Kidnapped or Not?

Inside one of the offices in the hospital sat a being that looked like a human made of living plastic. Going by the nickname Stitch. The doctor had been a part of the hospital staff for as long as anyone could remember and had kept an eye on Riley ever since he had been brought to their care.

At the window of that office was a creature that seemed human, but was made of shadows and swirling black whisps of smoke. It watched this “Stitch” with crimson eyes for a long moment before tapping the glass and tilting its head. A mouth opened, revealing rows of sharp teeth. It stood in the very few shadows that trees offered and seemed to want inside…

Stitch paused for a moment before looking over in the direction of the window as he grabbed a pistol from his desk.

Sadly, when Stitch looked, he would only see the tree, its branches tapping the window.

As for the creature, it had silently found a way into the building and was crawling through the ventilation system, unnoticed and ready to strike when nightfall arrived. Those red eyes kept on Riley…

Riley would be brought back to his room. As he sat there waiting for Umbral his mind thought back to when Klaire had died. She had fought and survived alongside him through everything. “It should have been me that day,” He whispered, unaware he was being watched.

But it was you… A voice soft as silk whispered into his mind. You both died that day. You just don’t remember. No one ever does…

Smoke seemed to spill out of the vent in Riley’s room and a body formed itself in front of him. The door being closed and the lights dimmed made it easy for the creature to manifest and stay within the shadows of the room. Its red eyes blinked and tilted to the side, mouth opening and closing for a moment.

Don’t worry, The voice continued, This one won’t harm you. None of them will, Riley. I know what you’ve suffered.

Riley looked at the being tears in his eyes “I couldn't save them, I should have but I wasn't strong enough. I can't stop the thoughts. I see their faces when I sleep.”

The creature hissed and looked down at Riley’s body before leaning in and meeting his gaze. You can’t save everyone, Riley. That is something we all must learn over time. Even heroes fall to something stronger than them. The voice spoke up in response as a clawed hand reached forward. One of the fingers lifted and the claw caught one of his tears before pulling away.

If I cut you free of here, will you do something for me?

Riley flinched at the creature's touch“What do you want me to do?” He asked, looking into his eyes.

An image of a snow white haired woman would enter his mind for a brief moment. It was only her backside as the wind fluttered and she began to turn, her black horns glinting in moonlight. Come find me…

The moment the image was gone, Riley would find himself alone in the room again, only he was free now.

Riley stretched his arms flexing them as he tried to get feeling back to them. Looking out the window his thoughts focused on the woman in his mind. Activating his powers he shattered the glass and jumped out. Landing he winced as pulled the glass out of his body before vanishing in search of the woman.

He wouldn’t have to truly search for her because the moment Riley reached the forested area, he would be met with groups of the shadowy creatures known as They. None of them would do harm, only stare and wait for the speedster to stop in his tracks.

Trust them… That voice whispered.

Riley nodded and approached them peacefully. Something about this seemed genuine. Stopping in front of them he waited. “Take me to her.”

The smaller of the creatures stayed and watched as a large one with wings stepped up to meet him. Its body looked as if pieces of armor covered it, hands and feet ending in large claws as a tail swayed behind it.

Six crimson eyes gazed upon Riley and one of those clawed hands reached out toward him. “Come…” It said in a mixture of voices.

Riley nodded and moved into it hand so he could be picked up. Back at the hospital doctors would discover his absence.

< Prev : Mee Does Work (Pt. 2) Next > : The Girl In Slumber