Talk Over Dinner

Ami nodded in agreement with Piritta as she was checked over by Tzeitel.

When Tzeitel could find no injuries on Ami she hugged her. This just raised the stakes for finding a way home. Ami hugged Tzeitel back but her eyes were on Klaire.

Seth stumbled for a moment but caught himself as she dragged him inside “I see where Lotus gets her strength from” he mumbled as they entered the house straightening himself up he rubbed his shoulder.

“Excuse me?” Klaire asked, frowning at Seth as she released his arm. Seeing that everyone was safe, she made sure the door was locked.

James sighed and looked at the others. “Smells like someone is cooking…” He tried to keep things light hearted for everyone.

“Indeed,” Nine replied with a grin. “Kimber makes great steak!”

Seth looked at Klaire nervously “Lotus has your strength” he chuckled trying not to anger her.

“Of course she does,” Klaire retorted. “She’s my little girl!”

James chuckled. “I bet Leon has it too, huh?” Both of Klaire’s kids had her strength and temper.

Kimber turned to Ami and the others. “Who’s hungry?!”

Shira would soon join them, pulling poor Atlus along. “Food!”

Seth handed her the package nervously. “It's nice to finally meet you, Aunt Klaire. Dad told us lots of stories growing up.”

Altus yelped as he tried to fix his robes with one hand.

Amit was setting the table and looked up “who are the kids?”

“Miniatyyri Tzeitel on Tzeitelin pikkusisko. Poika on ilmeisesti yksi Rileyn lapsista, vanhempi kuin hänen pitäisi olla.” Piritta explained to Amit before turning to Kimber. “Missä avaruussaunat ovat? Tarvitsemme saunan.”

“I’m a bit hungry.” Ami replied to Kimber, she took in what was going on, or tried to. So much was not right here, and it was more than just being in this strange place. Why was Klaire holding herself apart like that? Tzeitel and Colt were clearly being distant too. And who was that- swear jar- is that Nine?! He was too old, like Seth. Like Cody got before his father died. Ami’s shoulders slumped unhappily, whenever she formed a close friendship with someone her own age they grew up on her.

Tzeitel very reluctantly released Ami from the hug.

Klaire took the package and stared at it silently. “Uhm…thanks…?” She wasn’t sure how to respond to all of this.

Nine looked toward Ami and blinked a few times before walking over and giving her a kind smile. “Hey, Ami.” He said. “I’m a future Nine, not the one I’m sure you left back at home when you woke up here. I’ll spare you the long story, but you and I grew up together and then I suddenly woke up here. That was five years ago in this world’s time, though.” He shrugged. “Kimber is a really good cook. I think you’ll enjoy her food.”

Kimber seemed a little perplexed and just shrugged it all off. “We can build a sauna for you if that’s what you want.”

“It's from Dad he said to read his letter first” he replied with a smile almost looking exactly like Riley with blue hair.

“Can you just be a kid again?” Ami asked unhappily.

“En halua saunaa, me TARVITAMME saunan.” Piritta told Kimber firmly. She gestured to Tzeitel and Klaire as if it was obvious. “Onko sinulla kiuas?”

Kimber stared at Piritta and frowned this time. “Look, if you want to go back to your world and find your sauna, be my guest. Go out there and face those things all you want. Most people learn the hard way that you can’t get back home easily. We’ll build one tomorrow…”

Piritta would love to go back to her world and sauna, but so many of the people she cared about were stuck here. She looked very seriously at Kimber. “Jos saan niin paljon tehtyä nyt, voin rakentaa ja lämmittää sen alle kahdeksassa tunnissa.”

“Actually, the magic here will automatically keep everything working.” Kimber pointed out. “This planet…no, fragment of a planet, I should say, is a very magic filled one. It’s why I want to find a way to deal with Them and get us all back home, but…”

Letting out a sigh, Kimber started serving food to everyone. Her home wasn’t where she wanted to go back to…

“Do all of us have to go home?” Amit asked “I got no one waiting for me and honestly I want to see all there is to see.”

Piritta did not care where she was as much as she cared about being around those she cared about. Yrsa and so many others were back home. But first they needed to survive the night and get that sauna.

Colt returned after his shower, frowning. “Well, some of us have people waiting for us back home.” His mind went to Yrsa, worry in his eyes.

“We’ll figure it out. Just eat.” Kimber insisted.

Shira hummed and gladly ate. “Shira thanks you for the meal, Miss Kimber!”

Altus nodded as he dug into his own food “This place is definitely interesting. The complexity of whatever magic holds this world together is something I only heard about in Legends.”

“No one knows where the magic comes from.” Shira told him.

Piritta patted Colt’s shoulder. “Syö jotain. Mene nukkumaan. Huomenna meillä on sauna ja se auttaa meitä selvittämään miten lähteä kotiin.”

“Whatever it is it's ancient and powerful” Altus replied.

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