Chip Talk

JP with Trustno1, Jaxx and Cindy

Peter said into the chip. "Alyssa, you can use my hotel room for a shower. I will also buy your dinner. Would you prefer a full dinner or just snacks? If so, what would you like?”

"Thanks. I would appreciate the shower." Alyssa responded. "A full dinner but we can do delivery. I'm not in the mood to go anywhere. Anything is fine. Maybe Chinese or pizza?”

"We can do delivery. You pick what kind. and wechat about tech!”

"Ok," Alyssa agreed.

They discussed in the van, on the way to the hotel about dinner and Alyssa insisted on paying for the next meal.

Sartre continued into the chip, "Meal after the next, I pay for from then on. And I take you shopping,”

"We'll discuss it later.” Alyssa refused to not be independent and he was perhaps unintentionally but still pushing her a little too much.

"Whenever works best for you. White Hat Alyssa. I sense fire under that pale but surely attractive exterior.” Peter said as they were pulling into the hotel

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