Attack Pt 1

Seth sat there and ate his food worried about Tzeitel and Klaire as he watched them nervously.

Riley would nervously exit his room with Umbral before approaching the table to eat. Looking around he noticed Ami granted this version was older. Moving over to the next guest he looked at Seth curiously.

Tzeitel tensed up even more when Riley entered the room, afraid he was going to hug her.

“Hi Uncle Riley.” Ami said glumly, getting the last bit of food on her plate.

Riley froze his mind flashing back to happier times before memories of blood and death. “Little Tzeitel “ he whispered "you've grown up so much Ami.”

Klaire watched the scene before her ears picked up something outside. She decided to let them all talk while she stepped away and went outside to check on things.

James, the only one to notice this, followed Klaire and would help her.

Nine smiled at Riley. “Hey.” He said.

Umbral merely watched, smiling at everyone, before going over to Tzeitel and gently setting a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay? You seem unsettled…” The light that emanated from her would seep into Tzeitel and hopefully give her a sense of comfort.

Riley smiled at nine before his eyes focused on Seth feeling confused.

Seth stared back feeling nervous. He knew it wasn't his dad he was too young but also his eyes showed someone who had lost everyone and everything. “Hi I'm Seth…. I'm your son from another timeline..”

“I have a son….” Riley whispered his legs feeling wobbly.

Tzeitel shifted uncomfortably under Umbral’s hand. “ I just need to get everyone home.”

Everyone was acting weird and wrong. Unable to take it anymore, Ami jumped from the table and took off outside after Klaire and James, managing to keep from bursting into tears until she got outside.

Outside, Klaire was taking shots into the darkness. The creatures within said darkness hissed and screeched, avoiding the shots and trying to cut out the light posts around the house.

James would shoot flames toward the creatures, sending them back into the darkness. “These things just don’t quit…”

“It’s why I’m always on high alert.” Klaire replied as she took another shot, hearing a pained screech in reply. “Got one!”

Neither of them noticed Ami.

Ami composed herself as she watched Klaire and James attacking the darkness. Tzeitel’s self-destructive tendencies had upset Ami before, but she had never felt so strongly about it before. Her emotions had never been so all over the place. Sad, scared, angry… This was the first time she had ever been so angry. She was angry at Tzeitel but angry at Klaire too. She had been hoping that Klaire would help fix Tzeitel. Instead Klaire acted like Tzeitel was more than half a stranger. What was wrong with Klaire anyways? Ami watched Klaire for another moment, then let her anger get the better of her before she could think better of it. She pounced on Klaire, activating her powers as she wrapped her fingers around Klaire's bared wrist.

What Ami would see in that short time was Klaire arriving in Converge, getting assaulted by the creatures she had currently been shooting at. It had been an ugly battle where she’d had to stumble to the city after killing it, almost dying in the hospital. For the next five years she’d been facing They on her own, living out in the forest and braving the horrors of this world alone…

Klaire yelped, her gun skidding off into the darkness. “God damn it, Ami!” She screamed and shoved her off and toward the house. “What is wrong with you?!”

Ami realized that she had gone way too far the moment she had absorbed that information from Klaire. If Klaire had not thrown her off when she did, Ami would have absorbed all that she could, everything like she had done with Tzeitel that time. Ami was more afraid of herself than Klaire, Ami did not think she had ever made Klaire angry at her before. Ami was still pretty angry at Klaire. Hell, she was so angry it made her stomach hurt. Ami wiped away tears with her sleeve and dug her heels into the ground so Klaire could not push her any further.

“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you grownups? Tzeitel is hardly eating anything these days! And you! You’ve been alone for years, but when you finally get some friends here you act like this! You should be helping each other but instead you’re all being weird and stupid!”

“Ami, wait,” James tried to interject.

“I'm trying to keep everyone safe, Ami! Get back inside the house!” Klaire snapped as one of the lamps was suddenly broken. It meant less light was on the three of them. “Shit!” She suddenly didn't care if Ami saw her past. She had to get her to safety, had to get her away from the dangerous things that would take her away and harm her.

She went toward Ami just as another light was broken.

< Prev : Hei Next > : Attack Pt 2