The Letter

“Okay…” Klaire said and went to sit at the table where she would open Riley’s letter and start reading it.

Nine frowned. “No, I grew up…I’m from the future you haven’t grown up into yet. Don’t suggest such a silly thing, Ami…” Turning, he went to sit at the table with Klaire, crossing his arms.

“You haven’t gotten it, yet…not everyone is from the same time period in this world…” Colt said sullenly before going off to get a quick shower.

“Or from the same universe” Amit added.

Tzeitel slumped at the table beside Klaire. Feeling more than a little hurt, Ami sat next to Tzeitel, hugging her knees.

Seth took a seat next to Ami draping his leather jacket over her. “First time in another universe?”

Ami nodded unhappily. She did not like this universe at all so far.

“Yeah it was a lot to take in on my first trip” he admitted “ it really puts things into perspective.”

Riley’s letter

Klaire, My friend, my sister:

If you’re reading this then either I’m dead, in which case you’re obligated to name at least one of any potential future kids after me, Or my son Seth snuck off and somehow found you. In that case please smack some sense into him for making his mothers and I worry.

I miss you so much. Not a day goes by that I don’t blame myself for not being there when you and James vanished. I tried to find you even at the expense of my health at times to the anger of River, Loreen, and Anastasia.

Lotus and Leon are fine. Well, as fine as they can be. I’ve watched over them and made sure to always tell them stories about you and James to make sure they never forget you. Lotus has always been searching for you but don’t worry Nikolai has always had her back since they were little. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if by the time you come back you might call him son-in-law. Don't worry, he’s always been a gentleman to her.

I don’t know how much time has passed for you so I made sure to take as many photos of milestones of your kids. You’ll find them in the photo album in the package as well as a letter from each of your kids. As one parent to another I hope this helps.

Lastly, I ask that you keep an eye on Seth. He's just recently come into his powers. He’s a good kid but he’s like me, willing to throw himself in harm’s way to help others. Please bring him, James and yourself back to me, back to them.

Your Brother:

Klaire gazed at the letter for a long time and didn’t even realize tears were falling down her face. It had been five long years since the last time she’d cried - five years.

“Klaire…” James whispered and rubbed her back gently. He was sitting on the other side of her. “We’ll find a way back.” He hated seeing her like this.

Looking at Seth, Nine tilted his head. “So…you’ve been holding onto this stuff for a while, I assume?”

Seth nodded “dad and uncle both have a copy when my powers first started showing he entrusted me with a copy. Said us speedsters tend to end up in trouble so figured one of us would find you guys. I've been sneaking out to search when they're busy.” sitting there for a moment he stared at his trying to get it to vibrate at the right frequency before sighing. “He's probably worried sick right now.”

Tzeitel did not touch the food Kimber brought her. She reached over and gently squeezed Klaire’s arm. Her own eyes were getting misty. She was remembering how Klaire was after that surgery following a miscarriage, the losses only seemed to make Klaire want to be a mother even more. “We’ll get back.” Tzeitel promised.

Ami did not miss how Tzeitel was not eating. She picked at her own food.

Nine stared at Tzeitel and Ami. “You need to eat. We all need to eat if we want to be strong enough to find a way home.”

Wiping away her tears, Klaire nodded and slowly forced herself to eat the steak Kimber had set on her plate. She wasn’t really hungry, but she knew what her body needed. If she wanted to get back to her babies, her other friends and family, she had to be strong. She wanted to get them all home, especially Tzeitel and Ami, who didn’t belong in this hell. They’d been through enough in her mind.

Seth focused on his vibrating hand before giving up and sighing as he sat down to eat.

Klaire looked at Seth with stern eyes suddenly. “You, young man, are in big trouble! When we get back I am telling Riley, River, Anastasia and Loreen about what you’ve done!” She said sternly.

“I'm really not hungry.” Tzeitel said, moving her plate to in front of Klaire. Klaire loved steak, Tzeitel hoped that would be enough to get the eating topic dropped.

Ami cut off a piece of steak and chewed on it. She gave Klaire and Nine significant looks with her big black eyes. Tzeitel was not eating enough and this was not a new thing.

Seth shrinks into his chair dreading his return now. “How mad do you think they'll be?” He asks, looking at Klaire and Nine.

“I have my share.” Klaire slid the plate back in front of Tzeitel. “You look sickly. You need the protein. Eat.” The dog eared woman looked extremely healthy, aside from her obvious need for rest. She’d been going non-stop all day and needed to get her rest for the night, but right now she had things to deal with.

Nine sniffed toward his now younger than-him-mother and frowned. “You don’t smell like you eat enough…” He said and looked at Seth. “I wouldn’t worry too much about your mothers, Seth. If anything, they’ll be more overjoyed you get home safe…I’ve been here almost as long as Klaire.”

Tzeitel hunched up her shoulders as she pushed the plate away from herself. “I am fine. I will eat when I’m hungry. We can have a feast when everyone is back home where we belong.”

Ami cleaned her own plate, looking like she had things to say but obviously wasn’t going to say them in front of Tzeitel.

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