Ami And The Caves Of Truth

They were not truly physical creatures as they rushed through the sky. They would fly for a long period of time until they suddenly swept down and shot past the edge of the giant island that made up Converge. Spinning, they slowed down and flapped their wings before gently setting down Ami onto the cold stone of the hidden cave.

Flying was the only way in.

Standing in the cave - a tunnel, really - was a large creature that was, in structure, male. A long skeletal tail swayed from side-to-side as his head turned to gaze upon Ami with a skull that had hollows instead of eyes. Tilting his head to the side, he slowly walked over toward the teen and stopped just before her, waiting.

If she had a temper tantrum, he would wait it out.

If she didn’t want to move, he’d wait it out.

There was no rush in a place where the only escape would lead you to death…

Fear had replaced Ami's anger by then, but her stomach still hurt. She stared at the monster. She did not think she had any hope fighting the monster, especially without any weapons. It had not attacked her at least. Was it just going to stare at her forever? Standing still was not helping Ami’s cramps at all. Carefully, Ami slowly raised a hand to lightly touch the creature with her powers activated.

Ami would see blood and pain etched into the creature’s past, but there was also a man that he used to be. He had a kind smile, a daughter…but it was all fragmented, as if there were missing pieces that even the creature could not recall.

With a shockingly gentle touch, the creature took Ami’s hand and began to lead her through the long tunnels of the caves. There would be little glowing lights at intervals, making it easier for her to see. They would do this for some time, following paths and passing by more creatures that were mere shadows. Each of them watched in silence, leaning out as Ami and the creature passed.

After one final turn, they followed a long tunnel until they reached a central opening that would have a girl encased in crystal. Her eyes were closed, white hair frozen in a floating manner as if she’d been underwater before this moment.

Releasing Ami’s hand, the creature gestured to the crystal encased woman.

Ami let the creature lead her around through the caves- she did not have much choice and whatever he was he did not seem to mean any harm to her. When they reached the girl, Ami stared at the girl for a moment before activating her powers again and touching the crystal.

Ami would be swept through memory after memory of a girl with snow white hair that was forced to endure cruelty from the people around her. She hid with her father, protected by only one person. The memories would zoom in and focus on that moment where one of the men in the torn finally killed her father…

She wept and help him.

Her power broke free and took lives, ripping away at who they were, what they were and breaking a planet into a small fragment, leaving the island floating in space. Her magic kept spilling out, swirling and spreading until the island was protected by its own personal hemisphere.

All those people, all those horrible monstrous people, became the creatures known as They. Almost all of them were under her control. Her name…


Back in the real world with Ami, the crystal suddenly shattered and the young woman fell, landing in the arms of the creature that had brought Ami into the room. She would instantly recognize him as the girl’s father - her first creature, the first They.

Ami absently wiped the blood trailing from her right nostril with a sleeve, not noticing that her nose was bleeding. She took a step closer to the girl and her father. “Is Snow okay?” Ami asked.

The large creature, Snow’s father, nodded. “She…” He had to clear his throat, not accustomed to speaking. “She needs time to wake…” He explained and brushed long locks of white hair from the girl’s face. “You saw the truth. You know the one that is the true enemy.”

The one that killed her father back then, the most rebellious and monstrous of the creatures that had his own personal army, was the real enemy. Those under Snow’s guidance were more benevolent, less prone to harm.

“Heart Eater is the banished one. The real monster.” He told Ami. “You know this, though.”

A few They hopped over and gently tended to Ami, even cleaning the rest of the blood from her face. They chirped and cooed at her lovingly.

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