Mamma Said Mamma Said

After Talerian made his way to his room, B.O.B. made his way to the bridge to find the ship's computer. It took a bit of time to get the layout of the ship and he managed to avoid being spotted by the dwarf mechanic with anger issues. After doubling back and finding the mess hall, crews quarters and hanger, B.O.B. eventually found the bridge.

There he looked a round till he heard a rather stern voice, "What are you doing on my bridge?" B.O.B. looked a round till he saw the female face on the screen. Then he replied, "Are you the ship's computer?" The female image looked sternly down on B.O.B. before replying, "Yes......why do you ask?" B.O.B. then asked, "I am registered as B.O.B. and my Master, Talerian Maxx and I are new to the ship's crew and had a few questions but the Captain was to busy to provide any answers." The female image glared at B.O.B. then said, "I see........ I was not aware we hired a sanitation robot. Make this quick I am busy as you can see." B.O.B. replied, "I have been repurposed as a maintenance robot and counter part to Master Talerian."

The female image then furrowed her eyebrow at B.O.B. and asked, "Make this quick I am bust as you can see." B.O.B. replied, "Indeed..... Uhhhh how do I address you?" The female sighed as she answered, "Call me Mamma." B.O.B. replied, "Very well then. Mamma would you by chance know the details of our current mission, ETA and destination? As well as out current duties on this ship?"

Mamma stared at B.O.B. with a blank stare and then broke the silence as she answered, "We are in route to make a delivery to Osiris 6, which is a space station. The cargo information is on a need to know basis and you do not need to know. As for the ETA I estimate it will take two three days till we reach Osiris 6. As for your will be assigned to sanitation and minor repairs on the ship and your Master? What does your Master do?"

B.O.B. replied, "He is a Hawkman trained as a military sniper." Mamma paused then replied, "Then he will serve as both a mercenary and ship gunner as well as a labor force during downtime." B.O.B. paused then replied, "Very well then. I thank you for your time Mamma and will be retiring now." Mamma then said, "Hmmmmph." B.O.B. left the bridge and made his way to Talerian's room where he locked the door and powered down to recharge.


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