The Reading Of The Will

JP with Redsword, Jaxx and Cindy

Monday, May 27, 1889
Ellington Estate- London

Sunday was spent going with Lily to the Lavigne Estate, allowing the young woman time to do what she needed to. This included retrieving anything important to her and giving orders to the staff. The rest of the day was spent relaxing, as much as possible, because Monday was likely going to be difficult.

Monday came, breakfast came and went, and about 10 AM it was time to leave for the lawyer's office. For propriety it was best this particular meeting was held at that office and not at the Ellington's estate.

The Duke, Elizabeth, Mr. Sung, Lily and Dr. Jackal all were transported to the business district of London via a steam van sent by the Order. The Duchess had planned to come but there was an emergency at one of her charities which she had to take care of.

They rode past the immaculate lawns, tree lined streets to an area with more buildings, sidewalks, the never ending steam from the technology used in this area. Messenger robotic birds flew overhead. Unlike the more residential areas of both London and Paris, steampunk technology was on full display here. This wasn't just a business section but the more financial district. Many lawyers had offices here.

They arrived at a four story brick building. The shingle outside said: "The Law Offices Of Backter and Backter." Father and son, if anyone looked into it.

They walked into the front hall, a receptionist rose and bowed to the group assembled but mostly to the Ellingtons. She then rang upstairs.

A gated elevator with a glass door opened to reveal a man, he looked human. His head was balding with only whisps left of his white hair. Standing about 5'10", with a rotund build. "Your Grace," he bowed. "Lady Elizabeth, and Mr. Sung. Welcome.”

He turned to the other two, "You must be Miss Lily. My condolences on your father's passing." He seemed to look at Jackal, for a moment. "Ah, yes Dr. Jackal. Welcome both of you."

"This is Markus Backter, Esquire. He will be handling the will today." The Duke introduced everyone.

Marcus nodded, "Well, let us go to my office, shall we?" He escorted the group to the elevator.

Lily looked around and remembered coming to similar places in the past for her father's companies. Back then it was gloomy and boring, but she just wanted an excuse to spend time with her father. She found it odd that this day marked the end of her connection with her father. I made her feel a bit lonely inside. Dr. Jackal knew of the law firms but never really dealt with them in the past due to his work-alcoholic lifestyle. They both followed the others in and quietly looked around at the stoic decor.

Elizabeth had met Mr. Backter before, and his father had taken her here a few times. However, this was the most official business she had really been a part of.

They went to the top floor, down the hallway and to a large room with an oval table in the middle and chairs. A set of files sat in front of one of the chairs and a woman sat at one of the chairs. She stood and bowed.

"This is Miss Christina. She will be taking notes for the meeting." The lawyer explained. "Please everyone take a seat, hopefully the others will be here shortly.”

Lily and Dr. Jackal found their chairs. Lily was next to Lady Elizabeth and Dr. Jackal was next to Lily. This was to avoid anyone from sitting next to Lily, especially Karen Wells. it was already assumed she was a gold digger looking for another payout. Since Wayne was dead this would be he last chance at a payout from him. Of course that didn't stop her from moving to another sugar daddy despite having two sons already.

Sung did not see any reason to sit at the table. He stood in the back of the room near the table. To watch over everything. Sung did look at The Duke out of habit for The Duke's approval. Then turned to Lady Elizabeth since he knew Lady Elizabeth was the team leader looking at her for approval.

The Duke and Elizabeth both nodded their approval to Sung. Elizabeth thought him standing there would certainly detour anyone from causing too many problems.

They were really only waiting on Miss Wells who seemed to be taking her own time getting there.

