Attack Pt 2

Clawed hands suddenly snatched up Ami and it would be like she was floating into the darkness.

“AMI!!!” Klaire screamed in horror and started to rush after her, but wasn't fast enough…

Riley sat there as Seth explained his universe and the family that version of Riley had. Hearing Klaire shout he rushed outside. Spying Ami in the distance he chased after her.

“AMI!” Klaire kept screaming, horror in her eyes. “No! No!” She cried out and fell over a root of one of the many trees. “GIVE HER BACK!”

Seeing Riley, the creatures hissed harshly and shot up into the sky, keeping hold of Ami the entire time.

Ami struggled and squirmed against the creature’s hold, trying to get away. She activated her powers, desperate to learn anything useful.

Hearing the screaming, Tzeitel ran outside just in time to see her little sister being carried away. “NO!” Tzeitel screamed, trying to catch up with them.

Sadly, for Ami, there would be no information to collect through the creatures as they flew off into the darkened sky…

Klaire could only gaze at the sky in horror.

Tzeitel tried chasing the creature that had Ami by foot but quickly it was too far, Tzeitel could not keep up. Tzeitel jogged back over to Klaire. She grabbed Klaire by the shoulders. “WHERE IS IT TAKING HER?” Tzeitel demanded.

Riley growled and ran up a tree before jumping between the tops as he tried to keep up. “Not again” he growled images of his friends, his family dead in his arms flashing in his mind “Never again.”

Sadly, none of them, not even Riley, could keep up…

Klaire just stared at Tzeitel, unable to answer. She had no clue where They were taking Ami.

“Tzeitel, stop it.” James interjected and pulled Klaire from her grasp. “If she knew she would tell you!”

“But she can find her.” Tzeitel went around James and looked at Klaire, scared and desperate. “Right? You know her scent, you can track her!”

Klaire stared at Tzeitel silently for a long time before slowly shaking her head. For once, she couldn’t follow where Ami was.

“She's safe Tzeitel I know where she is” Riley spoke in a weak tone as Piritta carried him. It was obvious that while his injuries were healed was looking more on the thin side.

Tzeitel stared back at Klaire, shaking her own head in denial of Klaire not being able to find Ami. Klaire could track anyone. Before Tzeitel could really start freaking out on Klaire they were interrupted by Riley. A very thin Riley. “Ami’s not safe- those things have her!” Tzeitel said. “Where is she?”

Piritta propped Riley on a hip to free up a hand to gently place it on Klaire’s shoulder.

“The same place they took me” he replied in a tired tone “get inside we have a lot to talk about.”

Klaire was thankful for Riley’s interruption and gently patted Piritta’s hand before heading inside. She wasn’t much for talking right now, but if Riley needed to do it, so be it.

Piritta carried Riley into the house and set him down at the table.

Tzeitel looked back towards where she last saw Ami, then followed the others back inside. She fidgeted with obvious anxiety.

Once inside Seth noticed how thin his ‘Dad’ looked moving quickly he grabbed a pitcher of water from the kitchen before mixing some powder with it. “Drink this mom Loreen made it. It’ll help” he replied in a nervous tone.

Nodding in thanks Riley drained it within seconds feeling some of his energy return as Seth made him a plate of food. Taking a breath we addressed the room. “Before the Blackout someone was calling out to me when I left the City THEY appeared and took me somewhere. I was shown many things about this world.”

Tzeitel paced restlessly like a caged wild animal. “How do I get Ami back?”

“They will bring her back just like they did me” Riley replied.

“I can’t just wait for They to bring Ami back!” Tzeitel snapped.

“Can you sprout wings all of a sudden” Riley replied “there's no way to get to her and that's if you knew where to go.”

“Could you all just SHUT UP?!” Klaire suddenly yelled.

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