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View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward

View character profile for: Skorn
Boy Meets Girl (Pt. 2)
“Little boy, my eyes are up here.” Gelf said in a serious tone as she and Sorley stepped up to the counter. “It’s rude to stare at my breasts like that.”
The teenager momentarily looked away and pulled down his visor. When he turned back to Gelf it was even more obvious where his eyes were. “Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get you?”
The manager came over from the back, he looked at Sorley and Gelf, after he looked Gelf up and down like a tree he smiled and walked over to the guy who was shaking out the fresh French fries. “Looks like Sorley bought himself a hooker with his paycheck. Check her out.” The manager whispered.
Sorley grew increasingly angry. Every liquid in the place became unnaturally still as he protectively put himself in front of Gelf. When the manager whispered to the fry guy that was it. How dare they?! Sorley leaped over the counter, knocking the cash register painfully onto the teenager. Sorley charged over the groaning teenager to punch his manager in the face.
But, shockingly, Gelf was already there. Her boot clad foot slammed hard into the manager’s face as she spun in the air to kick him. “You’ll be lucky if a hooker even gives a jerk like you a chance, old fart!” She yelled with a smirk as she landed on her feet. Turning to the fry guy, she lashed out with a hand, her sharp nails cutting across his face.
What no one knew was that all the cameras no longer worked…Gelf was no fool.
She shoved the manager toward Sorley to let him at the bastard.
Sorley was startled by Gelf suddenly being there, but didn't miss the chance to knock out his manager with one punch.
Fry guy screamed. He instinctively grabbed the handle of the fry basket, swinging it and hot oil at Gelf. Sorley saw what was happening and threw himself in the way, t-shirt singing and his arms blistered instantly where the hot oil hit him. He yelled but barely felt the pain, he was too angry at the guy for trying to hurt Gelf to care about getting hurt. His fists flew.
Grabbing Sorley by the collar of his shirt, Gelf pulled hard and sent him away from the oil. Most of it still hit him and he’d need serious medical attention, but at least she got him away from the fry guy. Her own rage fueled now, she teleported and appeared behind the man, slamming her knee up and between his legs hard to send him falling to the floor in pain.
Grabbing another basket full of oil, she flung it down onto the man. “Serves you all right…” She growled, thankful she’d chosen to wear gloves today.
Quickly going to Sorley, she grabbed onto him. “Hold on, cutie.” She told him with a forced smile, worry in her eyes over his current state. Keeping her grip on him, she teleported them both out of there and to the nearest hospital around. They would appear just outside around the side of the building where no one would see.
“Can ya walk?” She asked.
Sorley was dizzy from the teleport and leaned against the wall. But he remained upright. “I can walk - no.” He groaned when he recognized where they were. “Hospitals are too dangerous for people like us… I should go home. Kiana has a first aid kit.” Sorley pulled off his shirt. The burns were not as severe where the shirt protected him, but still stung. His torso had some bruises from fighting and old scars from his childhood, but he was not bad looking.
Gelf was thankful for the shadow and the night time because her face heated up at the sight of Sorley without his shirt. She did not miss the scars, though, which concerned her. “I can take you there, but I know someone at this hospital that won’t rat us out.” She explained softly, worry in her voice. “Those are oil burns. You can’t risk infection.”
“We're metas.” Sorley whispered. “There are too many people willing to turn us in, even other patients. It's safer at home.” then he added quickly. “My sister will be there, I won't try anything.”
“What do you mean you won’t try anything?” Gelf was confused by this statement. “Well, whatever. Got an address? I can teleport us to it.”
“I won't try to take advantage of you - I won't take advantage of you!” Sorley blushed and wanted to hide. But he told Gelf his address.
“I never thought you would, but okay…” Gelf shrugged and envisioned the road the address was on. She teleported them, pulling Sorley close as she did so. They popped up right at the front door.
“I-uh-” Sorley was not sure if he might have hurt Gelf’s feelings. “You’re safe with me.” He hoped she felt safe with him. He liked how it felt to be held close by her. He blushed and remembered what they were doing. He reluctantly stepped away from her to unlock the door to the building and walked up a flight of stairs to the apartment he shared with Kiana. There was an unreliable elevator, Sorley had heard of how women feared getting trapped in elevators with strange men so he did not even suggest trying it.
