The Fox, The Pheromones And The Pyro Continue!

“The things here are known as They or Them depending on the context.” Nine explained and fixed his pants so they were no longer rolled up. They stopped at his ankles, leaving his feet free of any fabric. “They’re like…shadowy creatures that attack at night. You two are lucky you showed up in broad daylight.”

“Let me guess,” James replied. “Stay indoors at night?”

“Yep!” Nine said with a grin. “You’re a smart one for an old man!”

“I’m only twenty-six…” James muttered.

“Oops…” Nine chuckled. “Sorry. I keep forgetting you’re the clone.”

James just shrugged, not bothered. He looked at Tzeitel and said, “Maybe with Nine’s help we can find Ami for you.”

Tzeitel looked nervously back towards the swamp. What if Ami had wound up in the swamp, in a deeper puddle than Tzeitel had? Ami could swim, but still… Tzeitel could not stop worrying about her. “How far is it to the city?” Tzeitel asked. The mud on her clothes was drying so Tzeitel tried to brush it off. She was not looking her best.

“About three hundred meters to the North from here.” Nine told her and smiled softly. “Come on, you two.” Turning, he started walking, leading both Tzeitel and James along.

Tzeitel walked alongside Nine. She stuffed her muddy hands into her pockets to resist trying to fix the cowlick. “Are you okay, in this world?” Tzeitel asked Nine. She wanted to fuss over him. He had gotten so tall, and she was worried he was not eating enough.

“Yeah, been surviving five years here, after all.” Nine said with a smile. “I’ve run into a lot of cool people from all kinds of places. I’ve even seen Aunt Klaire, though she doesn’t stay in the city. She’s trying to find answers.”

“Klaire’s here?” James asked.

“Yep, but she’s…I dunno, not being around her children has changed her. A lot.” Nine admitted. “I’ve tried helping her see if they’re here, but it’s a big place…”

Tzeitel realized that she should have guessed Klaire was here. “All Klaire ever wanted was to have some kids and be a mother…” Tzeitel hated to think about what being separated from her children would do to Klaire, the twins were her world.

“The last thing I remember is watching the kids run off to play with Amber and Nikolai…” James said. “I was sitting next to Klaire and…and…” He pressed a hand to his head as pain struck him.

“Yeah…oh!” Nine went to James and set a hand on his shoulder. “Breath. When we try to recall things about the moment before we wake up here we seem to…suffer for it.”

“What? I was just taking a nap- fuck.” Tzeitel swore, pressing a muddy hand to a muddy temple.

Nine grabbed onto Tzeitel’s arm gently. “Don’t…you’ll only hurt yourself. Just focus on the now, guys.” He told her and James.

“Yeah, okay…” James muttered.

Tzeitel groaned, shaking her head a few times before looking at Nine. “Did somebody do this to us?”

“No clue, honestly.” Nine said and rubbed the back of his neck. “Klaire thinks so, but she keeps to the forests most of the time. She’s hunting for answers and a way back home.”

“Will we be able to run into her?” James asked.

“I don’t know, James.” Nine shrugged. “She comes and goes when she needs to sell food for supplies.”

“It’s Klaire… she’ll probably find us first.” Tzeitel pointed out. “She knows our scents.”

“She’s unaware that you’re here, though.” Nine pointed out.

“She’ll find out I’m here soon enough.” Tzeitel said. “She can help me find Ami if she’s here… together we can figure out how to get back home.”

“I doubt she’ll want you involved.” Nine said with a frown. “She won’t even let me help her and I’m experienced with this place.”

“She’s just trying to keep everyone safe, like always.” James pointed out.

“You’re a kid.” Tzeitel said to Nine, as if he was not a year older than her now. “She’ll work with me.”

“I’m an adult, Tzeitel.” Nine reminded her. “And I know this place better than you and him. Don’t talk to me like I’m still a child. I’m not from the timeline you came from.”

James bit back a remark and looked away.

“I know… you were still a kid from the timeline Klaire was from too.” Tzeitel pointed out. It hurt that Nine was so grown up, it was like the time Cody aged five years in less than two days.

“Well, I’m from the future,” Nine told her. “And I know you probably miss the little kid, but I’m an adult. Okay?” He just wanted to make it clear he wasn’t going to be treated like a child when he had his own place, took care of himself, and hunted on his own.

“Let's just get to the city and get cleaned up first.” James tried to lighten the mood. “Get this…uh…registration thing done?”

“Yeah,” Nine said and took them toward a path that headed for a lit up city in the distance.

Tzeitel’s shoulders slumped unhappily. It wasn’t just that Nine was an adult now, she had missed out on years of him growing up. Again.

“If we get you home, you’ll be with tiny me again.” Nine told Tzeitel with a chuckle.

James sighed heavily. “I’m not looking forward to possibly running into an adult Lotus or Leon…I get it, Tzeitel…” He told her with a sympathetic expression. He could tell what was upsetting her.

“Do you remember me going here?” Tzeitel asked Nine. “Coming back home?”

“You didn’t come with me here, so I don’t know, but I intend to get us all back home someday.” Nine answered as they reached a halfway point. He stopped and opened a box. Pulling a bag of supplies off his back, he put a few things inside. “For travelers in need of things.”

James nodded in understanding and looked toward the city.

Tzeitel looked at the box, she had seen similar caches on Earth when they were hiding in the forest. She nodded.

< Prev : It's A Partial Reunion! Next > : To Come, To Go