Characters in this post

View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Dr. Maximillian Jackal and Big Red

View character profile for: Lily Lavigne

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi

View character profile for: Sasha Lagrave

View character profile for: Lorem Ipsum

View character profile for: Vor'Aster

View character profile for: Cronk

View character profile for: Captain Masao Wayneright
Breakfast in Oslo
JP with Jaxx and Cindy
Thursday June 13, 1889
Oslo: Palace Guest Quarters
Later that morning, Elizabeth awoke and got ready, then waited for the others before they all went to breakfast together.
After breakfast they returned to the guest house, Elizabeth announced there would be a meeting after the tour. Askel arrived and he escorted them beyond the guest house to the back areas of the grounds.
"We have many activities which you are aĺl welcome to take part in," Askel explained. And he was truthful in that statement. The castle grounds, beyond the numerous paths, and general large fields, had a shooting range, horses, several greenhouses, a few gazebos, a stocked lake for fishing, and several other amenities.
Once done with the grounds, the team were lead to the palace itself. Pretty much, part of the first floor was open for guests. There was a library at least double the size of the one at Elizabeth's house, which was not what anyone would call small. There was a few rooms for sparring, both with swords and without. The royal dressmaker had an office, if needed. And the room, which intrigued Elizabeth the most, a magic room full books, tools and information on magic from various parts of the world and an area which to practice spells or abilities.
They arrived back at the guest house at about 10 AM, Askel took his leave to check on somethings, and Elizabeth began the meeting. "I have a few jobs I need to give out. If you do not get a job today or once your job done, you are free to explore the city. Just be home by dinner, so, I can be sure everything is alright." Elizabeth then said, "Miss Lagrave, you are free to check in with the Hunter's Guild. Mr. Aster, please make use if the castle library and, if necessary, the library of Oslo to find out what you can about the area we are going to and the Dwarfs, and anything else you can think of. Miss Ipsum and you are welcome to accompany him," handing the engineer a piece pf paper. "These are the engines of the carts we will be using. They are older technology than what your used to, so, you might want to find books on them."
Elizabeth turned to Masao, "I need you to find out if anyone, in Oslo, has caught wind of what happened to the village. Check both with the Dwarfs and other races. They shouldn't know anything but rumors have their own life. Also find out from the Dwarfs, if you can, if there have been any other villages that have gone missing, especially, in the same area. I'm sending Cronk with you because Dwarfs like Orcs." A pause, "Mr. Sung, Dr. Jackal, Miss Lavigne you are all with me.”
Dr. Jackal nodded to lady Elizabeth as he replied, "Of course lady Elizabeth." Lily gave a proper response as she wondered what she would be doing.