Pictures of The Sisters
Mar 24, 2024, 10:28pm
Halliwell Manor - Basement
JP with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy
Agent Powers was in awe by what he just saw. He had his mouth open and a blank look on his face. He was not sure what he jus ...
Spell Ingredient Shopping and Hitting the Books
Mar 24, 2024, 8:58pm
San Francisco, USF, Turner Kramer’s Dorm, Afternoon After Kramer’s Death
Lumina had been mildly infuriated when Corinth stamped out his cigarette into the carpet. Not only was ...
Back to the Book
Mar 24, 2024, 6:29pm
Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco, CA
Eun-Ji returned to the Book of Shadows, determined to delve deeper into its secrets despite the commotion echoing from downstairs. Ignorin ...
The Shade Unbound
Mar 24, 2024, 12:22am
JP with Sung, Moon and Sartre
Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco, CA
"You dont have to collaborate, though you can look for papers can't you miss Eun Ji? and what is b ...
Crime Scene 3 - part 2
Mar 23, 2024, 10:15pm
He noticed a piece of paper on the center of the man's chest.
He put on a pair of plastic gloves and picked it up with a tweezer.
On a blind piece of paper torn from a notebook, where ...
Crime Scene 3
Mar 23, 2024, 10:14pm
"I will leave you all to investigate this crime scene, let's act like we are on our best behavior and that the Council of Venice is standing right here watching over the factions to prevent ...
After The Vision
Mar 23, 2024, 10:13pm
JP with Trustno1, Jaxx, mdman and Cindy
The agents were able to withstand what had happened with the book, though they were all taken aback. Sartre ran in after hearing the commotion. Som ...
The Vision
Mar 23, 2024, 10:11pm
Written by: Trustno1
As the end rite is opened, a powerful purple light emanates through the room. Those surrounding the book, braced themselves as hard as they could. They would be able ...
Curiouser and Curiouser
Mar 23, 2024, 8:15pm
JP with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy
“Why would that book be out in the stand instead of in one of the tubs?” Choi asked Alyssa.
Alyssa looked around, to see if she spotted anything else ...
Shedding Light
Mar 23, 2024, 8:12pm
Jp with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy
"No problem," Alyssa half-shrugged. It wasn't often she got to use her only power, there wasn't much use for it in her van.
"Well, I'm glad he's on o ...
Basement Introductions
Mar 23, 2024, 8:10pm
Jp with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy
Agent Powers was not too keen on standing around a bunch of intimidating Dragons so he nodded and replied, “Lead the way.” He would rather follow Alyssa ...
Combing the Attic
Mar 23, 2024, 8:08pm
JP with Peter, Eun-Ji and Sung
Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco
Eun-Ji called across the room to Master Sung, explaining what David had sent her. She went over to ta ...
David’s Research for the Win
Mar 23, 2024, 6:20pm
Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco
Eun-Ji continued her recording, utilizing the video feature as she moved about the room. Then she took individual photos of anything that requ ...