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Character Umbral

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The Comfort Of A Unicorn

Meanwhile, Riley would be riddled with dreams about the white haired woman. There was that horrifying moment playing over and over again of her killing all those people, only now a blood red moon was looming behind her in the sky.

Riley would reach out in his sleep grabbing Umbral and pulling her into his arms like a kid with a teddy bear.

Umbral stroked Riley hair and sighed softly. “It’s okay…”

Riley pulled her closer until she was pressed up against him. The nightmares keep replaying in his mind causing him to shake and murmur in his sleep.

The dream repeated one more time before the girl turned and faced Riley himself and screamed at him. “RILEY! WAKE UP!”

Riley jolted awake his face against something soft as he tried to figure out where he was.

By this point Umbral had fallen asleep, but when she felt Riley jolt, she mumbled. “Hmmm?” She blinked a few times. “What’s wrong?”

Riley noticed how he was holding her close in his arms his face turning red as he looked at the unicorn in his arms. “Nightmares” he stuttered “where am I?”

Umbral slowly sat up and looked upon Riley. “Kimber’s house. It’s safe here…the city is in a complete blackout, though…I fear there won’t be many people left after tonight.”

Riley blushed as he looked at her “I ummmmm sorry about that I must have curled up next to you in my sleep and honestly I can't remember sleeping that well in so long.”

“It’s fine,” Umbral said softly and fixed Riley’s hair for him. “You jolted awake, though. What were you having a nightmare about?”

Riley felt nervous about talking about what happened but looking into her eyes he felt safe as he remembered all the times she visited him. “Early today I heard a voice in my room and not like the ones I usually hear, this was real and calling out to me. I remember running outside the town and being taken by THEM to meet this woman in a crystal they showed me things. I was dreaming about what they showed me.”

“What…what did They show you?” Umbral asked, worry in her voice.

Riley shook a bit before explaining as best as he could everything he remembered. Several times he had to calm down before continuing. It was clear by the end of it Riley was shaken after telling her.

Gentle as ever, Umbral pulled Riley into a hug. “Sounds like a lot happened…maybe we can all talk about it and figure this out later, but for now, you need to focus on you. Focus on healing both mentally and physically, Riley.”

Riley blushed before wrapping his arms around her “warm” he whispered “I hope I didn't do anything inappropriate to you while I was asleep.

“You were a gentleman.” Umbral chimed and stroked his hair again.

“Why did you always visit me?” He asked in a tired voice as he snuggled up to her again.

“Because I wanted to.” Umbral said with a shrug. “I wanted to help you. I still do.”

Riley pulled her closer “I'm scared I close my eyes and all I see are nightmares my own and their.”

“They’re the past, Riley. The nightmares can’t harm you…” Umbral reassured him, rubbing the speedster’s back gently. She gently added some light and comfort into her touch so he would feel safer and calm.

Riley relaxed at her touch, his desire to scratch himself fading. “How do I tell the others what I saw?”

“Just tell them what you told me,” Umbral said. “They can understand, I’m sure. I know Kimber will understand. She’s always got an open mind about this world.”

“But Klaire she wants to go back to her world” he replied looking down “Tzeitel too. What if they hate me afterwards?”

“Why would they hate you? It’s not your fault, Riley.” Umbral stroked his hair. “The future of each timeline is never truly set in stone.”

Riley closed his eyes a soft smile forming on his face. “I don’t know how I can thank you for being here.”

“Keep living and find a way to smile again,” Umbral whispered. “That’s all I ask…”

“Will you stay by my side then?” He asked.

“Of course,” Umbral said with a kind smile.

Riley smiled before leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

Umbral let out a soft giggle at the kiss. “Would you like to get some food? From the smell of it, Kimber made steak.”

Riley's stomach growls and he nods before standing up and holding out his hand.

Umbral gently set her hand in Riley’s and allowed him to lead the way to the kitchen, only to go silent when she saw how tense everything seemed.

< Prev : Safety First, Guys! Next > : Talk Over Dinner