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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Discovering The Other Side of Max
JP with Trustno1 and Cindy
Alyssa emerged from the bathroom after her shower in clean jeans and a blue shirt with a sunflower in the middle of it. Sticking in the back of her mind that she probably should do laundry again soon.
When she saw Peter, she gave him a tired smile, it had been a long day. She noticed the food had been delivered. The smell of oregano hit her nose first causing her stomach to rumble a little. Her fault living on caffeine, a taco and a bag of chips all day. "That smells great."
As promised she texted Max but he didn't respond, then she called still nothing. "I should go check on Max." The boy probably needed food more than the rest of them.
The TV was showing old UFC reruns from 2008. Sartre had pulled out the extra bed from the couch and was in a t- shirt with a "1" on it and relaxing pants. Good idea Agent Wilson, the pizza will be warm when you get back. He still had the other delivery outside, "Good idea checking on Max, the full bed over there is all yours Alyssa.”
After she left, Sartre placed his Pendant on the nightstand and tried to relax. He was going to try something he only occasionally used. "An intelligent but paranoid yet cautious Lumie Girl. "Dare I say Conservative?" He saw the haze as he entered into his profiling state. The haze would recede into the flashes
It succeeded. Afterward he went outside and retrieved the purple wrist talisman from the package. He left it on Alyssa's bed. With a note. Like Martial Arts, this is a strength and confidence builder. It increases your defense.
In her chip: If I'm bothering you, just let me know. I'm sure you built your confidence by destroying enemies in those online games. You probably had the best gear in record time! On top of all the leaderboards. You are strong Alyssa.
Alyssa went to Max's room and knocked, nothing. Alright to be honest she might have been slightly concerned at this point. She didn't know what happened when he transformed.
Well, simple enough pulling out her phone, she pulled up the electronic key to his room, opening the door. "Max, " Alyssa called out.
The computer hacker heard the chip but didnt respond, because to her not at all surprise, she found Max asleep, probably more like passed out on his bed. Into the chip she said, "He's asleep. Can you bring over his pizzas?" There was a full sized fridge in Max's suite. They could leave them there.
He brought the Pizza over to Max's room. Letting him sleep, as he placed his pizza in the Fridge. His Eye noticed something. "The Hell, Did this guy err kid or kid err guy steal one of The Halliwell's lingerie." I'm going to have to tell Geary." She would probably think it was funny......... " I told you someone was going to steal something from there Agent Wilson.”
"Even I," said Sartre. He used "Agent Wilson" to reassure her. "Enough about these three sisters today. Lets go eat pizza and talk about video games Alyssa." he said. This was a New Secret World.
Alyssa couldn't help but breath a laugh about the underwear, that she might have never noticed if Peter hadn't pointed them out. "Well, leave it to an 18 year old to steal underwear."
She nodded to going back and eating food. Alyssa made her way back to Peter's room with Peter and inside.