To Come, To Go

“Olet hyvä äiti.” Piritta told Klaire firmly. “Palaamme kotiin ja olet pian taas heidän kanssaan.”

<I hope you’re right, Piritta…> Klaire replied in Finnish, not wishing to speak English around those walking by. They may or may not understand the language, but she didn’t care. She wanted some kind of privacy while speaking to the Fin.

Altus ears twitched like Klaire his senses were heightened and one of his rings helped translate. “That explains it.”he thought to himself before completing his form.

“Minä olen aina oikeassa” Piritta said firmly, giving Klaire’s shoulder two comforting pats. “Me löydämme heidät. Olet erittäin vahva.” That was no small compliment coming from Piritta. She flexed her own biceps.

Klaire smiled partially before heading inside with Piritta so everyone could finish their paperwork. It wasn’t much, really, since most arrived here with nothing but their names and the clothes on their backs.

“Okay,” Whisp said in a friendly tone as she floated before them all. “You all have tab cards with ID chips in them, so please keep up with them.” She said as these were handed over to all the newcomers. “I am aware that you have probably already been told a little about this world, but I want to let you all know that if you want to avoid being harmed at night, stay within the city or have a safe place set up. Darkness in Converge means danger and often times death. Are we clear?”

As she spoke, Whisp’s voice would form the correct words in the correct language for anyone listening. This world’s magic did so.

“See? Easy peasy!” Kimber chimed and elbowed Amit.

“If you’re all fine, I have things to do.” Klaire told them and started for the door.

Kimber frowned and rolled her eyes at Klaire. “So anti-social…”

Colt shrugged as he pocketed his card. “At least we have a place to be. About a place to stay…?”

“That can be arranged if you wish for it. We always have places for everyone to stay. This city is a refuge for the lost.”

“How many people live here?” Colt asked.

“Only about five hundred, give or take a few.” The floating woman answered. “Not a lot compared to places like Earth, I’m sure.”

Amit smiled at Kimber as she elbowed “want to grab a bite to eat?”

Altus caught up to hear “Do you mind if I stick with you I'm not exactly the social type myself but I enjoy your company.” While the Dark elf did enjoy her company he was also worried about her. He felt a similar pain that echoed in his heart.

“Klaire on todella kiukkuinen. Pitäisikö meidän seurata häntä?” Piritta asked Colt, frowning after Klaire. It was never a good sign when Klaire pushed her friends away.

Mee squirmed out of the pouch, climbed Klaire’s leg and burrowed into one of her pockets.

Klaire dug into the pocket and pulled out Mee. “I told you to fuck off.” She warned him and shoved him into Atlus’ hands. “No, stay here with them. I have things to attend to in the city. You want to travel with me, you meet me at the North gate in two hours. Leave the goblin behind…”

Colt sighed heavily. “I'd say yes, but she might kill us…” he replied.

Turning, Klaire made her way through the city to where Nine lived.

“Am I the only one that thinks Klaire is being unreasonably bitchy?” Kimber growled.

Whisp tilted her head. “Klaire has been here a long time…she holds a lot of things in, I've noticed. There's a very strong wall up around her.”

Altus sighed handed the lizard to who he assumed was the partner to the male catfolk and headed to the gate to wait for her.

“Trauma can affect people in different ways” Amit replied walking over to Kimber “I can relate to her I wasn't the same after losing my parents.”

“Hei! Koirankorvat on MEIDÄN narttumme!” Piritta fiercely told Kimber, loyal to her fellow earthling.

Mee cried because Klaire had abandoned him and tried to burrow into Colt’s left ear.

“So you agree she's a bitch?” Kimber inquired to the Finn before looking at Amit. “At least your parents didn't exile you for liking technology.”

Colt grabbed Mee and held the little goblin. “Stay out of my ears…I need those to hear.”

“Hän on meidän narttumme, ei sinun narttusi!” Piritta fiercely told Kimber. “Vain me voimme kutsua häntä niin.”

Purple tears cascaded from Mee’s three eyes. “She left Mee!”

“Then your parents were fools” he replied placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Whatever,” Kimber shook her head and walked toward her van. “Yeah, well, I come from a planet that depends on greenery and plant life…technology was a monster to us…to most, anyway.”

Colt sighed and patted Mee on the head. “Just stay with us, then.”

Umbral would finally return and look at everyone. “What’s going on?” She asked.

“We ran into a woman named Klaire and she wasn't in the best of moods. She went that way after helping some dark elf “ Amit explained before heading to Kimber. Catching up to her he tapped her shoulder to get her attention “I'm sorry for what you've gone through.” He replied giving her a gentle hug.

Mee climbed onto Colt’s head and bit off a lock of his silver hair and chewed on it.

Piritta looked at Colt. “Tarvitset pienen kamman.”

“OW!” Colt jerked Mee off and tossed him aside. “God damn it! The fuck is your problem?!”

“I hate that thing…” Kimber grumbles, looking where Colt and Piritta were having their issues with Mee. “And it’s fine…don’t worry about it.” She gently patted Amit on the back. “Are they gonna come back to my place or do they want to stay?”

Whisp watched Colt, Mee and Piritta. “Mee, it’s been a long time since we last saw each other. You are still being a problem to people…do I need to lock you up?”

Umbral thought for a moment and tilted her head. “Ah, I know where she went.”

< Prev : The Fox, The Pheromones And The Pyro Continue! Next > : The Start Of Reunions Again!