Highways to Heaven or Hell . #4

The bike's high performance engine sent a powerful thrum through her body as she leaned close. The wind wailing past the shallow wind shield, protecting her eyes. Maybe, just maybe, she aught to invest in some decent shades. Oh, she had a few at her apartment but Cara hadn't thought to bring along a pair.

The pavement was dry for a change. Early Seattle in the spring was notorious for the rain squalls coming inland from the ocean. The divided line's on either side of her turned into a solid blur and she hadn't even reached the top speeds. The wind whipped her tightly braded hair, occasionally snapping across her back.

Her father was always on her to where a helmet, claiming that he worried whenever she took a drive. A nagging corner of her mind knew he was right, that going without the helmet was a foolish thing to do, but in her current mood, the larger part of her being didn't care. Not in an Orc's eye. Besides, it was nearly midnight and there were more dangerous things to worry about out here, alone and at night.

Cara's attention was split between the open highway ahead where a few taillights could be seen, and the half dozen lights approaching from behind. Lights that appeared to be closing...

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