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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Hacking 101
JP with Trustno1, Jaxx and Cindy
Alyssa's van - near the Halliwell house
Sartre went with the Illuminati agents, he tossed Eun Ji, her orb in passing.
Agent Powers was glad he was not responsible for the mess, at least not this time. He replied, “Yeah I think I am fine.” He then took the orb that was given to him and held onto it for now. He listened to the others talk before Alyssa asked him to follow her. He replied, “Sure I’ll be right there.” He picked up the photo album and followed Alyssa out. However as he was going up the stairs he noticed something on his shoe. He leaned forward to remove it and as he pulled it up he was shocked to see a very skimpy, lacy pair of black ladies underwear. At first Agent Powers was shocked but as he heard the footsteps of the others he panicked and stuffed them into his pocket. Sadly he realized he was now stuck with them for now. He was feeling nervous and guilty as he followed Alyssa to the van. At this point he almost forgot what time it was.
As they approached the van, he said, "Lets see your technology setup!”
"Sure," Alyssa opened the back door to the van. "My castle, as it was."
Inside the van a blue glow emitted from the multiple screens. Information appeared at speeds which was hard to keep up with. Multiple keyboards sat out. About five monitors were obviously monitoring different street cameras. One pointed at the Halliwell house. She sat down at one modular, turned on the only computer that didn't seem to be doing anything and started typing. After a minute or so, looked back at Peter. "Clean up crew is on its way." She then pulled her cell phone out of a zipped up pocket on her hoodie, and casually placed it next to the computer. "So, what do you think?" Alyssa faintly smiled at Peter.
“You....... Err Your setup looks amazing. You look like a hacker with the hoodie, can you beat those Anonymous guys?” Peter asked.
"Yes, and I have." Alyssa responded, she was in her element so she was comfortable in the moment.
Agent Powers was nervous as he quietly listened to Alyssa and Peter talk. He was feeling nervous and awkward after the hallucination and the fact that he was hiding women’s underwear in his pocket. He would die of embarrassment if Alyssa found out. So he just kept quiet and pretended to listen.
"What does hacking consist of for someone who knows nothing about it, Agent Wilson?” Peter asked.
"In its most simple terms it's using computer skills to solve a particular problem. Usually involving breaking into computer systems. Black hats do this with malicious intent. White hats do it with full permission of the sites they are hacking into usually to find and fix security flaws. Grey hats usually don't gave permission but don't intentionally cause problems and tend to report problems as they arise." Alyssa explained. She thought Peter asking might have been for Max's benefit.
"Which kind of hat are you?” Peter inquired, “And what does this other equipment do?”
Agent Powers was confused by the conversation and began looking around the van for a colored hat. Did Alyssa really wear a hat to do her "hacking" what was the point in that? It sounded like something he would see in an anime show.
A grin crossed Alyssa's face when asked what kind of hat she was. "I suppose that depends on who you talk to. I think I fall more in the Grey area but if the Illuminati asks me to put on one of the other hats I do that as well." Alyssa went through pointing out the different equipment. "This hacks into security cameras. These are tied to the databases of the Blue. These are tied to various other databases. I use these two for hacking into databases with the more advanced security system." Alyssa then went through a few others. "My base computer," Pointing to the one she had turned on when they arrived. "And my laptop," Pointing to a laptop bag sitting in the corner. "Can log into any of the others on the van. Everything is fully encrypted making it virtually untraceable.”
Agent Powers was a bit confused by Alyssa's hat talk but he did know she was good with computers and could break into other people's computers which made her smart and important. He felt sad since all he was good at was hitting stuff. He noticed he was still holding the photo album in his hand. He then looked at Alyssa and said, "Oh I brought this for your research.", as he put the photo album on her chair.
"Thanks, Max," Alyssa nodded. "I'll look into that later."
"Oh," Alyssa seemed to be looking at something on her main screen. "The clean-up crew is almost here. I hope the Greens leave before they get there." Alyssa looked up at the camera pointed towards the house.