Everyone Is Slowly Converging...

Riley would suddenly be back in the real world and someone would be holding his arm, pulling him away from the crystal encased woman. “You’re a fool to trust her lies,” A deep and growling voice said to him.

“What's going on?” Riley asked, trying to find his balance “who are you and how is she lying?”

The creature gazing down at him was humanoid in structure, but had a deer head with large black antlers. “She did this to all of them…cursed the world and made them into monsters.” He explained and gestured to all the creatures known as They that were watching.

“Why do it though and why bring us here?” He asked.

The creature tapped Riley’s forehead and let him both see and feel the pain and suffering of all the others, of They. He made sure that the speedster would know that the girl was evil…

Riley closed his eyes and gripped the sides of his head. The pain was worse than any injury he ever incurred combined. Screaming out in pain He felt the taste of copper in his mouth as blood began dripping from his nose.

Just as fast as it occurred it was gone and Riley would simply find himself at the edge of the city with no one around…

Riley would run off into the surrounding woods clearly affected by what he saw. Unbeknownst to him he would be spotted by someone who would chase after him in concern.

Altus cursed to himself as he ran through the woods. He had waiting on Klaire by the gate before spotting the injured man who took off at an impossible speed. “Good thing I left that construct to inform Klaire” he panted. After what seemed like forever with several close calls with the local wildlife he finally tracked down the man. He was unconscious and covered in countless injuries both self inflicted and from what he assumed were from the fauna. Setting his staff down he got to work trying to save the man.

The entire time someone had been watching, following. They were silent as the darkness, swift as the wind, and as strong as the strange and deadly fauna. “That won't do…” A feminine voice whispered from beside Atlus, small chimes accompanying them. “Your magic needs more light in it.”

Altus jumped and turned to face the voice “who are” he asked while gripping his staff.

A girl moved back from him, her pale skin riddled with odd black symbols, hair dark as bark on a tree and eyes as blue as the sky. Tilting her head to the side, deer ears twitching as little gems glinted off her antlers. “Shira…” She spoke softly and pulled a pouch from her belt. “Here. This medicine will help his wounds…”

Altus carefully took the medicine and inspected it making sure it wasn't poisonous before applying it to Riley “his body will heal but his mind is what troubles me” he spoke while tending to the speedster.

“What harms his mind is time and despair.” Shira said as she moved closer to Atlus' again. Reaching out, she poked an ear.

Altus blushed heavily at her touch and found himself stuttering “some of his wounds seem self inflicted.”

“That is the sickness of the mind.” Shira said before turning in time to see Klaire and James. Letting out a hiss, she bolted into the darkness of the forest.

Altus curiously watched her leave before turning his attention back to Riley as he tied off the last bandage.

“Put out the fire.” Klaire warned James, who listened as they grew close to Atlus. “Can you carry him back with us, Atlus'? Or should James help?”

“I can carry him just watch my back” he replied tossing James a sword from his belt “It's made out of silver where I come from it helps against fighting apparitions and undead” picking up Riley his stood and nodded to Klaire.

Klaire had a bow out and an arrow notched, ready if any of They came, which they did. She turned quickly and shot it right from the air, sending it tumbling back into the trees. Another that rushed them would back off when James swung the sword at it.

“Move! Run!” Shira’s voice called as she pounced upon another and began stabbing it with a dagger. “RUN!”

Altus muttered a spell on him and Riley to reduce their weights so he could move faster.

“What happened to the city lights?” James asked.

“No clue, but make a big and bright light, James! Now!” Klaire yelled as she let another arrow loose.

Nodding, James creates a large burst of fire that danced around all of them. It brightened the area, sending all the creatures rushing away.

“Oh, shiny person.” Shira snorted. “Useful.”

“This heat reminds me of home” Altus replied through squinted eyes as he followed them.

They soon reached the city and almost barrelled right into poor Tzeitel and Nine.

“Shit!” Tzeitel greeted them. “Are you okay Klaire- what the fuck happened to Riley? Get in the fucking van!”

Altus looked at Tzeitel “I take it you and Klaire know this man?”

“Yeah.” Tzeitel said, a little stiff since she did not know Altus at all. With how on edge she was flaring repellent pheromones felt like a good idea but she resisted.

Amit approached them and offered to carry Riley to the van.

< Prev : The Girl In Slumber Next > : Lets Go