Into The Flying Van!

“Colt seurasi jotakuta, jonka kanssa matkustin.” Piritta finally answered Amit.

“Just curious, I mean we’re from different earths so i just want to learn more about everyone” Amit admitted “I mean I’ve met aliens but never someone with Cat ears.”

“We’re from Earth,” Colt interjected. “Possibly not the same Earth you’re from. If so, you’ve been living under a rock or something. Where we come from we’re not…” He glanced at Piritta and sighed heavily. “I’d rather not talk about it…”

Kimber raised an eyebrow and looked at Umbral. Both women shrugged.

“Siellä, mistä tulimme, monet kusipäät olivat vallassa.” Piritta explained.

“I see I take it you and others like you are discriminated against” Amit replied in a sad tone “I'm sorry.”

“Too many assholes…” Colt muttered under his breath in agreement with Piritta. “Not your fault our world was shit. So, how are we getting to the city?”

“My old van.” Kimber pointed out the window to a futuristic looking van. “It’ll get us there easy. You won’t have to use a bus and walk like you did when Umbral brought you here.”

“I can’t help that I don’t have a vehicle.” Umbral said with a sigh, shoulders hunched.

“Se oli vain lyhyt kävelymatka.” Piritta shrugged, climbing out the window to get a better look at the van. It was a cool van, though she had been in one cooler van.

“Awesome This is just like the van I had back on earth when we raided area 51” Amit replied looking it over. “Rest in peace Kyle that bullet punched through you like your fist through drywall.”

“Vans in your world float too?” Kimber asked as she grabbed her keys and pressed a button on one of them. The van made a loud beeping sound and lifted up off the ground. It obviously had no tires and was merely floating in place now. “It looks rusty, but it runs perfectly. Let's go!”

Umbral smiled at the others and went to the van, sliding the back door aside and climbing in.

Colt looked at Piritta and shrugged before going to the van. He held the door open for her like the gentleman he was.

It was the second coolest van Piritta had ever seen. She was going to go in through a window but Colt was holding a door open for her, he obviously wanted her to go through the door. Piritta dramatically leapt through the door and rolled across the seat to the other door. She grinned back at Colt. So much like old times.

Colt chuckled and climbed in after Piritta, moving over to sit next to her. “Feels like old times, huh?” He asked her with a smile.

Kimber got into the van’s driver seat while she waited for Amit to answer her.

“Yeah but they don’t hover” he answered hopping into the van “well me did after I stole some stuff from area 51 but I lost the van after fleeing from the military.”

“Joo. Ihan kuin meidän pitäisi yrittää päästä Delilahin luo.” Piritta said, patting Colt on the head.

“I don’t think we’ll be finding her here.” Colt gently pushed her hand away. “I’m worried about Yrsa…she’s not here and…” He couldn’t even remember what was happening when they’d shown up here.

“Sounds like a bunch assholes,” Kimber commented as she got them flying toward the city.

“What is this area 51?” Umbral asked.

Piritta had some dim memories of a beach or a party, there had been some interesting mushrooms or berries involved. Piritta probably should feel guilty for being under the influence of something. “Yrsan on oltava turvassa.” Piritta said. “Kotona.”

“It's a military base from my world that was rumored to have aliens and advance technology” Amit explained “One summer a bunch of people on the internet myself included decided to raid the place.”

“I hope so,” was all Colt said with more worry in his tone. He knew Yrsa was a tough little girl - she’d proven it multiple times already - but he still worried.

“Sounds like you guys weren’t the brightest,” Kimber commented as she took a few turns and stopped at some red lights before landing in a parking lot.

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