After a few minutes of waiting everyone could hear the voices of others arriving from down the hall. Among those voices was the sweet but annoying voice of Karen Wells as she was nagging the staff to take proper care of her sweet innocent sons. Of course the voices of "what's that", continued to interrupt the adults talking. It wasn't long before Karen Wells and her two sons Kyle Wayne Wells, age 16, and Peter Wayne Wells, age 15 came in with the escorts from the law firm. The two immature nosy boys were clearly born and wanted to play outside while their mother Karen was asking them to be good so she could finish her errands. To keep them still she reached into her large purse and pulled out two bags of candy to placate her sons. Then she sat down across from Lily and next to one of her sons as she smiled politely. In the mean time another man entered the room and sat next to Karen. Karen then said, "Oh this is my father Mr. Wells and my legal solicitor to represent me." Karen seemed at ease despite where she was.

Mt. Backter seemed a little surprised to see the sons, though they were certainly allowed at the reading of the will, they were rather disruptive. He was not at all surprised to see that Miss Wells had brought her father and an solicitor. That was fairly standard.

"Let us get to the reading of the will then." Mr. Backter opened up one the files and pulled out a small stack of papers. He turned to the first page beyond the cover page and began reading. "I Wayne Lavigne, being of sound mind and body do here by declare this as my final will and testament." The reading went on with the precursor items. Then it got to the section of what was to ve given.

"To my daughter Lily, I bequeath all of my property, businesses and assets with the exception of those needed to pay off any outstanding debts owed.

With the exception of the following:

To my two sons Wayne and Peter Wells, I leave a trust which may be accessed on your subsequent 18 birthdays." It the specified the amount in the trusts, which was a substantial figure,but likely a drop in the bucket for the Estate of Wayne Lavigne.

For Karen Wells, I leave an account for which money shall be deposited from my estate funds once a month. These funds are to go towards the upbringing of my sons and any expenses that you might occur which might prove necessary for my son's wellbeing.

The wellbeing of their mother is important to that of my sons, so, an allowance will be set aside to be used at the discretion of Miss Karen Wells for her needs." Amounts were once again given.

Lily looked at Mr. Backter as he read the will and then at Lady Elizabeth for reassurance. In all reality she really didn't need all that money and was open to the idea of sharing more with her half brothers till she met them. It was obvious Karen used her looks and position of his secratary to seduce her father. Getting knocked up twice was either an accident or a plan to get his financial support. Knowing her father he took no interest in the boys and merely bought them all off. Lily wanted to smack her father once more but knew that was no longer an issue.

Karen on the other hand paused as she heard the amount of money the three of them would receive. She whispered to her father who was also her solicitor hoping to get a bigger piece of the inheritance. She truly believed she was more entitled as the mother of two of his sons. She then tried to speak despite her father trying to stop her, "Umm I am curious as to why Wayne's sons were given any of Wayne's business. Should they split in thirds?" Karen seemed to believe she could negotiate this in a fair way, despite asking for 2/3s to be given to her sons.

Mr. Backter paused as if trying to come up with a polite way to say what he was going to. "The will is final and law. Any additional negotiations would either have to go through Miss Lily Lavigne and those representing her or probate court. However, Miss Wells, I must say you would likely lose in a court of law. Now, if Miss Lavigne cares to give one the businesses. to your sons that would be something that can be discussed, after the reading of the will is finished.”

Lily looked at Mr. Backter and then at Karen who seemed to be expecting a positive response. Lily was very stressed out by this point till Dr. Jackal held her hand under the table and said, "We have faced far worse Ms. Lavigne." Lily was shocked that she over looked her near death experiences and was being pushed around by a gold digger. She then regained her composure and with a serious look in her eyes she replied, "Ms. Wells......... I understand your concerns for your sons well being. I doubt my late father took much interest in you or your sons considering neither you nor they have his last name. My father told me about this already before his departure." Karen asked, "So he mentioned me?" Lily smirked and said, "Well it would be improper to mention what he said in public. However I was told to do as I see fit when meeting you all." Karen was a bit hurt and gasped before she asked, "So you will increase the......" Lily held up her hand and interrupted Karen, "Sadly I am disappointed in what I have seen Ms. Wells." Karen asked, "What do you mean?”

