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View character profile for: Talerian Maxx aka Dead Eye

View character profile for: Vvvrrrroooooooeeeeeeee

View character profile for: BOB

View character profile for: Piya Perya the Unyielding

View character profile for: Lisara Sunsworn
Interview with a Vampire
Posted byPosted: Sep 11, 2024, 9:33pm
Planet Kisurra:
Talerian met B.O.B. outside of the bar and tried to figure out his next move. B.O.B. tried talking to the nearby Kiosk in hopes of new useful information. Talerian was trying to maintain his cool as he was thinking of his next course of action. He needed to find a job that could help him travel while searching for clues on his sister's whereabouts. Then B.O.B. chimed in, "Master I have found a few job offers that may be of interest to you." Talerian replied, "You did huh? What did ya find?" B.O.B. replied, "There is a bounty on the notorious Dagon Drake for a rather long list of crimes." Talerian replied, "Naah to time consuming and that guy is just bad news. I heard he used bombs to kill civilians to escape. What else?" B.O.B. replied, "There is also a list of merchants looking for mercenaries to guard them from pirates on long shipping trips. Talerian replied, "No go on that one since its to long and will delay my search. What else ya find?" B.O.B. then said, "Well the crew of the Big Mamma is looking for crew hands. Talerian was curious as he looked that kiosk and saw the ship on the screen.
Talerian pondered a bit as he looked at the size of the ship called the Big Mamma and saw it could carry his hawkman ship since he was not about to part with it. He figured he could still earn some money while saving credits on fuel and if they moved around a lot he could seek out clues on the way. So he had B.O.B. sign him up for an interview and found where to go to meet the Captain.
Talerian and B.O.B. then left to find the port where the Big Mamma was located in.
After a bit of walking they found the rather large freighter. After looking around B.O.B. said there was someone in the open cargo bay they could talk to. Talerian and B.O.B. then entered the cargo bay door and saw a female (Vroo) moving crates in the cargo bay of the Big Mamma. Talerian then spoke up, "Uh hey are you still hiring a crew?"