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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Standing In the Shower Thinking
Posted byPosted: Mar 26, 2024, 9:48pm
Agent Powers had his backpack in tow on his shoulder as he followed Alyssa and Peter to his room. He felt a bit out of place as Peter was paying a lot of attention to Alyssa. Agent Powers was still feeling out of place when he was not fighting bad guys and being the third wheel with his teammates. So as he thanked Alyssa and Peters he entered his room and locked the door properly before he walked around the room and checked it out to make sure it was clean of problem.
He sighed before he went to the bathroom and stepped into the bathtub before he put his hand on the bathroom wall and grunted. He looked to be in pain as his body began to bubble and turn into pink slime. Eventually the muscular man was reduced to a large pile of pink slime jiggling in the tub. Then suddenly two hands popped out of the slime and desperately clawed free from the slime. A teen boy named Max was now in his street clothes covered in pink slime and breathing hard. As he was calming down the slime began to vibrate and turn into a gas as it evaporated away.
Eventually there was no trace of the slime on Max or on his clothing. At this point he stripped and took a long hot shower as he thought about his messed up day. Max was standing in the shower thinking about what makes a man an outlaw or a leader. Is it because they are thinking about power and the ways a man can use it or be destroyed by it? The water hit his neck and he was thinking to himself. Then as he was standing in the shower thinking he thought about the man named Peters, he didn't know not liking him. Did he not like the place Max was headed from? Was it a place he was headed to? Max knew Peter could beat him to it if he would, but would he do it? Peters reminded him of the other male adults his father talked to back home.
He was embarrassed how he behaved in front of the others and wasn't sure what to say or do when he saw the others. He was caught singing and dancing during a dangerous situation. He was having a hard time following the conversation of the others and he ended up getting ignored by Peters. As he looked down he saw the black lacy skimpy women's undies floating in the water by his feet. He forgot they were in his slime made clothing. When he turned into Agent Powers his slime also turned into clothing. if it ever got damaged it would fix itself unless he lost to much stamina.
He sighed as he picked the undies up and squeezed them dry before hanging them on the towel hook. As the piping hot water beat upon his neck his mind began to wander off. He recalled the images of the three female witches and wondered who's panties he had stolen? To a teenage boy the three women looked very pretty and were wearing skimpy clothing in the photos he saw in the album. He felt awkward that he was not good at dealing with girls outside of work. Once he was done with his bath he dried off and got dressed before passing out on his bed. He was tired, hungry and mentally worn out. He hoped Alyssa would wake him up for dinner.