The Fight In and Out

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Lucian, Lasersexpanther, Lorem and Cindy

Back in the house, Elizabeth was leading Captain Masao to her office. "Let us hope the Empirical mage, Pascal, does not show before Sung gets down here." Elizabeth was sure Pascal was behind this. When they arrived at Elizabeth's office, the Eldren stopped for a moment. And then closed the door behind them. "I don't sense him in here, but I am certain he's in the house."

She opened a small locked closest, which revealed a number of items retrieved from the Children. "The Order has not retrieved these, yet. I'm going to put a ward around the closest door. I need you to basically act as a guard, so I can concentrate.”

Masao nodded, position himself in a spot by the door that he'd see anyone who stepped in first and they'd not see him if they didn't check their corners and held his pistol at the ready. He knew magic took work, he just hoped Sung got here quick. The upkeep on his mostly self taught magic was making his ears ring and is bones feel like they'd start to vibrate any minute, and he needed a break.


Outside Sasha charged into battle with Cronk, the moment he'd moved out of her line of fire, and the two more men had appeared she fired off two shots one went wide but the other caught one of the men in the neck, barely but it was enough to send a pop of blood into the air.

Lorem actually woke slowly at the sound of the alarm. She had stayed up quite late working on the console so that the next day she would be able to finish the last piece of the puzzle, the console for the inside of the house. She had fallen asleep under the console surrounded by wires and tools and a piece of the exterior covering was used as a pillow. Had she accidentally caused the alarm to go off while sleeping?

She peeked her head out from under the console like a tortoise slowly checking out from its shell, simultaneously discarding the items which she had used for comfort and warmth. Seeing the readout above her noticed this was not a false alarm, causing her to speed up to her feet like a duck taking flight from a pond. “No no no. Why couldn’t they break in tomorrow night?” She squeaked in aggravation.

She grabbed the horn looking funnel and cranked a few levers and then pulled down on a lever with two hands. Quickly reading the metrics before her, Lorem shouted into the communication device. Her voice could be heard throughout the entire grounds and interior of the house where it was designed to deliver.

“Alert, this is not a drill. The campus has been breeched at the following locations.” She then proceeded to call out the coordinate locations for where the security system had been tripped. So far she was noticing one major source along the outer perimeter, but she continued to monitor the other switches and gears. There were many hurdles to bypass the security system over and over again, especially if one wanted to get inside the house. Her system would be like a thief having to go through quite the strenuous obstacle course to get from point A to B undetected.

Cronk was now on the second man that he had pushed away from him. Cronk swung at his head, missing as the man spun away from him, attempting to get up. The blow left an impression upon the ground.

Cronk came up with another swing. This one connected, knocking the man unconscious. The man’s head immediately began to swell.

"Cronk, finish him." Sasha said, unsure of the gentle giant's feelings on killing but the man couldn't be allowed to escape. She fired off another round at the man she'd first shot, connecting with his temple he went down in a limp crumpled heap. "Four." she thought to herself, keeping a tally of shots left since didn't have her gear to reload.

Lily was on edge as she heard a combination of the alarm, some screaming and gunfire. She was trying to remain calm since the danger level was high. She kept peeking from her open door hoping to see one of the team members still in the house. Then she closed her eyes and triggered her werewolf side. Her ears started to get pointier, her incisor teeth got longer and pointier, her nose began to notice the lighter scents in the air, and when her eyes opened up they were golden and resembled that of a wolf. She calmed herself down as she took in the scent of her area and looked out the door to see Dr. Jackal in the hallway. As they met up they whispered to each other about what was going on. Then they decided to slowly make their way through the house to regroup with the others. Along the way Lily heard the fighting outside and both Dr. Jackal and herself saw Cronk and Sasha fighting some big thugs outside. The good doctor wanted to press on but Lily paused him as she sniffed the air and whispered that a new person was in the house and it was a man.

Cronk gave a wicked smile at the Masked One’s words, then noticed her clothing, or rather lack thereof and raised a brow.

The man he had crunched between the legs was beginning to stir, attempting to get up. It was definitely a painful progress. Sensing the man attempting to get back into the fight, Cronk swung and smashed the skull of the one at his feet, then turned his attention back to the initial man.

The man moved slow, each step was painful. “Cronk help pain,” he assured with a grin, his tusks showing like white towers in the moonlight.

Cronk swung toward the man’s chest. The man thought he could duck underneath the swing, but miscalculated. The club struck the man behind the ear, causing him fall face first into the ground. Soon, his head was as a watermelon being hit by the club, splattering blood, pieces of skull, and brain matter in all directions, hitting anyone else near.

Pascal had made his way into the house, without triggering any alarms. However, he wouldn't be alone for long. He disarmed the alarm, using magic.

Over the loud speaker, Lorem informed the group that the alarm at the front door had been deactivated.

Time was not on his side, Pascal quickly opened the front door. Four big men came barreling through the door, they headed straight for Elizabeth's office.

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