Lily looked at the two boys stuffing their mouths with sweets and looking unpresentable before the Duke and everyone else in the room. Lily then responded, "My father sent you money to properly raise your sons, but from their current behavior its clear they have been deprived from a proper education as well as etiquette. At this age they should be preparing to become adults and enter their future careers. Its very clear that you do not seem upset by this and I wager that their finds were ill spent." Karen was about to speak till Lily asked, "On that same note, (looking at Karen's father), I wonder if you are currently up to date on your taxes. Given my father's generosity on your behalf, surely you made sure to take care of such things?" Karen's solicitor/father looked very nervous as his eyes widened. It was clear she was not paying her taxes and needed this money to do so. Mr. Wells began to sweat as he replied, "Now's not the time for such talks.”

Sung wanted to walk over to the two boys. Place his hand on one of their shoulders and give it a squeeze they will never forget. Instead, he smiled with admiration for Miss Lilly. He knew she had this and was thankful that this had not gotten out of hand and he would have to intervene. Sung did notice the Duke almost cringed at the two boys' behavior. If it got any worse Sung would take the boys outside.

Sung let out a soft sigh knowing this is not his place. It was not the boys’ fault the mother was less than a stellar lady. Sung walked over to Elizabeth and bent over to whisper in his ear. "Lady Elizabeth May I suggest paying for a military academy school for the boys? paid by Miss Lily," said Sung. He then turned and went back to his position.

Dr. Jackal nodded as he replied, "An excellent idea Lady Elizabeth. This could prevent them from tricked out of their money in the future. This world is full of shady types don't you agree Mr. Wells?" Dr. Jackal was looking at Mr. Wells who was Karen's father while throwing him a bone. Mr. Wells took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat from his receding forehead as he replied, "A valid point sir.....?" The good doctor replied, "Dr. Jackal." Mr. Wells continued, "Ah yes doctor. I do fear in their current state, my grandsons are not ready to run a business yet." Karen, "But father if we don't... ." Mr. Wells gave Karen a stern look and replied, "My dear,....... Lady Elizabeth has been kind enough to consider your request but has asked that the boys be properly schooled before they can take on the responsibility of running a business. If you push this matter any further it will only hurt us." Karen was not happy and huffed but knew that even her father submitted to the Ellingtons in this matter.

Karen then agreed to Lady Elizabeth's request for the boys to enter military school in hopes to will the favors of Lady Elizabeth and Lily. Once the paperwork was settled, Mr. Wells asked Dr. Jackal about his ongoing problem with arthritis that causes severe pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in joints. Dr. Jackal told him he had Gout and needed to change his diet and start taking a small dose of Allopurinol to treat his ailment. Karen then tried to put her charms on Dr. Jackal when he helped her father. She puffed out her large chest and blinked her pretty eyes to ensnare him. Lily was lacking in curves compared to Karen but she was not about to let Karen sink her claws into the good doctor so Lily took the good doctor's hand and reminded Karen that the good doctor was already spoken for. Lily gave Dr. Jackal's hand a squeeze to get him to play along. Dr. Jackal took the hint and agreed with Lily as he politely rejected Karen. Once he had his copies, Mr. Wells escorted Karen and the two boys to their transport to leave.

Once Karen, her father and the boys were gone Elizabeth took a breath of relief. "I do believe that was not as unpleasant as I had feared. Miss Lily, I must say you did exceptionally well holding your ground with them."

The Duke nodded, "I must agree. Now, shall we go to lunch?"

"Wellingtons?" Elizabeth asked.

"Of course," The Duke responded with a smile to his daughter.

Wellingtons was a high-end restaurant, but with an almost homey feel to it. The food there was superb and the Ellington's had long been established patrons. They knew the owner. It was probably Elizabeth's most favorite restaurant in all of London.

Lily felt a bit of pride as she was recognized for her words and actions at the reading of the will. Oddly enough Mr. Sung's advice gave her a proper way to make Karen become a proper mother. She thanked the Ellingtons for their support and Mr. Sung for his sage advise. She also thanked the good doctor for supporting her as well. When the they were invited to eat at Wellingtons Lily told the good doctor he was in for a treat and she had eaten there before.

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