The Awakening

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Lucian, Lasersexpanther, Lorem and Cindy

Elizabeth's Estate. - Paris
Tuesday, May 21, 1889
2 AM

The house was quiet, no servant even seemed to be awake. This was the opportunity Pascal was waiting for.

The Empirical Mage stealthy made his way around the exterior of the estate, outside the walls. He touched the wall and closed his eyes. A security system was in place, or almost. He could feel a gap, but it wasn't an penetrable one, more like something not exactly done.

The security system would be a deterrent to most people. As it was Pascal knew this wouldn't be easy. The wards had been easily dealt with but this was more problematic.

As a tech Mage he could use his magic to disarm the system but that took time and with this system there was too much of a chance to get caught.

The mage called over the two men with him, they weren't magical, which was just what Pascal wanted. They were humans, each stood about 6'2" and muscular. He told them to trip the alarm and fight anyone who came near them.

As the two tried to get over the gate, one of them tripped the alarm. Lights started going on in the house. Meanwhile, Pascal made himself invisible.

Elizabeth had been up anyway going over the resumes of potential tutors for the children. The Eldren had it narrowed down to four but choosing between those seemed to be a daunting task.

When the alarm sounded, Elizabeth quickly left her office, meeting Harold on the way to the backyard. The men were quickly discovered.

Dr. Jackal was tired from a long night of research. Granted he was still on a long journey to his goal, but he was slowly making headway. He finally called it a night around 11 pm and woke up around 1:55 and regretted drinking all that coffee. He stumbled to the bathroom to relieve himself while holding the wall to keep from losing his balance while being tired. He then remembered he didn't change into his bedwear before going to bed. Once he was done he washed his hands and face and staggered to his bed to sleep again and as soon as his head hit the pillow he woke up to the alarm going off. He grunted as he got up and put on his boots knowing they had an intruder.

Lily was sound asleep dreaming of being on a lovely picnic with Dr. Jackal. They were sitting on a comfy blanket on top of a hill next to a tree slowly shedding pink cherry leaves. The weather was amazing and she poured some juice into some wine glasses for herself and Dr. Jackal. It was the perfect date and she was using her feminine charms to win him over. In her basket she pulled out several lovely dishes she made including blueberry cobbler for dessert which she spoon fed to the good doctor. Then as the mood was to her liking she leaned in to kiss the good doctor and woke up to the alarm blaring. She found herself kissing her pillow and was very embarrassed by her situation till she realized that the alarm meant an intruder was on the property. She quickly got up and opened the drawer to her night stand and removed the pistol she was being trained to use for self defense. After making sure it was ready to fire she slowly opened her door and peeked outside.

Camille heard the sound of the alarms and awoke with a start. “Qu'est-ce que c'est ?” she asked, her head rising from Cronk’s chest.

Cronk groggily awoke. He soon became more sober when the sounds reached his brains. His arm unwrapped from around Camille.

“Alarm,” he stated as he arose and threw on a red union suit. It was comfy and amazingly covered his entire body. One would wonder how much cotton had to be imported from the United States just for Cronk’s union suit.

“Cronk go,” he said, “Cam stay.”

He grabbed a large club he kept under his bed and ran out the door of his room and onto the back porch, not realizing he forgot to button the flap to the union suit.

Cronk held the club aloft, ready to strike an intruder. Rounding from the back to the front, seeing the two trespassers. He raised the club and yelled as he ran toward the gate.


Sung's eyes opened just before the alarms sounded. Intruders were near. the sense of a strong presence was there then vanished. Something was not right. The alarm sounded Sung rolled out of bed drawing his sword in one smooth motion ending standing by the window.

Looking out Sung saw the two men standing in the light "decoys" mumbled Sung. The two men did not move or even try to hide. Sung's long years fighting in wars had honed his senses. Hearing Cronk Sung would wait to see what happens.

With Sako, the children and their mother are staying in a cottage on the grounds with an overnight nurse with the mom. Sako moved from her bed, grabbed some staff pieces and rapidly put them together. Moving to the hall She calmed the kids first and told them to go hide in their mother's room with the nurse. The kids ran to their hiding places in the room. Sako told the nurse to stay with the mom. Sako hid in the shadows disappearing. She was ready to take on anything that entered the cottage.

Vor was shaken from his sleep by the blaring alarm, the jolt sending some water from his tub onto the floor as he gained his bearings. He dreaded the thought of being attacked at the house and especially while his rehydration worked better without the threat of harm. He felt grateful he had left a knife on his vest, folded neatly within reach in case. He knew the others were better in the fighting department then he, so lay back into the water while listening for any sounds of battle.

Being awoken by the alarm barely fazed Sasha, barreling down the stairs skipping every other step. Rather underdressed for the occasion but it couldn't be helped, in simple linen pants, a loose shirt and her mask. Without her boots she moved like a ghost with her light weight. Her eyes flicking around the the hall. Holding her dagger in a reverse grip at chest level and her six shooter out in front. trying to get a fix on the situation.

Masao took a moment to get up, but he knew alarms. Perhaps not this particular alarm but he knew what it mean. He snatched his gunbelt from the chair it hung on and threw on his coat. Like Sasha forgoing his boots, they'd take too long to put on, and he swaggered out into the hallway. He took in a deep breath and let it out pushing his senses as far as he could without feeling that vertigo feeling he used to get on ships. Sung had him beat handedly on this kind of thing but two eyes are better than one.

< Prev : Touring Dr. Jackal's Lab Next > : The Fight Outside