It's A Partial Reunion!

Umbral tilted her head, little sparks popping off her horn. “Interesting. I barely remember my time on Earth…sometimes, I think it was a dream.”

“We were a bit bored but we were successful in the end got a bunch of cool gadgets from the place” Amit chuckled “Florida man really helped us out.”

“Florida man?” Kimber asked.

“I’m going to visit some patients at the hospital.” Umbral told the others. “I’ll be back when you’re all done.”

“Okay,” Kimber told her friend and watched the unicorn girl walk across the road. “She’s always helping out there.”

Piritta looked towards the hospital, sniffing slightly. “Se näyttää erittäin tylsältä siinä sairaalassa. Siellä ei voi koskaan tapahtua mitään mielenkiintoista.”

“You’d be surprised what happens there…” Kimber said and started toward the registration building.

Grabbing Piritta’s arm, Colt pointed right at Klaire and Atlus.

“KOIRAN KORVAT!” Piritta charged over to Klaire, pouncing on the dog-eared woman in a bear hug. “KLAIRE! OLET TÄÄLLÄ!”

Still safe in the bag, Mee wailed in alarm.

Klaire yelped and struggled in the woman’s arms. “Piritta! You’re crushing me!” She yelled, half out of breath.

Kimber blinked and looked at Amit. “You know them?”

Colt laughed and slapped his knee. “I called it! I knew she’d do that!”

Piritta tossed Klaire in the air once like a baby, caught her and set her down on her feet, grinning from ear to ear. “Miten ihmeessä sinulla on mennyt?” She asked.

“I’m fine,” Klaire growled and brushed off. “Don’t do that ever again or I’ll shoot you…” She glanced over the others. “Why are you here?”

Kimber crossed her arms and walked over, looking at Atlus. “Here to register, bub?”

“Vau, Klaire on äreä, kuten hän saa, kun hän ei harrasta kovaäänistä seksiä liian pitkään.” Piritta still smiled, so happy to see Klaire. “Mitä laukussasi on? Oletko onnellinen nähdessäni minut?” She nodded to the pouch where the terrified Mee was still screaming in terror.

Taking the pouch off her hip, Klaire handed it to Piritta. “Here, you keep him. I hate him.” She growled and walked toward the registration building. “Come on, Atlus. Lets get you registered.”

“Thanks for ignoring me, as always, bitch…” Kimber muttered, watching Klaire. The two women did not get along well.

“She's scary” Amit whispered to Kimber.

“Are you alright?” Altus asked Klaire “they seemed like they knew you.”

“Hei, Klaire, odota!” Piritta called after Klaire, catching up and handing Klaire a small pouch of dried peyote. It was only fair since they apparently were exchanging gifts.

“Klaire!” Mee wailed sadly.

“No, you don’t need to give that to me, Piritta.” Klaire said more softly and shook her head. “Keep it and him.” She glared at Mee and went inside where the front desk attendant was typing away at a keyboard. The screen was see-through above it. “I’m fine, Atlus.”

“You get used to it.” Kimber answered and took him, Piritta and Colt inside to meet the front desk attendant.

Said attendant stopped typing and stared at them. “A lot of new arrivals, I see.”

Altus decided it would probably be best to change the subjects and began to fill out the forms with the assistance of Klaire.

Amit placed a hand on Kimbers shoulder and smiled before filling out his own forms.

After the attendant gave everyone their forms to fill out, she went over to a wall and pressed a button. “Whisp, Kimber and Klaire are here.”

“I’ll be right down,” A soft and almost whispered voice said in return over the intercom.

Soon, a woman that was like a living ghost floated in through a doorway and smiled at them with blue lips. “Hello, dears.” She said and nodded toward all the newcomers and old. “Klaire, find anything yet?”

“No,” Klaire sighed heavily.

“I told you the forest won’t tell us anything,” Kimber chimed, smirking.

“Shut up, she didn’t ask you.” Klaire snarled and took a seat.

Kimber just rolled her eyes. “I’m working on a type of engine that could help produce light strong enough to let us go into the forests at night. Maybe we can get further, spread the city out.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Whip pointed out. “We still need a thriving ecosystem.”

Kimber only sighed in exasperation. “Fine…”

Piritta stuffed the pouch of peyote into a pocket. She opened the pouch from Klaire to see what was making all that noise.

Mee bolted out of the pouch and scurried to Klaire, leaping and landing lightly on her right ear.

“GET OFF ME!” Klaire yelled and literally shook Mee off. “I’m tired of it, Mee! Stop!”

“Refrain from yelling, Klaire.” Whisp said sternly.

Getting up, Klaire walked outside.

“What’s her problem?” Kimber asked, looking at Atlus as if he’d know the answer.

Mee clung to the wall he had been shaken into. Purple tears fountained from his three eyes.

Piritta frowned and followed Klaire outside. “Hei, Klaire, mikä hätänä?”

“I have things I need to do in order to get people home,” Klaire answered as she stared at the hospital across the road. “I don’t know what’s going on with Lotus or Leon or James. I just…I showed up here over five years ago. They could be dead for all I know!” It was something always on her mind. Her babies.

“He ovat turvassa… Yrsa myös… Luulen, että kaikki lapset ovat kotona.” Piritta hoped it was true.

Altus followed her outside “you want to talk about it I'll listen” he offered.

Amit watched the dark elf follow the woman named Klaire “ I take it she's trying to find a way back.”

“Yeah,” Kimber answered Amit with a sigh. “Just finish the paperwork and Whisp will help with the rest.”

Klaire gave Atlus a stern look. “Go finish the paperwork.” She told him before returning her attention to Piritta. “I hope you’re right…because I feel like a failure as a mother.”

The two men nodded to their respective friends before going to finish up everything. Luckily for Altus it appeared his world shared a familiar language so he was able to read stuff.

< Prev : Into The Flying Van! Next > : The Fox, The Pheromones And The Pyro Continue!