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View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Lorem Ipsum

View character profile for: Vor'Aster

View character profile for: Cronk
Hunchbacks and The Eye
JP with Lucian, Lorem, mdman and Cindy
May 13, 1889
Ellington Estate, Paris
Cronk thought that if Fish Man was going to headquarters to study, maybe he’d be in the library, as he had been before when at headquarters. Perhaps Cronk could tag along. He had been enjoying the books Camille had been dreading to him. Cronk knew he couldn’t read, but perhaps if Cronk brought books back, Camille would see how sorry Cronk was for being angry.
Cronk wasn’t angry with Camillle. He was angry with how he felt. Feelings tended to overwhelm the big orc.
“Cronk go. Cronk go with Fish Man. Cronk find books,” the orc insisted.
"Cronk, you can certainly go with Mr. Aster to headquarters but the Eye of the Sea is a priceless magical artifact, it's a jewel. It won't be in the library." Elizabeth then added. "Of course, you could both spend time in the library afterwards."
“Book about Quas E. Modo?” Cronk asked. “Book by Huge O?”
Maybe they didn’t have the hunchback book. Cronk was certain other books written by the author were just as good. Maybe there was an entire section of those books.
"Yes, The Hunchback. Most libraries in Paris would have that novel. There is a copy in the library here but I hear the Order has an illustrated version that is quite beautiful." Elizabeth responded.
“Cronk Quas E. Modo,” the big orc spoke with deep meaning. Of course, in Cronk’s mind there truly was a hunchback. He didn’t know the difference between fiction and non-fiction. If it was written, Cronk believed it to be fact. So, somewhere in Paris, at this place called Notre Dame, there was a poor soul like him. So, Cronk Quas E. Modo.
Elizabeth wasn't sure what to say to Cronk's words. The Eldren was quite familiar with famous tale of Quasimodo in the bell tower and his unrequited love for Esmeralda, having read it in both English and French. She wondered if the Orc had read the entire novel. Quasimodo was lonely, lived a sad life - lost and misunderstood. It made Elizabeth grow concerned and her heart break for the Orc upon hearing Cronk describe himself like such a tragic character. Though she supposed Cronk might feel alone at times, he wasn't exactly like the rest of the team. Still, they were all different in there own ways, they did accept each other - which was far more than Quasimodo ever had. Maybe, she would speak to Cronk later about it, now wasn't really the time or place. "Have you read the novel of the Hunchback, Cronk?" The Eldren asked.
Cronk hesitated. Had he said too much. Cronk didn’t want anyone to get into trouble, especially Camille. Camille had been so kind and sweet to Cronk. She didn’t have to take from her time to spend it reading to Cronk. He enjoyed it so, and Cronk missed it this morning.
Cronk thought of the question. Lady Boss knew Cronk couldn’t read. She had previously offered to help Cronk learn. His cheeks darkened as he blushed.
“Cronk no read,” he reminded Lady Elizabeth. “Heard story.” He sighed, pushing his food aside, not having the appetite to look at it anymore.
Vor didn't know the orc as well as say ,Ms. Ipsum, but he knew the visible removal of uneaten food was odd for him. His request to join him to the headquarters was another oddity, especially with his admission to not reading. The mention of the Hunchback was a surprise as well, a little embarrassed that he had assumed the orc too simple for such thought.
"If you would like, Cronk, I could help you find some books at the headquarters or even here in Lady Elizabeth's library? I know there are many wonderful stories among the more dry tomes."
Cronk quietly sat and thought. “Heard Julie Burn is good,” Cronk added.
He looked around Vor, nodded, and said, “Thank you.”
Well that conversation had taken an unexpected turn, so, to steer it elsewhere, Elizabeth asked. "Did anyone have questions about the Eye of The Sea?" Cronks untouched food hadn't gone unnoticed by the Eldren but once again not something to address now.
Lorem listened with a pleasant attitude and two petite little feet dangling off the front edge of her chair. It was like a cheerful and amusing song was playing in her head. Those present would know by now that this was her typical modus operandi. It was curious how so much positive emotions could be contained in such a little body. She was never extroverted though, flaunting it, but instead shyly introverted with her behavior.
Lorem raised her hand. “I do.” She waited until Lady Elizabeth gave her the social cue to continue. “What is it? And why is it important?”
Cronk simply scratched his head. “Cronk not know sea see.”
