The Silence She Won't Tell

Colt merely sighed heavily.

As for Umbral, she looked at Riley. “Yes, but this world is not…”

Riley nodded still feeling light headed.

“Dad why don't you lay back down and let mom's medicine help you recover.” Seth said wanting to talk to Umbral by himself.

Riley nodded and walked off.

Umbral watched Riley leave and looked at Seth. “You look a lot like him.” She said with a soft smile, trying to make things more comfortable.

“you remind me of one of my moms” he replied matching her smile “he's hurting bad isn't he? I remember my dad having the same look in his eyes once. One of my mom’s River cut herself while cooking once and dad saw the blood and it was like he was reliving a nightmare. Took him awhile of mom assuring him she was fine before he calmed down. When I got my powers he made sure I understood how important it was not to mess with time.”

“And yet here you are, in a completely different time and space,” Umbral said with a soft giggle as she took a seat at the kitchen table. “Though, being here is not your fault. Even if you hadn’t been messing around with your powers you would have been brought here.”

“Try telling that to my moms, something tells me if I do get back I'm going to be grounded for a long time.” Seth chuckles rubbing the back of his head. “So you crushing on him?”

“On who?” Umbral’s face flushed.

“So that’s a yes” he chuckled “it’s nothing to be embarrassed about my dad is special like that even in different universes he catches someone’s eye and I can tell he has feelings for you too.”

“I’m a unicorn, though…” Umbral admitted softly as she fixed a crease in her skirt. “I do not age. I stopped aging so long ago. I cannot have children. I cannot express true love. I am a mythical creature that could never truly return his feelings…despite the crush as you put it.”

“That won't matter to him” Seth replied placing a hand on her shoulder “he will cherish every moment with you and as for kids. All of my siblings are half or adopted my twin brother isn't his by blood but he loves us all the same.”

“You don’t understand…once things are settled and everyone is sent out, you may never see me again. He may never see me again. We have to wait until we meet her…the one with snow hair.” Umbral explained.

“All the more reason to cherish every moment you have with him” Seth pointed out “He told me a bit about his world and how he’s the only one left. I want to teach him how to move through the multiverse so he doesn't have to be alone.You two could be together even after this.”

“Where I’ll be going no one can follow…” Umbral whispered as she looked out a window. She wasn’t going to tell anyone what would happen to her when Converge was healed. “We should get some rest.” Getting to her feet, she slipped away to her room.

Seth stopped her briefly “Just think about it at the very least for both of you” he replied before walking off to think.

< Prev : Ami And The Caves Of Truth Next > : Miscommunications