Fun in the bar ... Part Two

"Oh, but I think I know your supervisor, tall gal, brown eyes, oh, oh, what was her name," the Redhead gushed, pressing closer to the Fuchi Salaryman, a short, soft looking desk jockey. Based upon his attire, probably lower - upper number cruncher or some such. "Janit? Yeah, I think that was her name."

The Corp man gave the girl a hesitant look before nodding, "She's head of our department. Really, ah, dedicated." Even as he spoke the human downed half of the mixed drink he'd just ordered, his eyes roaming freely over the Redhead, assessing her.

"A real tool, she is," laughed the Redhead, drawing a slight grin from the Salaryman. "She was here a couple of weeks ago. Got pretty lit, but before any real fun could start her minder's escorted her out."

"Mind - oh, probably her Personal Protectors. One has to be careful, you know," the Salaryman's voice dropped a bit, his eyes doing an exaggerated sweep of the crowd. They briefly met Elly's but there was no interest in them; all the man's interest was now focused on the Redhead beside him. "Specially in our line of work, you know."

Eyes wide, the girl bites her black painted lips and leans closer to the Fuchi tool conspiratorially. "Oh?? What sort of - oh" - she tittered; clearly a well practiced tone meant to cause others to dismiss her as a ditz - "oh, I shouldn't have asked."

A feral grin crosses the man's lips as he nods sagely and winks at his companion who was busy chatting with a pair of short, green haired girls standing next to the bar. Fuchi turned his full attention back to the Redhead.

So, do you have a name? and what are you drinking?"


Not far away a table filled with Dwarves had started a boisterous drinking song, drawing mixed glances and stares from the tables around them. Off towards the entrance the club's two muscled bouncers were having a quiet, intense conversation with a half-orc who was clearly overly armed for their tastes. At the other end of the curving bar, a very attractive barista was putting on a show, flipping bottles as she mixed drinks for two Exec's and their entourage. Elly wasn't sure which Corp they belonged too, but Corps always oozed a certain aura.

Beyond the Redhead and the Fuchi tool could see the entrance to the kitchen. Servers and busboys at work. Several looked back, deeper into the back of the house where something was going on, then stepped aside as a slender Elf with fire red hair making her way towards the front. Dressed in form fitting black, expensive leather trimmed in red, she paused in front of a mirror to work her windblown ponytail into something less wild. The tip of her ponytail brushed against the swell of her backside as if it had a will of it's own. The club's night manager swept up, bowed slightly and said something. She barley glanced at him, said one word and cocked her head in a manner that was both a challenge and a question.

< Prev : Fun in the bar Next > : Biz is Biz, usually, anyway