The Girl In Slumber

Grabbing onto Riley with shocking gentleness, the creature - the They known as The Harpy - picked him up and flapped those large feathered wings that shimmered as crimson as its eyes. In the air, he would be able to see the city in its circular formation, surrounded by forests on all sides, but on the other side was a large swamp-like section. To the left was a mountainous snowy section and on the right was a desert. It was a place of all seasons and lands, but where the creature was taking him was nowhere here.

Instead, it flew him to the edge of the giant island in space where they dipped over the edge and toward the underside where they would enter a cave system. Inside, the Harpy would set Riley down. “Wait here for The Spear…no one sees her without him.” The creature said and left the cave.

Standing there waiting would be more of They, all looking up at Riley in puppy dog-like manners.

Riley studied the creatures in a curious manner. He had heard stories of Them. But never seen them first hand.

As he waited, there would be loud footfalls that echoed down the tunnel they were in. At this sound, the creatures hissed and would disperse into what appeared to be black smoke.

Covered in dark armor with claws and spikes, the skeletal looking They would step around the bend and greet Riley with an almost bow. Without a word, it would gesture for him to follow.

Riley cautiously followed the creature. As he did so he hoped Umbral and Klaire wouldn't be too mad with him. Stepping into the cave he looked around.

The creature would lead Riley through tunnels and they took too many turns for anyone to truly keep up with, even the speedster. They would finally step into a central chamber that was large and spacious with what looked to be moonlight beaming up from small holes in the floor. In the center was a crystalline structure that floated in the air.

Encased within the crystal was the woman with snow white hair and black horns. She appeared to be asleep.

Hello, Riley… That soft voice would enter his head again.

Riley seemed to relaxed as he heard the voice in his head again. Approaching the crystal he felt almost in trance. “Who are you?” He asked looking up at her as thoughts of River and Klaire passed through his mind.

I am the one keeping this land alive. The voice told him. Touch the crystal, Riley…I can show you who I truly am.

Riley nodded his hand moving to touch the crystal. A part of him was cautious but he didn't care. Even if he died the nightmares would. “Don't worry I'll be gently” he jokingly whispered a part of his old personality resurfacing for a moment.

The crystal would slowly melt away and her hand would grasp onto his. Riley would suddenly find himself in front of a farmhouse, facing a mob of people. They were all yelling toward the house behind him.

“Bring the demon out!” One yelled.

“She must pay! Make her pay for all she's done!” Another ordered.

A man stepped out of the house. “My daughter is no demon! She's done no wrong!” He roared.

Riley watched the scene unfold in front of him. Anger rose as he remembered these types of angry mobs from his own world. Without thinking he began moving to the house.

“Papa, don’t!” A young woman with snow white hair said from the open doorway, hands resting on the frame. “Please, papa!”

The people would yell in rage and the scene would suddenly shift, throwing Riley off his feet. In one moment, there would be a large spear in the man’s chest and the girl was weeping over him, tears dripping crimson onto his face.

Before the scene could continue, just as she lifted her head toward a man standing near them, all went black.

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