Safety First, Guys!

Amit hopped out and helped move Riley “where do you want to put him Umbral?”

Altus hopped out before offering his hand to Shira.

“Minä pidän kahvista, sinä pidät hengityksestä.” Piritta said as if they were discussing simple likes and dislikes. She tousled Klaire’s dog ears affectionately.

Tzeitel was close to panic by the time she was able to scramble out of the van. She filled her lungs with air. Her mouth was dry, her nerves felt on fire. She knew it was just a panic attack but knowing that did not make the feeling of sheer terror feel any better. She wished she had some of that pollen. She wished she could stop thinking about that damn trash can and what was in the filthy thing.

Klaire swatted at Piritta’s hands and sighed as she got out and went toward the back of the house where she could look at the forest. James followed her out of concern.

Piritta acted like Klaire had just given her an awkward high-five and followed the dog-eared woman.

“Piritta, I want to be left alone, okay?” Klaire said, frowning when the power went out. In fact, the whole city they had just left lost all power. “Shit! James, we need to make a fire perimeter. Kimber, are the lamps still in the same place?!”

“YES!” Kimber yelled back from inside the house.

James would make a small ball of fire and follow Klaire, making a perimeter of light around the house. “Damn…”

“Olet ollut yksin liian kauan.” Piritta told Klaire, pulling out a book of matches and making her own little fires.

“I’m fine,” Klaire said sternly and started to set up traps around the place to keep everyone safe. “We can’t let Them get in here…”

“What exactly are They?” James asked.

“No one really knows…not even me.” Klaire replied with a sigh.

“Et ole ollenkaan kunnossa.” Piritta told Klaire.

“I don’t have time to worry about my mental health, Piritta.” Klaire said, looking at the Finn. “We’re in a hellhole world where everything wants us dead. They, the creatures, don’t want to let anyone live! That much I know!”

That was when the sound of a screech could be heard from the darkness in the woods.

“What was that?” James asked nervously.

“Them…” Klaire whispered.

Piritta gave Klaire a look like Klaire would give her twins if they ever misbehaved. “Mitä sanoisit Tzeitelille, jos hän koskaan sanoisi jotain niin typerää?”

A figure would burst from the woods at high speeds before stopping once inside the perimeter revealing itself to be a young teenage boy with aqua blue hair and eyes dressed in a leather jacket carrying a familiar but sick looking girl. Looking around, his eyes rested on Klaire.

“Lotus, what are you doing here and why do you look so different?” Seth asked and he set Ami down. “Look, whatever happened I didn't do it. The last thing I need is both my moms, Leon and Nikolai being mad at me.”

Ami dropped to her hands and knees, vomiting.

“AMI!” Tzeitel was nearly as quick as a speedster, getting to her little sister's side and flared anti-nausea pheromones. She had hoped Ami was back with Cody, safe. Tzeitel’s heart sank.

“Who are you?” Klaire asked, frowning at Seth. “And how do you know my daughter?”

James grimaced from beside Klaire and looked at Seth. “Son, I think you’ve mistaken Klaire for her daughter. Stay in the light...let's get you into the house where it’s safe.”

“Yeah,” Klaire said and looked at Tzeitel and Ami. “Bring her inside. It’s safer there…”

Tzeitel helped Ami to her feet, eyes quickly scanning her over for any signs of injuries as she led her towards the house.

Ami’s whole face lit up when she saw her favorite Aunt. “Klaire!” If Ami had a tail she’d be wagging it.

Piritta knew it would be better for Ami to be in a safer place, but the kid’s joy at finding Klaire was contagious. Besides, Ami was a smart girl and would be a useful reinforcement. Piritta grinned and scooped Ami up to carry her inside.

“Sorry Aunt Tzeitel she said she'd be fine” he apologized, scratching his head as a guilty look appeared on his face. Remembering what Kalire had said he moved towards her “They look so much like you” he spoke in wonder walking in circles around her at a quick speed his eyes widening “It’s you? I mean it’s really you? You’re Klaire, right? I'm Seth, Seth Kinsman although I was an infant the last time you saw me.”

“Lets go inside…” Klaire said, stepping away from Seth and heading for the house.

James gave Seth a slight smile. “Give her time, kid…she’s been here a long time. Come on.” He followed Klaire and Piritta inside.

“Wait” he replied, pulling out a photo album and an envelope “dad me gave these, told me to hold onto them and to give them to you in case I ever find you. Said he and Ryan had copies of them just in case. You're supposed to read the letters first.”

Tzeitel thought it was creepy how much Seth looked like his father as she followed Piritta carrying her own Mini-Me into the house.

Piritta set Ami down inside the house. “Nyt minun täytyy selvittää, onko tällä planeetalla saunoja.”

“Inside,” Klaire ordered and pointed at the door. “Do you want to get ripped apart?!” Returning, she grabbed Seth’s arm and pulled him along into the house.

James silently followed and closed the door once everyone was inside.

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