Characters in this post
View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington
View character profile for: Dr. Maximillian Jackal and Big Red
View character profile for: Lily Lavigne
View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi
View character profile for: Sasha Lagrave
View character profile for: Lorem Ipsum
View character profile for: Vor'Aster
View character profile for: Cronk
View character profile for: Captain Masao Wayneright
Assignment 2 - Meeting (part 2)
JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Lucian, Lasersexpanther, Lorem and Cindy
Dr. Jackal rubbed his chin and then asked, "Is it possibly related to the cult and my formula?”
“Cronk find help at home,” Cronk added to the conversation. Norway was one place he felt he could really help. He had old friends and family there.
“I am good to go in terms of supplies, My Lady. This disappearance, were there any signs left of the taken? Blood, viscera, disturbed surroundings?”
Vor was fully invested now, the idea of his own home being under attack did not sit well, especially with the possibility of knowing a good few Araundan in the area.”
"Not that has been reported," the team leader responded to Vor. "A Dwarf from the neighboring Dwarf village, to put that in perspective, they are ten miles from each other, had gone to the village to discuss a trade. When he arrived, the young girl was sitting outside the village. She said nothing but pointed out the ground where she had dug into the the dirt the rune for danger. He entered the village and found no one but did not look around very much not wanting to disturb anything. He took the young girl back to his village, where she currently is. Apparently, she's not spoken since. There is an Orc village in between the two, they knew nothing about the Dwarfs disappearance. There are other villages a few miles in each direction, but the authorities have not managed to get any information.”
Sasha pondered the information a moment before speaking. "I do not wish to sound rude but are we certain the girl was in fact a dwarf? There are things that can look like other things. Turning into a helpless young woman would certainly prevent such questions from a worried party.”
Dr. Jackal looked at Sasha and asked, "So the girl could be part of a cover up Ms. Lagrave?”
"We will not have any way of knowing that until we get up there?" Elizabeth explained. "As the report says, she had not changed into anything else. Other than subjecting her to magic, I cannot think of another way to test her at the moment." As Dwarves were immune to magic, that might be a clear way of knowing but only if whatever she really wasn't immune or warded.
Sasha answered Dr. Jackal's question simple. "More like a lure.”
Cronk was listening intently, his finger scratching his chin. He was taking in as much information as he could. Normally, Cronk didn’t talk much in these meetings. He figured that on this one, he was an expert.
“Cronk know dwarfs,” he assured. “Yorkkarlig Forgebraid underground boss.”
"Yes, Orcs and Dwarves get along quite well and Dwarves love Gnomes. So, both Cronk and Miss Ipsum might come in handy when we have to speak with some Dwarves." Elizabeth paused. "As for the girl, we will need to come up with a plan but we do have several days before we will be near the village she is staying at. It would be a good thing to decide on during the journey.”
Sung had not spoken and stayed quiet letting Lady Elizabeth handle the information and leading the team. He just sipped his tea and thought on the little girl. "I think if she was a fake the Dwarven people are not fools. I have known a few over the years. I do not see them easily fooled," commented Sung looking at the group. "There are ways to tell if people are what they say they are. We will soon see. What is the truth," said Sung thinking.
"That isn't to say they are stupid. But consider meeting some for the first time, it's near impossible to tell what is their own behavior or them acting strange." She started, "Then add being traumatized on top of that, she silence might be that the changeling or other whatever it could be didn't study the person and hopes silence will cover them not needing to act fully like a dwarf.”
Dr. Jackal was intrigued by what Sasha was suggesting. He replied, “So this changeling is capable of mimicking other races and blending in as well? If so I find that both remarkable as well as terrifying.”
Vor perked up at Sung's choice of words. Changelings...
"I had thought them only myth. Would a changeling really be so bold?”
"Changelings are very rare, I have never seen one in person but the common stories say that they are capable of mimicking almost any race." Elizabeth then added, "However let us not jump too far ahead of ourselves we do not know that the girl is anything but a traumatized child. Those that will speak with her need to bear both options in mind.”
