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View character profile for: Taweret

View character profile for: Jasper Valentra
A Lovely Morning
Early in the morning Taw woke and went to check on Whisper. Whisper was quietly awake but was not crying, Taw smiled and picked her up. Since Jasper was still asleep Taw sat down in the rocker and started nursing her.
Jasper had mostly taken little naps all night, so he couldn’t help that he was in a deep sleep for once at this moment. It would be about an hour later when he woke up. With a yawn, he took notice of Taw and smiled. “Hungry?” He asked. Sometime at night someone had come and retrieved the tray, telling him they would have breakfast early and lunch around noon.
Taw had gotten Whisper back to sleep and held her baby, happily feeling content watching Jasper sleep. “I’m getting hungry.” She said.
Jasper got up and stretched, rolling the shoulder that the metal arm was attached to. “I’ll go see what they have and bring some. When we’re done eating, we can try to figure out how the shower…I think that’s what they’re called…yeah, shower. We can see how it works.” It was sad, he had no clue how to actually use a shower since he’d been washed by a hose most of his life by those in Amihan.
Taw knew how to use a shower, it had been a long time since she had taken one without someone guarding her then escorting her back to her room. She thought about showing Jasper how it worked… but balked.
Jasper tilted his head, that single eye blinking. “Are you okay, Taw?” He inquired with a hint of concern. “I can always ask one of the doctors how it works.” His face flushed a little because that would let them know how uneducated he was.
“Yes.” Taw blushed. “I know how showers work. Just…” She was not ready for that level of intimacy.
“Oh, you don't have to get undressed or anything!” Jasper gasped with his own blush. “Just show me what all the knobs are for and I can do the rest on my own.” He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Besides, they would have to give Whisper baths eventually, right?
“Yeah.” Taw agreed, trying to get over her blushing.
Jasper cleared his throat. “I'll go get food.” He said and slipped out of the room, face still flushed. Some women walking by with their own babies giggle, commenting how adorable Jasper’s blush was.
Taw fussed over her baby, slowly recovering from the embarrassment.
Jasper would return a little faster than last time with food for them both. “I actually remembered how to get back this time.” He said proudly.
“Great.” Taw said, a smile escaping her. She was always happy to see him.
Setting the tray down, Jasper smiled at Taw and looked over the food. “You choose what you want first.” He offered, wanting to be polite, as always.
Taw helped herself since she was still eating for two. After picking out some food she gestured to Jasper to eat too, her mouth full.
Jasper smiled, happy to see Taw with a healthy appetite. He gladly ate some of the food, having to try some and ask exactly what they were. It was going to be a fascinating journey of new things for them both.
Which was when Whisper woke up and started to cry.
Jasper set what he was eating back down and went to check on Whisper for Taw. He was gentle when he picked her up. “What's wrong?” He asked, checking for a dirty diaper first. If it wasn't that, she might be hungry or just in need of Taw.
Whisper was hungry. She turned to Jasper’s chest, which obviously would not do much for her as far as food.
Jasper let out a small laugh and brought Whisper over to Taw. “Someone is hungry.”