What's there To Do?

“He kaikki tarvitsevat saunan. Heti.” Piritta muttered to Colt.

Colt chuckled and nodded in agreement with Piritta. “We should start building one once the sun is up.” He whispered back to her.

“Joo.” Piritta whispered seriously. “Haluan aloittaa nyt.”

Tzeitel tried to control her breathing. She wanted to hit Riley really, really hard right now. But a part of her realized it would not help. Though it might be satisfying. She cracked her knuckles.

“Tzeitel, go to another room. Now.” Klaire ordered sternly, staring at her old friend. “I am not going to have any of you hitting each other right now when we’re literally in hell! GO!” She pointed toward the door where all the plants were.

Riley sighed “I'm sorry .” looking towards them both with sadden eyes “I know you want to save her but you need to understand this place isn't like anything you've dealt with.”

Altus moved over to Riley “you said they showed you things right?”

Riley nodded.

Altus looked him over “with your permission I could project your memories for the others to see.”

Tzeitel stared back at Klaire, planting her feet to the floor. “I’m not hiding in another room while Ami is missing, taken by those things.”

“If they wanted to kill her, they would have done it right there in front of us. Get in the room. Now.” Klaire ordered, getting fed up with Tzeitel’s childish behavior.

Umbral walked into the room and went over to Riley, gently setting a hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be okay.” She whispered to him soothingly.

Riley look over to Altus “show them”

Altus nodded and placed a hand on the speedster shoulder. After a moment everyone could see what Riley was shown by them.

“You know that killing isn’t the only terrible thing a monster can do.” Tzeitel’s dark eyes flashed at Klaire before turning her attention to Altus’s projection of what Riley had been shown.

Piritta hated seeing her friends fighting, it was bad enough that Tzeitel and Colt were still not getting along. The Finn got between Tzeitel and Klaire. “Riley auttaa niin paljon kuin pystyy.” Piritta told Tzeitel before turning to Klaire. “Tzeitel haluaa lyödä Rileyä, mutta hän ei lyö häntä. Et voi syyttää häntä siitä, mitä hän HALUAA tehdä. Hän halusi todella juoda katoamisesi jälkeen, mutta hän on pysynyt raittiina koko tämän ajan. Älä työnnä häntä pois. Hän ei voi lähteä ja jäädä paitsi kaikista Rileyn tiedoista, jotka ovat ottaneet hänen pikkusiskonsa.”

What Riley had seen was the same truth that Ami was now seeing.

Klaire’s eyes went wide at the sight. “What’s this mean then? And who is that thing that pulled you away from her, Riley?” There were so many questions lingering on the tip of her tongue, but she held them back. She didn’t want to overwhelm him.

Umbral gazed at the scene and a faraway look entered her eyes. “So it’s true…” She whispered.

“It means we exist outside of the multiverse” Seth explained to her “ever since I got here I’ve been trying to use my powers to get back home but they haven’t been working. Now I know why wherever we are is a one way door people can come into Converge but not out.”

Riley walked over to Umbral placing a hand on her shoulder “are you ok?” he asked in a worried tone.

Tzeitel shook her head. “If we can get here we can get back somehow.” She said, thinking of those left behind as well as her little sister.

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