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View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi

View character profile for: Sasha Lagrave

View character profile for: Dr. Laurent Lemaire (Deceased)

View character profile for: Captain Masao Wayneright
Rescuing The Orc
JP with Redsword, Lasersexpanther and Cindy
May 13, 1889
Tunnels under Paris
Sung signaled for them to make sure the prisoner was tied up and gagged. then to follow Sung into the room. Sung walks over to the other window to look in. knowing there would be an Orc probably a human and an animal an experiment maybe. No matter what it is he was ready.
Masao was second to enter crouching low to use stay out of line of sight with the window direct. Sasha entered after keeping the man close, giving him a slight poke in the back with the knife, not enough to draw blood but enough he knew it was there. "Do not try anything." she whispered in his ear.
In the second room, there is Dr. Lamaire, an Orc who is chained up, and in one corner is a large cage, an animal snarls, and growls . It's has large pointed incisors, beadie pink eyes, and white and black fur. Quickly it becomes apparent your looking at a rat, three times the size of an ordinary rat
"Maybe, I need to double the dosage. After all you are a large fellow." Lamaire says.
"No. Please. No not want to be bad." The Orc replied.
Lamare pulled a syringe out of his pocket and held it up.
"Rat of unusual size " Masao whispered, "This job is shaping up to be weird." He said going to the visage and putting it in his satchel and tucking it under his coat so it would not bounce if he had to run.
Sasha peeked into the room. "Are we going to do something?" Sheasked, "We can't just leave him, can we?"
Sung reached into his jacket and pulled out something that looked like thick playing cards white on one side with a Japanese character on it and the other a pitcher of a dragon.
As Sung drew the cards he struck the door almost taking it off the hinges with his foot and shattering the lock. keeping his forward momentum going when he stepped inside He threw the two cards with a smooth movement of his arm and a flick of his wrist. The spell Sung had dissipated as Sung shimmered into view.
The two cards streeked forward almost too fast to see. One of the cards cut the syringe in half and sliced threw Dr. Lamaire's fingers some of them falling to the ground. The second card flew between the thick bars and struck the rat in the throat only the tip and the back of the card could be seen it was buried deep into the rat's throat.
Dr. Lamaire looked in shock, for a moment. He moved towards the cage, then suddenly noticed the giant rat was laying limp, it's blood pouring out onto the floor.
Due to the swiftness which Sung had moved, and partially the slight shock of it all, it took those few seconds for Lamaire to realize he was injured. A trail of blood ran down from the now partially missing fingers on his right hand.
Lamaire quickly reached down, hitting a button, a door behind him slid open and he ran out the back.
From thoughout the tunnels the sounds of bells can be heard going off, an alarm most likely.
Sasha dashed forward but the small opening Lamaire had slipped through shut before she could get through without risking being crushed. She slammed her fist into the wall. "Merde!" But she drew back her anger and approached the Orc. "Can we trust you do not attack us if I free you?" she asked, "I do not want to leave you here for the wolves but...just don't make me regret this." she told the Orc, pulling out her pick kit and working quickly. "Masao, Sung keep an eye on that door."
"I no attack. Not one of them....the crazy ones here." The Orc responded. "You help me. I help you. Yes?" A slight hopeful pleading came through in his voice. "Crazy doctor gave me shot, I didn't want it, don't like shots. Said I would change. Crazy doctor."
As if something was lifted from the room, Sung can now sense Jackal and Lily, along with other humans in the direction Lemaire just went.
A gun shot can be heard above the bells...