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View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi

View character profile for: Vor'Aster
First Impressions with the Children pt.1
It had been a day of pleasure in the kitchen for Sung. Not that it was not hard work but about what he learned about the others and their cooking style. He had learned a few things about French cooking and Vor and his Norwegian cooking His Norwegian Fish Soup was most interesting to Sung. Pierre was not a slave driver but was strict in his top-of-the-line kitchen. Sung had the impression that Pierre was relieved knowing that Sung and Vor were chefs he did not have to explain too much of what he wanted to be done.
It was time to get ready for the meeting Masao had come by and given some excuse for something Sung and Vor had to do for him. Song had gotten ready after washing up and getting a few things in order and was outside waiting on Vor.
Being able to cook was a welcome relief. While it could still be artistic, it was difficult for Vor to have a chef's block. He was also thrilled to learn more culinary dishes from Sung, as well as seeing the skill the man wielded with a knife. Pierre as well was an inspiration in his own right, providing what he could only describe as the "commoner's touch" to his methods. It was quite different from the more refined kitchens he had been in before and he welcomed the experience.
When the time came for his meeting though, he couldn't help his nerves being on edge. Meeting Sung outside, his sheepish smile did little to hide his anxieties on the matter.
"We are ready then?"
Offering a warm smile to Vor. "Yes did you bring the pocket watch?" asked Sung as he started to walk. It should take us 30 minutes to walk there I think." explained Sung in a confident manner. Sung looked himself over he had a white button-up shirt and brown pants heavy cotton fabric flared upper legs hips fitted calves, and cargo pockets on the sides. black boots a reefer jacket. with the black sash he had been wearing all day. Sung looked like the average working man of the time.
Vor displayed the device from his pocket, continuing to walk so that they could get this done with. Noting Sung's attire, Vor couldn't help feel underdressed for his role. For an arrogant "god amongst men" he wore a rather reserved waistcoat and pants. Though maybe that would have been a red flag for the cult? He had always known what role to play and what the crowds he performed for expected, but here he had no script nor a glimpse of the crowd before the curtains rose. With the others having far more experience with this darker side of society, he looked to Sung.
"Mr. Sung, have you encountered people like this before?"
pausing Sung had an unconfirmable look on his face. He sighed "Yes, but they are no longer living. So I can question them" replied Sung. "When we get there check the time on the pocket watch. lean it forward a little so they can see the inscription. Don't make it obvious." instructed Sung with a calm steady tone. "I think we will be fine we look the part now and see if I can act," commented Sung with a grin.
Vor nodded, unsure if he should pry further. Sung’s jest brought up a doubt Vor had been dealing with since they had left Lady Elizabeth’s estate and while late at this point, he couldn’t keep it down any more.
“What if they require violence from me? I’ve been defensive plenty in my life, but what if they expect cruelty towards others or even you?”
"I give you this act entitled. This will be the biggest part you will ever play. But if we mess this up more lives will be lost. No pressure of course." Sung said with a sarcastic smile. So play your part as best you can."
" If you think you have to do something violent just backhand me I can take it" explained Sung then Sung added. "Liston, if things go bad or if we need to kill someone then run. I will deal with them. Get back to the house and report to Lady Elizabeth I won't be too far behind you," suggested Sung calmly.
Sung’s willingness to be hurt was both inspiring and bothersome, but it did the trick in steeling his nerves for the moment. Running didn’t feel right either, leaving Sung possibly alone and vastly outnumbered, but it was realistic. As they walked he pressed his thumbs to his fingers, looking for the actor’s calm as he returned Sung’s dry humor.
“Let’s hope I don’t forget my lines then. I would never live it down.”
Sung face turned to concentration as he let out his breath slowly his Martial Art Awareness told him who was watching them "We were almost there," commented Sung as they turned onto the street. He slowed his walk and seemed to take in the whole area. Sung just looked around as if he was looking for an address. playing his part
"It's Time, they are already watching us," said Sung in a low voice slowing his walk to let Vor take the lead.
Sung and Vor were standing in front of a pretty nondescript warehouse-type building in one of the not-great sections of Paris. They could see offices on the first floor.
they were met by two large men at the front door. Sung assumed they were security. If asked Sung gave his name as Kyu-Satori, and his Lord's name was Ritikiós.
One of the men escorted them right outside Staniadis' office. Then they'll let Staniadis know Kyu-Satori, and Ritikiós were there.