the other half and closed his eyes. Maybe It was just because of his exhaustion or maybe it was because of the kiss but the chip hurt as much allowing him to rest before whoever came for him next.

It would be an hour before Coral would sneak her way back into the room. The only sign of her entrance was the loud click of the door locking…

Riley winced as the door was locked. He could already feel the chip activating and making him feel weaker. Regardless he wasn't going to give up to Coral without a fight.

Coral’s power flushed from around her, water swirling as she made her way toward the bed. “Come now, sugar plum.” She cooed as she slid a hand along his shoulder. “You don’t ever complain when we’re having fuuuun.”

“Hard to when you keep my mouth shut” he growled struggling to get into a defensive position his body moving sluggishly as he swatted at her.

Her water became ropes that wrapped around his limbs and pinned poor Riley to the bed as Coral climbed atop him. Hiking up her flimsy dress, she got comfortable and leaned down, nuzzling his chest like a puppy. “Your body says otherwise!” She giggled.

Riley growled in frustration as he struggled against the restraints “Loreen already warned you about leaving me alone.”

“Loreen isn’t my boss.” Coral snapped her sharp teeth at his face. “Thrane is king of this castle and I listen to him. She’s only treated well because she keeps us all alive and well. If she disobeys dear daddy Thrane he’ll make her head go…” Using one hand she made an explosive gesture with her fingers. “Do you want me to tell Thrane she’s ordering me around? He’ll punish your precious whore…”

Riley sighed in defeat Coral knew threatening Klaire or Loreen was a surefire way to get what she wanted. “I’ll behave” he whispered. If it meant keeping the only person left in here that cared for him he’d swallow his pride.

“Such a good boy!” Coral bounced a little before she got to work - she enjoyed toying with him, riling him up, going at it for hours while using him. There were moments where she got lost in it, simply enjoyed herself, but other times she would degrade him. The water witch loved to remind him who he ‘belonged’ to now, carving little patterns into his skin with her claws.

Coral was a menace…

Riley bore her abuse trying his best to hide the pain when she would carve into his flesh or abuse him. Closing his eyes he did his best to imagine he was with someone else. Normally he would imagine he was with Klaire however this time Loreen popped into his mind instead. He imagined the two of them were on a beach at night having escaped Thrane.

Once she was done, Coral curled up next to Riley and purred, nuzzling into his neck. Trailing a finger down his chest, she giggled. “You always feel so good…”

“Glad you enjoyed it” he sighed, too weak to move and hurting all over. “you'll leave Loreen alone?”

“For now,” Coral chimed and kissed his cheek before sitting up again. “Oh, I wanted to let you know some exciting news! It’s what took me so long to come by!”

Riley froze at her excitement. He had a feeling he wasn't going to like whatever she was about to say. “What's the exciting news?” He asked nervously.

“Well, we’ve been together for some time now and I asked Thrane to give my body a stimulant. It worked!” Coral chimed as she slipped off the bed and twirled in place. Turning to face Riley, she smiled real big. “I’m pregnant! We’re gonna have a baby!”

Riley forced a smile as the color drained from his face. “That’s wonderful” he forced himself to say. “I thought we were incompatible? I guess he found a work around?”

“Thrane is a miracle worker!” Coral gushed and hopped up and down happily. “I’m gonna go get cleaned up! Toodles, sugar plum!” Spinning around, the water woman headed for the door, her dark blue hair bouncing with each step.

Once she was out of the room Riley went and threw up before crawling under his bed with the pillow and blanket. He knew there was a possibility of that he had children Thrane had an interest in his healing factor but the thought of Coral having his child was something he couldn't handle.

< Prev : Life In MegaCorp (Pt. 1)