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View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward

View character profile for: Skorn
Boy Meets Girl (Pt. 3)
“It’s not an imposition, you don’t owe me anything. I owe you for almost hitting you.” Sorley blushed. He thought he could have done a better job at protecting her too. “I can come.”
Kiana was not missing how Sorley was- or wasn’t- looking at Gelf. I don’t want to be a cock blocker. she thought, looking at her phone. “I have somewhere else to be…”
“You both can come along.” Gelf said, now glaring at Kiana. “I’m not some whore, you know. I just met him and I don’t give it away to just anyone, got it? Stop assuming things.” Handing the phone back to Sorley, she stepped out of the room and headed for the front door. “On second thought, I’ll just go pick up the medicine on my own. It’ll be faster.”
Sorley was confused by the interaction between Gelf and Kiana - what was Kiana doing?
“I didn't mean it like that!” Kiana sputtered. You can't build much of a relationship with a guy when his sister is in the way. Besides I have a hot guy less than a quarter mile away - get out of my head!
“I'll go with you…” Sorley said, wanting to be with Gelf.
Gelf rolled her eyes and literally teleported across the room. “I'm not in your head. Your thoughts are projecting to all animals around. At least that's what I'm understanding from what the local cats are yowling about downstairs.” She gestured to the level below them. “They also keep saying their owner is a grouch and doesn't like the smell of their urine, but that's her issue.”
“The cats are always complaining about that bitch. She doesn't clean their boxes enough.” Kiana frowned. “I should be able to get into your head.”
Sorley uncomfortably went to get a shirt.
“I'm not completely animal, so maybe that's why?” Gelf shrugged.
Obviously not considering that you haven’t taken Sorley to his room yet. Oh fuck, don’t listen to that. Kiana thought. “Try thinking something, at me.”
Sorley returned wearing a well-fitted green t-shirt.
“I’m not here for that, damn it!” Gelf seethed with a hiss as her ears fell back in irritation. She attempted to think of her need to meet up with Skorn for the medicine, wondering if Kiana would hear it. Skorn is patient, but if he suspects something is wrong he’ll come looking for me out of concern.
No judgment if you were. Is Skorn the jealous type? Will he beat up Sorley? Kiana wondered.
Sorley awkwardly wondered what was going on. He offered Gelf a granola bar.
Skorn isn’t my boyfriend! He’s just a fellow friend from The Underground! Gelf balked back mentally. The guy is single as far as I’m aware and I have no interest in him. He blue eyes went to Sorley for a moment. “I need to get going. This is a time sensitive situation.” She said out loud.
“There really is an Underground?” Kiana was surprised.
Sorley continued to hold the granola bar out to Gelf. “Can I go with you?”
“Yes, there is,” Gelf said as she looked at the granola bar and finally took it. Hiding it in a pocket of her jacket, she offered her hand to Sorley. “You want to come with us? I’m sure Skorn can introduce you both to Delilah and the underground.”
Sorley blushed as he gently took Gelf's hand. He liked how it felt in his own hand.
“I kinda have other plans…” Kiana said.
“Your loss,” Gelf said with a shrug as she held Sorley’s hand and teleported away with him.
Left Behind, Kiana wondered if she had made a mistake.
Appearing at the spot, Gelf turned toward the phone booth and waved at a man with a familiar mohawk. “Skorn!” She called.
He waved back calmly and dropped his cigarette, stomping it out. “Hey, pinky.” He said as he walked over and held out the case with the medicine. “Who’s this?”
“The sweet man that defended my honor.” Gelf said with a sweet smile toward Sorley. “Sorley, this is Skorn. He’s part of the Underground and very loyal to the society. Skorn, this is Sorley.”
Sorley smiled at what Gelf said, and blushed beet red. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Skorn said, holding out his hand politely to shake.
Sorley was very reluctant to let go of Gelf’s hand, but did not want to be rude. He let her hand go and gave Skorn a firm handshake.
Skorn seemed a bit impressed. “Well, since I got you guys the meds, I should probably get going. Delilah might need me to do something.” He explained.
Gelf looked at Sorley. “Any questions or do you just want to go back?” She asked.
Sorley shrugged, not wanting this to end. “Do you want to get something to eat?”
Gelf shrugged as she nibbled the snack Sorley had given her earlier.
Skorn tilted his head. “I could eat, I guess.” He said, but was unsure if that was an actual invitation. “I can let you two go eat alone, though. I can always get something on my own.”
“No, you can come with us.” Gelf replied, still a little careful. She obviously liked Sorley, but she wanted to be cautious with him.
Sorley would have liked to be alone with Gelf, but understood why she would want another person with whom she trusted to keep her safe. They had only just met, he was practically a stranger to Gelf. Sorley felt guilty for feeling attracted to her. She was too good for him. She probably already had a boyfriend. Perfect woman like that could have all the guys she wanted. “Where to?” He asked Gelf.
“We can eat there!” Gelf pointed at a nearby McDonald's that was not the one Sorely worked at and pulled him along. She had her hat back on and her tail was hidden beneath her hoodie, so she was safe.
Skorn merely followed calmly.
Sorley still thought Gelf deserved much better than McDonald's, but it was what she wanted and having her hold his hand was the best feeling in the world so he let her lead him into the fast food joint, fishing his wallet from his pocket.
Skorn looked over the menu with them and made his order, quickly paying for it before going to wait.
Gelf smiled and looked at Sorley. “You don’t need to pay for me, silly.”
“I want to.” Sorley blushed. “I owe you.”
“You defended my honor, Sorley.” Gelf replied with a light blush of her own. “But since you're so determined I won't argue anymore.” Smiling, she took her order, which was shockingly more than what most girls got that were as tiny as her.
Sorley would have happily ordered the entire menu for Gelf. He even added a few pies to the order before giving his own order and paying. It almost felt like a date, even though Gelf was too good for him.
Once they had all their food, Gelf found a corner table and made sure to sit next to Sorley. “How are things, Skorn? Find yourself a wife yet?”
“Answer is same as last time. No.” Skorn said with a shrug. “Just can't seem to find the right woman.”
“They all just want the knife between your legs.” She teased.
Sorley blushed and stared hard at his fillet o-fish.
“Think your sister would like him?” Gelf asked Sorley. It would be payback for the earlier assumptions. Besides, Skorn was known for being good in bed.
“I don't know.” Sorley admitted awkwardly. Kiana seemed to prefer hookups over any kind of relationship.