Dr. Jackal then asked, "I understand decorum is important for this matter, however if we do happen to come across a changeling and under ideal circumstances, would it be acceptable to acquire a blood sample for my research? Some of you may not be aware of this but I am still working on a cure of sort for my.......condition.”
"If the changeling is on the side of good, then you need to ask them. If the Changeling is on the bad side then I suppose it depends on what happens. They are individuals like any other race." Elizabeth explained.
Dr. Jackal nodded as he understood that he had to abide by Lady Elizabeth's rules regardless of the time and place. Lily looked at Dr. Jackal and then at the others and held her thoughts as she was not sure how to express them as of yet. Apparently this trip was getting complicated rather quickly.
Sasha nodded, "I just don't want to rule it out, I prefer nobody on our team is jumped in a moment of distraction and is replaced.”
Lily then asked, "Do these changelings simply mimic us in general or can they copy our memories and thought? If they only mimic our looks and behavior, can we use secret gestures, words or passages to verify who we are? We can ask a question that we would only be able to answer.”
"There are so few of them, a lot about them is not known. However, it is unlikely they can do anything but look like others. A mind mage could tell if that was the case." Elizabeth hadn't expected the meeting to veer so completely to something that was so unlikely. "It would be highly unlikely we will run across any but I am sure we can think of a way to tell us apart. Or we can rely on Mr. Sung's knowledge of everyone's KI, that is something that nothing can mimic.”
Vor wanted to let loose his own questions. He had only heard of changelings in ancient songs and tales, less reality and more fantasy. He did see however that his initial curiosity had driven them into a rut of sorts.
"There are a myriad of options it could be, even as simple as a scared child as Lady Elizabeth reminded us. We must think of these options as well before we find ourselves prepared to swim only one length of the river.”
Before Lady Elizabeth could answer, "I can give you the excerpt from my books about Changelings that might answer your questions after the meeting, and we can allow Lady Elizabeth to continue. Time is after all of the essence.”
"Thank you, Miss Lagrave. Of course, anyone may bring any research material they deem important for the mission. Vor, in the library, is a book on the dwarf ruinic language which will likely come in useful, if I can leave you to that. Unfortunately, I only received this information this morning and there has not been a lot of time to gain research. So, that will have to be done in travel. I need everyone, right after the meeting to make certain you have what you need. Do not worry about the tents, and what I mentioned earlier all of that will be packed, just personal things. Research equipment,books, those kind of items but it all must be transportable.”
Mr. Sung thought for a moment "What I do know only through a story and word of mouth about changelings. They can not copy abilities. So in my case unless the changeling can cast magic at my level or be a Master in my martial arts. they can act talk walk like me but not anything else. Yes, I do think KI will see them. I do not know if they can copy someone's life force or spirit. But I would doubt that. Unless they try to cover it up with magic," said Sung informing the team what he knows.
Miss Lorem raised her hand to speak. She didn’t want to get involved in the talk of magic, monsters and spirits, but something more practical. When called on, she would ask, “Is there a known weight limit per person when it comes to what we are allowed to bring?”
She wanted to know, because weight limit and distribution affected lift and ballast of the airship. If not factored and balanced correctly, the airship may not even get off the ground. She meant no disrespect to Captain Masao and his transportation. It was just technical details such as these that were typically not considered by the common passenger, but an aeronaut would find such information vital.
Masao shrugged. "Just be reasonable," he said. "It's made to also haul cargo as well as people so it can handle a fair bit but you can't bring like hydraulic presses, or metal fabrication and shaping machines. Things like tools, hammers, spanners, stuff that would be easy to deal with.”
Cronk was sad to be leaving Camille behind, while he went home on an assignment. He knew that would not be reasonable according to Masao.
“Cronk take club, clothes, and whiskey.”
If Camille wouldn’t be there, Cronk would definitely need the whiskey and the weapon.
Elizabeth nodded. "I do understand some of you might have more questions about changelings among other things but let us come back to those topics when we're traveling and have time for such discussions." Elizabeth then added, "It is just we are currently pressed for time." She nodded at what Maseo said. "Also, anything you bring has to be carried on the wagons, over rocky, hilly terrian. The wagons won't be able to move if their too heavy. Just be cautious of what and how much your packing.”
