A Bit Of Hazing

Vroo knew there was nothing more she could contribute and she knew Talerian wasn't going to be thinking about anything else. Vroo yawned real big. "I think I will turn in for the night." She started towards her office/bedroom. "Feel free to stop by tomorrow to help, talk, or...." She bit her lower lip and posed seductively when she trailed off. She shut her door.

Talerian smirked as he was now aware of her hitting on him. He felt bad for not noticing earlier, but his focus was on his sister or how to find her. B.O.B. looked at the doctor leave and then at Talerian as he said, "Master I believe that was her way of inviting you to perform a mating ritual." Talerian sighed as he replied, "I figured that out already. I am not that big of a bird brain you know." B.O.B. commented, "Well your proven track record says otherwise Master." Talerian was annoyed as he said, "Can it B.O.B.."

B.O.B. answered, "I will can it after I confirm something things Master." Talerian said, "What things?" B.O.B. said, "One, are we going to talk to the Captain about her current mission and when we can gain access to a public kiosk?" Talerian nodded as he replied, "Yeah we need to do that." B.O.B.said, "Two, do we know what our current duties are on this ship and three?" Talerian looked at B.O.B. as he paused and said, "Yeah we need to do that too, but what is three?" B.O.B. said, "Will you be accommodating the doctor in her desire to mate with you?" Talerian sighed as he replied, "I.......I don't know. Its not that I am not tempted, but I just not in the mood and she is injured as well. So I just need time to acclimate to everything going on right now." B.O.B. replied, "Understood Master. Just be careful since she seems very aggressive and might attack you in your sleep." Talerian nodded as he said, "Please lock the doors when I am sleeping. I might accidently shoot her if she breaks in."

Lisara came to check on the doctor to see if she needed anything after checking out the medbay. She saw Talerian and Bob leaving. Damn girl. You freaky. She gave Talerian and Bob a smile that said I know what you freaks were up to. "Did you have fun with the doctor?" A muffled yes could be heard from the medbay. "I guess you left her wanting. I'll come back later." The captain left for her went to her private quarters.

Talerian wanted to ask about the mission and any stops they would be making and what his duties might be but the Captain didn't let him get a word in edgewise. After she left in a hurry Talerian and B.O.B. looked at each other as B.O.B. asked, "Should I talk to the ships computer for some answers Master?" Talerian shrugged as he answered, "You can try it but I am not holding my breath. I think I joined a crazy crew by chance." B.O.B. replied, "Perhaps Master but you also found a clue about who may have your sister." Talerian nodded as he took comfort in B.O.B.'s logic. Talerian then went to his room to rest as B.O.B. went to talk to the ship's computer to ask about their current mission in detail.

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