Mee Does Work (Pt. 1)

Whisp gently patted Mee’s head as she set him down upon her desk. The door was closed and air tight and there were no vents or windows, so he had no way of sneaking out. Taking a seat at the desk, she looked at the little creature. “You are aware that eating hair is not polite, yes?” She inquired as she swept a hand to the side and foggy little tendrils pulled a jar from a shelf.

Setting it down, she opened the jar so Mee could grab at the bugs inside. She always knew what he liked best.

Mee grabbed some bugs from the jar. “They can’t feel hair, it’s dead.”

“It hurts when you pull it out,” Whisp gently flicked his forehead.

“Mee didn’t pull, Mee bit!” Mee cried some more because Whisp hit him.

“Stop being so childish. This is why Klaire dislikes you.” Whisp warned him in a serious tone, her body morphing into that of a bird and her claws wrapped around him gently. “I must show you something, so hold on.”

Mee tried to climb up Whisp’s bird leg to try nibbling on the feathers.

Whisp kept him from doing this by tightening her clawed feet around the little goblin-like creature. “I am warning you…” She let out in a dangerous growl before lifting up and opening the door with her free foot. Flying out, she swept them both out a window and into the air toward a tall building.

Mee whimpered and wrapped his forked tail about Whisp’s foot.

Once at the tall building, Whisp changed back into her usual form, Mee getting bumped into the palms of her hands by her tendrils of smoke and mist. “Apologies, but I cannot allow you to push me around, Mee. It’s rude.” With that, she floated toward the roof top door so they could step inside.

“Mee does not push!” Mee objected, lashing his tail angrily.

“You are in denial with your objections, young Mee.” Whisp replied and they started down a stairwell. On the fourth floor down, she stepped through the door and looked through the hallways, making sure nothing was around. “Do you understand where we are?” They could hear an odd growling from one of the rooms.

“A growling place.” Mee said, curling tiny in Whisp’s hand.

“This is the dark tower where criminals go.” Whisp reminded him as they passed another door where many red eyes peered out at them. “This is always where some of the creatures known as They linger…”

“Mee doesn’t like being here.” Mee whimpered slightly.

“I know, but I need you to help me reach a place I can’t, even in my form.” Whisp told him as they reached a room. She closed the door behind them so the creatures could not follow. Going to a console, she opened up a compartment and set Mee down by it. “See the wiring in the back. I’m made of liquid and can’t reach it without blowing the whole place up…you, however, can fix them without injury. I have tools you can use and special gloves just for someone of your size. Will you help me?”

“Mee never wears clothes. Mee has nothing to hide.” Mee said, somehow wearing tiny gloves was his only holdup with this mission.

“You'll get killed if you don't wear them.” Whisp told him.

Mee looked very, very sad at that prospect. “How do the gloves taste?”

“Like rubber.” Whisp reminded him. “Wear them, do the job, and come on. I hear them growing closer and I don't want us to be here much longer.”

Mee unhappily put the tiny gloves on. He looked very cute, and very cranky. He lashed his forked tail angrily and went to do the job.

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