After a moment, the leader continued. "I have to let you know we have been invited to stay on the castle grounds in two guest houses. I would ask that while on the castle grounds, for the three days, that we'll be in Oslo everyone use as best behavior as you can. Outside the castle grounds of course you can enjoy yourself just try to stay with in reasonable limits." That was mostly for Cronk. "Does anyone have any additional questions regarding transportation, accommodation or anything directly related to the assignment?”
Sung thought for a moment. "Lady Elizabeth just use mules. Yes, could be quite a few of them. but mountains will not be a problem with just carrying light equipment. And Tents with food I think they could handle it," suggested Sung.
"Mr. Sung, while mules would not be bad, if all we were carrying were tents and food, we will have more items than that. The wagons will carry everyone, plus the equipment. We won't need to worry about tiring out an animal, just a steam engine." Elizabeth responded. Besides Cronk wouldn't be able to ride a mule, Elizabeth thought.
"Good point, Lady Elizabeth," Sung replied with a head nod.
“Cronk pull cart?” Cronk asked. He knew he’d be able to do this. He looked at the others, realizing no one here could do so in the rugged terrain of Norway.
Dr. Jackal smirked at Cronk then replied, "But we need you for guard duty Mr. Cronk. We wouldn't want you to wear yourself out pulling a cart.”
"Thank you, Cronk but I think the engines will work just fine. And if anything happens to one of the engines, we have Miss Ipsum's expertise to help us out." Elizabeth said.
Cronk nodded, fully understanding Lady Elizabeth’s words. “Pretty Flower good!” he affirmed full of confidence in the tiny lady.
Dr. Jackal then said, "If we are using logic on this mission, it might be best if Ms. Ipsum and I were two of your drivers. Ms. Ipsum is by far the best choice and I am can drive as well, which will free up two members with combat skills." Ms. Lavigne have you taken driving lessons?" Lily nodded no as she replied, "Alas no. I have always had a driver to escort me around." Dr. Jackal nodded then he replied, "If you wish I can give you tips if we have the time." Lily smiled and nodded. Lily then looked at the others and said, "That leaves one spot open then?”
"That does make sense, Dr. Jackal," Elizabeth commented. "It is a good idea also to find out who has driving skills, in case they are needed for any reason. I can drive. And we have Dr. Jackal then and Miss Ipsum, who else?" Then she added. "We will be driving these vehicles over some rough terrain but I am sure not all the terrain will be rough. It is also rural so we likely will not have other vehicles to contend with. So, if the terrain is good for it, the journey, once we are away from Oslo, would make an excellent time to learn some basic driving skills.”
At some point during the conversation Sasha had pulled a fountain pen and a notebook from her coat's inner pocket and begun to write something. Slightly hunched over the table as she was seeming to keep it private, whether that was out of habit or if she was actually trying to shield the contents of the page wasn't readily clear, but she was paying attention. Making sure to look up a moment when someone else began to speak before going back to her writing.
Elizabeth noticed Sasha writing but that the woman was paying attention, she didn't say anything about it figuring if Sasha was going to share she would let them know. Elizabeth instead waited to see if anything else was brought up to be discussed.
Sung sat thinking about the trip they were about to go on. This trip they were going to take. A long list of things ran through his mind. He had done many trips and now traveled the world. Sung had not thought about traveling in that way in a while. His mind drifted back to the days in Japan when he served Mōri Takachika and the war he fought in. The logistical planning was enormous. It was something that he had learned a lot about. This helped him serve the Duke in his early years with the Duke.
Sung sip the last of this tea. "Lady Elizabeth, I need to go and start to make sure we will have what we need and check on the staff putting logistics together. If I may be excused Lady Elizabeth," asked Sung politely.
"Of course, Mr. Sung." Elizabeth stated. He knew to let her know if anything was needed, though she had tried to make sure they had everything that was needed. "Did anyone have anything else to discuss?”
When it was decided there was nothing else, Elizabeth dismissed the meeting, she had a feeling certain things would be brought up again, but there was time for that later.