"The Eye of The Sea, is a large sapphire, originally part of the crown jewels of India." Elizabeth began. "It was stolen about 20 years ago, and had been missing until it was found at the Children's offices" She took a sip of tea. "The Eye is a powerful magical artifact. It can be used as a bomb, make potions extremely powerful, it glows in darkness and, maybe the most disturbing that the Children had it, is it can cause a trance like state, hypnosis, over a large group. Actually, it believed that not all its powers are known." Elizabeth continued, "It is so powerful that touching it with bare hands can cause burns. There is one tale of someone going blind from handling it improperly." Elizabeth took a small bite of her food. "I am thinking that mages of The Children had not had enough time to figure out how to use it."
So, the Eye is not an actual eye but an art in fact, thought Cronk. It surprised Cronk that mages could not figure the thing out. This thought actually out a grin on his face.
“Hmmm,” Cronk expressed aloud, “Mage supposed be smart.”
He spoke so quickly, he forgot about Lady Elizabeth being a mage. “Course, Lady Boss smarter,” he quickly added.
Vor nodded to Elizabeth, though couldn't hold back a small smirk at Cronk calling the Children's mages stupid.
"I doubt they would have been able to fully understand it, given their beliefs on artifacts, but do we know if they believed it to be Araundan? I wonder if perhaps the higher members are simply using whatever they can get."
Elizabeth assumed Cronk meant the mages of the Children, not mages in general. "Yes, well, the ways to tap into the abilities of the Eye are well guarded secrets among the leaders of the magic guilds." Upon hearing Vor's questions, Elizabeth responded, "No, it is unclear if they believed it to be Arundan, but they would know it is magic. I am inclined to believe they thought they could figure out how to use it."
To Cronk, an eye was used to look. “Look through eye,” he heard himself think aloud.
Elizabeth raised a brow, "I wonder what would happen if one tried that,to look through it that is. It might have been tried already but most of us would not know if it did."
"Have there been any instances of such use? From my own limited studies I haven't heard of such practices."
The question had seemed simple minded at first, but just like Elizabeth it had elicited a spark of thought.
"Not that I am aware of." Elizabeth thought for a moment. "There is a story of a mage who went blind when he used the Eye incorrectly. It does make me wonder if he was trying such a thing." She sipped her tea. "There are other magical artifacts which can be used as for scrying, but I've not heard of that use for the Eye."
Cronk looked thoughtful for a moment, as thoughtful as the big orc could muster. He placed a finger to his chin and seemed to gaze upward, as if attempting to see something etched upon his brain.
“What else eye do?” Cronk managed. “If no eyes, dark.”
Elizabeth pondered Cronk's question for a moment. "I really don't know why it's called The Eye of The Sea, if it's not used for scrying. It's very old though and the name was translated from Sanskirt. Its very possible it was a mistranslation." Elizabeth thought for another moment. "People do look at it when being hypnotized by it but that doesn't really explain the name."
"Maybe it is more of a metaphorical name? Like looking into the depths of the sea itself, many land dwellers feel drawn to swim down into the unknown, perhaps its creators wished to hint at its hypnotic affect?"
A much needed distraction, his increasing engagement in the conversation was making him excited for any possible research on the Eye's history.
Cronk ‘s thoughtful look turned to confusion. “What met four gal?”
Vor was stunned silent trying to understand what Cronk meant, cracking a half smile once he figured it out.
"Metaphorical. It means that the eye isn't actually an eye, but it can give the feeling of looking into one, if that makes sense. Like how some would say they get "lost in one's eyes", those hypnotized are lost in the gaze of the artifact perhaps?"
Even if wrong, Vor was now visibly excited by the discussion.
Cronk attempted to understand the phrase of “getting lost in one’s eyes.” To begin with, how could someone the size of Cronk get into someone else’s eyes? Although at times, if Cronk looked close enough, he thought he often saw a miniature of himself peering back at him from others’ eyes. It was a mystery to him.
Elizabeth could just about see the wheels turning in Cronk's head as he tried to figure out what Vor was talking about. She assumed trying to clarify to the Orc would only confuse him more.
Vor, on the other hand, seemed excited in the conversation. "The Eye is quite intriguing. I wonder if the Countess would be willing to give us any more information on it." The Eldren was talking about the head of the magic guild, as the Countess might have more information.