Time To Move

Piritta gently scooped Riley up and cradled him in her arms like a baby. She rocked him slightly. “Mennään.”

Riley hopped out of her arms and just started walking away.

That was when Harpy stood in Riley’s path and formed a barrier around him so he could not go any further, letting out a clicking sound. The creatures around her made clicking noises as well.

Jedidiah gently set Snow down, who looked toward Ami and Tzeitel.

Klaire sighed and glanced at the mess, keeping silent as James held her in his arms.

Nine, however, merely held his hand out to Ami. “It’s easier if you see what happened.” He told her with a kind smile. “I learned a long time it’s easier for you to understand if you see it.”

Seth guided the unresponsive Riley towards the group a worried look on his face as he kept trying to snap him out of it to no avail.

Piritta let Harpy handle Riley and turned to Klaire, a very stern look on her face.

Ami nodded and took Nine’s hand, activating her power.

Tzeitel watched Ami, wishing Frisk was there to check her over and make sure that nothing was wrong.

Colt went to Piritta and whispered some calming words in Finnish to her before he always gave Klaire a stern look. Sadly, they wouldn’t get to do this for long because the van would get in their way, stopping between them and Klaire.

Nine let Ami see all that had happened and let out a soft and soothing humming as he gently touched her head with his free hand. His foxfire would emit a healing power to keep her from suffering side effects of her power. “We should get in the van and make our way to the city. Find shelter while it’s still daylight.”

“We should all talk,” Snow said to everyone as she stepped over to Harpy and looked Riley over. “I also want to examine his mental state…”

Klaire simply got in the van and sat alone in the back, James with her. There wasn’t anything she could say to fix this.

Seth and Amit got Riley into the van towards the back so snow could check him over. “Please help him,” Seth whispered.

Altus took Shira’s hand and climbed into the van.

Ami closed her eyes, taking a moment to process the information.

Tzeitel hugged Ami and Nine to herself. She stared at the van, fighting back panic but not moving to go inside the enclosed space.

Piritta grumbled to Colt before kissing his cheek. She climbed in the van and burrowed like a mole to the back, squirming right between Klaire and James. “Halaa Tzeiteliä. Siskosi tarvitsee sinua.” Piritta told Klaire. “Sinusta on kulunut vuosia, mutta katso Tzeiteliä. Siitä on hänelle vain muutama kuukausi. Tiedät miltä hänestä tuntuu.” Piritta spoke in a low voice for the dog ears. “Jos joku täällä voi ymmärtää, miltä tuntuu elää raiskauksen jälkeen, se olet sinä.”

Klaire kept silent, glaring at Piritta before she went outside and up to Tzeitel. “We need to go.” She told her in a stern voice, not sure how to do this. As much as she wanted to hug the other woman, she couldn’t. Hell, she was still uncomfortable with just being touched now. Being alone in the forest, away from most of civilization, had fucked her up even more than she’d expected.

“Come on Ami,” Nine said softly as he took the girl from Tzeitel and got into the van with her. He glanced at the two alpha They and had so many questions as they both guarded the van for the group.

As for Snow, she sat with Riley and pressed a hand to his head. She had to step into his mind, his soul, to soothe him the best she could.

“I kn-know.” Tzeitel stuttered. Now that Ami was ‘safe’ and the fight against that monster was over Tzeitel could feel a panic attack coming on her. She forced herself to breathe like Klaire had taught her, hoping Klaire could not tell how much she wanted to drink. Maybe that was why her best friend was so distant. “I j-just-” Tzeitel was shaking. She knew that no one in the van would harm her, especially not Colt, but every time she saw him the flashbacks came. “I n-need a min-minute.” She struggled to not flare pheromones.

“They're friends.” Ami explained to Nine.

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