When Sorley unlocked the door to his apartment Kiana was sitting on the couch in the living room. The redhead was in a pair of cut off jeans and tank top, she was barefoot and in the process of painting her last toenail. She looked up at the shirtless Sorley and the pink haired girl with some startlement. “Oh, wow, Sorley! I didn’t think you were the type to just… Uh-” Kiana glanced at her wet toenails. “Uh, give me ten minutes. Oh! If you could get me the hair dryer from the bathroom I can clear the place in three minutes!” Kiana looked at the pink haired girl Please don’t start fucking my brother until I’m out of earshot, as much as he needs it! Kiana looked back at her brother and noticed the blisters on his arms. “Oh shit! Whath the fuck happened to you?!” Kiana realized that Sorley was not bringing a girl home he was hurt and the girl was helping him.
“I’m not here to fuck anyone,” Gelf almost snarled, having heard the thoughts due to her cat genetics. “As for what happened, an asshole threw oil at us while we were trying to order some food and this sweet man saved my ass, so I brought him here to get medical help. Where’s the medical kit?” She wasn’t going to give two shits about the way the apartment looked. All the pinkette wanted to do was help Sorley.
Kiana blinked, confused how the girl seemed to understand her. She pointed towards the bathroom.
Sorley’s blush returned at ‘sweet man’ and the mention of Gelf’s ass. He went to the bathroom for the first aid kit. He turned on the cold water in the sink and used his power to run the cold water over the burns. He sprayed more cold water on his red face. The water neatly streamed down the drain after being used.
Gelf followed and found the first aid kit. Closing the toilet lid, she set the kit aside and opened it. “Sit down and I’ll tend to the burns,” She spoke in a calm tone, finally tossing off her hat to reveal the cat ears. “Might as well let you see them since you know I’m a meta.” She offered him a kind smile.
Sorley looked at the cat ears, thinking they were very cute. He could feel himself smiling in return. “I’m a meta too.” He stopped running water over his burns to form a sort of water bouquet.
Kiana stared at her toes, wondering if it was worth ruining the polish to follow her brother and the girl. She wanted to know what was going on.
Gelf looked at the bouquet of water flowers and smiled. “That’s a really cool ability you’ve got.” She told him as she coaxed him into sitting down so she could get to work on the burns. “Pretty lucky you have it, too. The burns would be worse and you would require the hospital if not.” Her hands were gentle, careful not to harm him as she applied the burn cream.
Sorley was not used to being touched gently like this. He did not know how to hold himself or if he should be making eye contact, instead he gazed awkwardly into the first aid kit. Not that he did not like Gelf touching him. Despite the worst of the burns stinging, her touch was actually… pleasant. The blush returned.
Kiana hobbled over to the bathroom on her heels, painted toes pointed at the ceiling. She was about to freak out about the water bouquet, Sorley used his powers in front of this woman, but then she noticed the girl’s cat ears. Oh, shit. She’s meta.
Tail flicking, Gelf looked up at Kiana. “Yeah, kinda obvious with these things poking out of my head, eh?” She inquired and twitched her cat ears before finding some gauze to wrap around Sorley’s injured chest. “I added a cream for the burns, but what I think Sorley really needs is an antibiotic. I know someone that might be able to help, but I gotta make a call first.”
“Oh.” Kiana said.
“Are… are you hungry?” Sorley shyly asked Gelf.
“Yeah,” Gelf said with a kind smile. “Got a phone I can borrow? I’ll order something for us and call my friend.”
Sorley took his cell from his pocket, unlocking it. “I can cook you something.” He said, handing Gelf his phone.
Aw, you’re both so fucking cute! Kiana smiled.
“I don’t want to impose.” Gelf said as she took the phone. “You already protected me at that terrible place. Let me repay you.” That was when she heard Kiana’s thoughts and glanced toward the other woman, blinking. “Huh?”
Shaking off the curiosity, she typed in a number and got an answer. “Hey, D. Yeah, think ya can set up a meet-up for me? I need some antibiotics for burns…” Gelf explained to a woman over the phone that had answered. “Yeah, that’s fine. I can meet up with Skorn. He’s always reliable…that old phone booth should be fine. I know the one, I think. Passed it the other day. Yeah. Sounds good. Bye!”
After hanging up, she looked at Sorley and Kiana. “I’m gonna meet up with someone in an hour to get those antibiotics. Either of you wanna come with?”