Mee Does Work (Pt. 2)

It would be an easy enough job, but he'd have to be careful of the wires. The moment he was done, though, the rumble of machines working again would indicate a job well done. There would soon follow screeching as They rushed into hiding.

Mee rewarded himself by biting one of the wires.

This killed the power…

Mee frowned slightly. This could not possibly be his fault. He went back to Whisp.

“I said fix it, don't make it worse!” Whisp seethed.

“Mee fixed it.” Mee said. “The wire shouldn’t have tasted so good to Mee.”

“I told you to stop biting things!” Whisp hissed. “Fix the wire and come back! No biting!”

Mee scowled, lashed his tail angrily again as he went back inside. He got to work on fixing the delicious wire. This might take a while. He was hungry.

“I swear if you bite another, I will feed you to a Salt Fiend!” Whisp warned.

The wires were considerably shorter than they used to be by the time Mee finished fixing them. He bobbed his head as he returned to Whisp.

“I'm feeding you to the Salt Fiends!” Whisp snapped and grabbed him up before rushing them both out.

Mee weeped creekily and squirmed in Whisp’s hands.

Whisp kept them in the sky above the city, watching. She could already see the horror that had happened…

“Mee doesn’t like being too high!” Mee complained, clinging to Whisp.

“I should drop you to your death for what you’ve caused!” Whisp snapped before slowly lowering them to a building roof.

“Mee fixed it and saved the day!” Mee protested, scurrying across the roof away from Whisp.

“Good luck getting off this roof by yourself then!” Whisp huffed as she floated in place. “Little nudist…”

“Whisp needs to eat eggy bugs and MATE!” Mee shouted at Whisp, looking for a way down.

There was, sadly, no way down without Whisp’s help. “There is no such thing as a mate for my kind here, Mee.” She said and went to him, grabbing the naked little goblin up. “Why do you hate clothes again? I know why I can’t wear them. I’m merely a mist-based species.”

“Mee does not need clothes! Mee has good skin because Mee eats the right bugs!” Mee said. “Whisp would be less grumpy if she mated.”

“Not all creatures eat bugs, Mee.” Wisp told him with a frown. “If you keep up that attitude I’ll leave you atop this building forever. If you cause another blackout I will have you thrown into the caves with They. Are we clear?”

“All creatures SHOULD eat bugs!” Mee insisted. “Mee is good.”

“Mee is BAD!” Whisp shouted.

“MEE is GOOD! Mee saved the city!” Mee insisted.

“After killing a fifth of its innocent citizens!” Whisp retorted.

“They were overpopulating Mee!” Mee said.

“That’s selfish thinking and you know it!” Whisp seethed in anger at him, squeezing him tightly. “How dare you suggest your life is more important than all the other lives here!”

“You’re hurting Mee!” Mee wailed.

“You deserve it for killing so many!” Whisp yelled and dropped him to the roof. Tears were in her eyes, but instead of falling they fluttered up like mist. “You killed innocent people!”

Mee landed on his feet and scurried away, crying too.

Whisp, furious, would leave Mee on the roof as she went to do damage control for the city.

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