Business Proposition

JP with Lasersexpanther and Cindy

Elizabeth had arrived home, she took care of making sure the various items retrieved in the tunnels went to who or where they should.

Vor ended up with most of the books and the large boxes of files on the different members of The Children that had been found.

The lab files, the brain specimen marked rabies and serum samples were given to Dr. Jackal.

The books entitled, "The Truth" one was given to Vor, Elizabeth kept one, one would be given to The Baron to keep at The Order and two were put in the library at Elizabeth's house for easy access by the team members.
She had also sent word to Captain Maseo letting him know their meeting could happen whenever he arrived at her house. Other than that she busied herself with more paperwork.

It was just shy of two hours when Masao finally arrived. "My apologies, I had some matters to attend to and reassurances to cement." He explained, "Questions are asked and fictitious truths are weaved." He said taking a seat.

Elizabeth nodded, "It is quite alright. Anything, you care to elaborate on?" Her way of asking if he had done anything she needed to know about.

"I wanted to discuss with you a business proposal, such as it is." The Eldren began. "The idea of using your ship for possible transportation as needed. Of course, your crew would be part of that.”

Masao shook his head, "Nothing important." He said, leaning forward "What would that entail for my crew?" He asked, "I should tell you the lower crew tends to rotate so to speak, they don't stay around and if they break my rules they are off the crew so if it involves the same promises I took to you we'll need to work out some alternative to it.”

Elizabeth nodded, "Nothing that extreme. You're more permanent members would have to be sworn to secrecy. It's not a commitment to be members of the Order, more an agreement to not divulge anything they see or hear from our time on your ship. It's standard procedure. As for a rotating crew, they could agree to keep those things secret to you. I would take that as good enough. Your permanent crew though I need to oversee their agreement to secrecy.”

Masao nodded "They will agree, they've been with me since I started the crew Yui since I left Japan." Masao thought for a moment, "We might want to consider bringing Lorem at some point." He suggested "She'll probably want to get acquainted with Gimbal and the ship.”

Masao let out a light laugh. "I'd prefer she not start poking around for the first time while we are in the air 'The Guts' are dangerous even for Gimbal and he knows his way around down there.”

"Very good," Elizabeth stated, with a smile at his quip. "Why don't I come to your ship at a mutual time? Actually, Mr. Sung should come with me. After we get their pledge of secrecy, we can arrange a time for the rest; the team to come to the ship and meet the crew. At which point Lorem can acquaint herself with your Engineer and the ship." She paused. "They will be paid quite well as they will be on retainer. I am guessing they might ask about that.”

Masao shrugged, "Not necessary, we've worked for high payers who didn't like questions before and a few government jobs so they know to not talk." He said.

"Well, I believe you but I have to answer to the Baron. He would have my head if I didn't follow protocol." Elizabeth thought for a moment. "Can you make them abundantly aware the penalties for divulging anything is considered a crime against the Crown? I believe as long as they are aware of that it I can forgo the rest." Elizabeth then added. "As long as the Baron doesn't find out, it is fine with me. Still the team and your crew should meet at some point but that can be arranged later.”

Masao thought for a moment he wanted to tell her that if they stepped out of line he'd deal with them himself but knew that might be a bit much. "They will be made crystal clear on the matter." He replied, "You can discuss what matters you believe are pertinent, just keep in mind they aren't the most outstanding citizens. So I advise the tactics of less is more.”

"Understood," Elizabeth replied, "That was my only business with you I had at the moment, regarding your crew and ship. I should let you know we leave for headquarters tomorrow at around 10 AM. The Baron has asked directly to meet you, so be prepared." It was only half said in jest. Elizabeth had mentioned about the Baron wanting to meet with Maseo, Lily and their Orc guest, at the meeting yesterday but it wasn't clear he had asked, or more likely ordered directly.

"You are welcome to stay for dinner, if you wish but unless you have anything else to discuss your free to go." Elizabeth added.

Masao rose, putting his hands in the pockets of his coat. "I'll be staying if it's alright. Lot of backtracking so early in the morning might catch attention." he stated "Thank you Lady Elizabeth, see you at dinner." he said strolling out to be set up in the room he'd previously stayed in.

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