Talk with a Dr. about a Dr. (Part 7)

JP with Jaxx, LucianNepreen, and Cindy

Vor had been lost in his notes, finishing his translations and quite absent to the conversations around him. With the mention of the Visage however he was brought out of his head and listened to Dr. Jackal's wisdom over corals. His knowledge was well read and his final comment brought Vor to speak once he had answered Lady Elizabeth.

"Doctor, the coral used for any of the Visages is quite mundane, gathered from my people's original home of Greece. Even the looniest cults, such as the one Lady Elizabeth recently enlightened me to, would have to be hard pressed to believe there was any magical significance for it."

Dr. Jackal turned to see Vor and nodded at him. Then he replied, "Well it would be hard to believe that many mage researchers would miss any magical significance of the artifact. However I am curious if you know of the mystery message on the artifact? I would not be surprised if the message was a key to something bigger like a location or the next clue connected to this mystery. If Dr. Lemaire figured this out as well it would explain why he wanted it. My concern would be if this message would lead him to something dangerous like the demon blood crystal I found. Till you actually see the real danger it is easy to dismiss something. Lemaire seems obsessed with my work so I can see him trying to surpass what I have achieved."

Vor had read of this message, though had yet to find anything concrete.

“If they plan to use it in some way, they are still at a loss. The inscription is not complete, only having a few words that can be interpreted as Nimue nearing the divinity of Mitera. If the possibility of a magical incantation are possible, then they would only achieve a failed spell.”

Dr. Jackal rubbed his thin bead on his chin as he pondered a bit. Then he replied, "Hmmmm....... This may be a blessing in disguise. If the message is illegible then Dr. Lemaire will be at a loss trying to find what he is looking for. However it may also mean he will sell the artifact in the black market to finance his mad research. If he does try to sell the artifact we can have someone pose as a buyer to catch him. Of course that is a big if."

Back to the threat of the black market. Vor gave another prayer to Mitera just in case.

“Where would he go to sell? Is there a specific place for Araundan artifacts or would it be a game of Snatch the Eel?”

Dr. Jackal sighed as he nodded since he understood where Vor was coming from. He replied, "Sadly yes. The black market is really not much different from the regular market in that products are sold based on supply and demand. however the main difference is that most of the products are stolen, illegal to sell or own, banned in that location or in such demand that they can be sold at a much higher price off the record. Since it is an unofficial transaction there is no receipt, taxes or responsibility on the sellers part. You would be shocked to know what can be purchased at such a place. To make it worse the black market is usually in a lawless area where it is common to double cross anyone since the law will not save them when in dire straits. If Lady Elizabeth deems it necessary and has the connections, we can have someone pose as a buyer of certain artifacts and set a trap for Dr. Lemaire. Of course that is if he gave up on its secret and tries to sell it. However since was recently stolen it might be to early to sell it in the black market since someone might talk and expose the buyer."

Vor nodded to show he understood, though it didn’t stop a pit forming in his gut. With no way of knowing where the mad scientist was they truly couldn’t know how far along he was.

“Would you have a theory on how he could combine this mixture of yours with the Visage’s supposed magical inscription?”

Dr. Jackal pondered for a moment before he replied, "Well in theory if the artifact's message is an incantation it would most likely be used to enhance a serum to a super human level. The other theory is if it is the location of an ingredient or a strong magical relic, then that could also be used to enhance the serum. The demon blood crystal I used in my experiment was extremely rare and contained unimaginable power. Sadly its only a theory at this point."

"There is no way Dr. Lemaire could access the magic in the inscription, even if he had the entire inscription, as he is not a mage. Only mages can access that kind of magic. Unless.." Elizabeth drifted off into her thoughts for a moment. "Maybe he is working with a mage? The belief from the religion was the dust of the Visage would render the serium more powerful but if it required the inscription to be recited - that would be an incantation - that is what would require a mage."

Any incantation was a spell, no one who wasn't a mage could do a spell.

Dr. Jackal nodded as he replied, "So as you can see he would need a qualified mage to read the incantation that is incomplete assuming it is an incantation. However if it is a message to a clue leading to a place or an object then there is still a danger he could figure it out based on historical references."

"As for the black market," Elizabeth circled back to that topic. "I believe there might be those in present company suited to such tasks." She indicated she meant eveeyone on the bus in general by her gestures.

Vor took all of the information in, making sense of it and thinking. With Elizabeth’s attention with them now, he turned to her.

“Lady Elizabeth, I believe I heard you say these people worshiped my own and our artifacts and the book says the same. Would Lemaire and his allies have any faith in the religion, so that my presence could be a useful deception, or are they simply using it for the power they seek?”

"That is impossible to know until we find him. If he does hold faith in that religion then that certainly is an idea." Elizabeth really did not know what Lemaire was thinking at this point.

Elizabeth glanced out the window, noticing that the bus had left the city, and ventured out into a more rural area. She spotted a fence made of dark and light grey stones in an almost checkerboard pattern, at least 15 ft high and so long it just seemed to keep going. "Everyone, we are almost at the headquarters. The stone fence you see in the right hand side, is part of the complex."

< Prev : Talk with a Dr. about a Dr. (Part 6) Next > : Arriving At Headquarters