A Meeting of Minds (Part Two)

JP with Redsword, mdman, Jaxx, Lasersexpanther and Cindy

Cronk was enjoying the dream, as it was working with Pretty Flower. He gazed around at what they weee building, as if trying to figure it out. It was mechanical in nature with trips.

He felt something calling to him. Well, not a voice, but a scent. It was familiar to Cronk, calling him from his stupor. Finally, his brain caught up to his senses, as he realized it was Irish whiskey.

Suddenly, a snark was heard from Cronk as he retook control of his breathing. Opening his eyes, he tried to remember what his mind was focused upon. His eyes now focused upon the whiskey and brought a grin to his face.

“Pretty Flower build traps?” Cronk suggested, recognizing that was what they were working upon in the dream. His system wasn’t the best, or most efficient, which is why Cronk was not a leader or a planner.

He took the bottle from the Lady Elizabeth. “Thank you,” he appreciatively stated, “Lady Elizabeth."

"You are welcome Mr. Cronk, just please try to stay awake." Elizabeth said, with a pleasant tone. "Traps? Interesting. I will discuss that with Miss Ipsum when she returns tonight."

Dr. Jackal then replied, "Well that could be good and bad depending on the traps. I doubt we want the mail man upset that we go a bit overzealous."

"We can do more along the permiter in the back. All kinds of people have legitimate reasons for coming to the front door. Actually though with the children here the traps need to be carefully designed. Still, speaking to Miss Ipsum about it seems to be the next step." Elizabeth paused. "Which actually brings me to the next topic. Miss Ipsum is going to and from headquarters everyday. Granted she is with a chaperone from the order and with bus driver from the order, so, she is already protected. Is that enough protection?" Elizabeth asked the room.

Cronk looked dismayed. There were few he trusted when it came to a member of the team being safe. Of course, Cronk would ensure a great amount of safety. However, if the Masked One’s life of monster hunting said anything about her, people were safely entrusted to her.

Cronk shook his head side-to-side. “Cronk no trust outside team.” He motioned to those inside the room with his arms to show that the team were the only ones to be trusted with each others’ safety.

Lily was quickly writing down all the details as she spoke up, "Well Mr. Dumont and Lord Tristin are over there as well Mr. Cronk. I doubt they would allow Ms. Ipsum to be harmed. Also as for the security perhaps Ms. Ipsum can use bells and string to make and alarm. Kind of like the wind chimes used in the store's doors to alert the workers of new customers coming in." Lily looked up to see if it was improper to speak or just write.

"Miss Lavigne is correct, not to mention Headquarters is like a fortress. My concern more is with Miss Ipsum traveling e everyday. Her driver has been with the order for years, and I trust him. I do not know the woman that came to chaperone her, that well, though we have met before." Elizabeth explained. "If we sent a team member in the morning with Miss Ipsum they would have to return here after dropping her at headquarters, but because of the nature of our jobs and hers there is no telling if we would be available to get her on the evening." Elizabeth thought for a moment. "Mr. Cronk would it make you feel better if we got someone to escort Miss Ipsum, that I know well?"

Cronk cupped his chin in his hand as he thought. It took a few seconds, well more than a few, it took near a minute for Cronk to get the gears in his mind moving. One could almost hear the clunking sound.

“If Lady Boss trusts,” Cronk hesitantly affirmed, “it good.”

Dr. Jackal then replied, “So are we going to consult with Ms. Ipsum on the security measures then?”

Elizabeth nodded to Cronk, then responded to Jackal. "Of course, I would not just do something like that without her input." With that settled, at least for the time being. "I suppose we can move on to the next topic. The servants have been told to not go out alone. I want to move on to safety measures for the team. Some of us, will be perfectly fine on going out in teams. However, I am assuming, others work better alone. I will not stop team members from doing so, but, as always remain vigilant."

Sung was quiet evaluating each idea that was presented by the team. Lady Elizabeth was shaping up to be a good and experienced leader. He did not realize that she did a good thing asking and evaluating the team's ideas for an answer she needed.

Sung had been watching and wondered how long Lady Elizabeth would put up with Cronks dowsing off. What Cronk said after waking up made sense to Sung. Trip wires and other detection devices or magic to trip some type of alarm.

"Cronk Might not be too far off with Lorem making flares. I say we use trip signal flares chinses have been using things like flares since 1368. Maritime flare signals have been around since the early 1800s" explained Sung.

"Now can we use different wires or presser plates to detect people to set off flares as well maybe when it activates causing small flashes? Maybe put Phosphorus in the as a way to set them off making a flash or igniting the flare?" suggested Sung.

"Trip wires and pressure plates are a good idea and could be easily hidden. We will discuss this all with Miss Ipsum, later." Elizabeth paused, to give Lily enough of a chance to write everything down.

Lily was writing very fast as she recorded the notes onto the notebook. She was muttering as she wrote the help her stay focused.

At the mention of phosphorus Sasha visually cringed. Breaking her otherwise professional facade.

Elizabeth noticed Sasha's reaction, but thought it best not to mention it in front of everyone. "Before we move on to the next topic, does anyone have anything else to add about anything that's been mentioned so far?" While Elizabeth was giving everyone a chance to respond, she poured herself some more tea.

Before another response was raised there was a knock at the door before Harold stepped in, with a bow he ask. "Lady Elizabeth, Captain Wayneright has arrived. Would you like me to seat him in the dinning room until the meeting is over?

"Thank you, Harold. I will greet him, now." Elizabeth turned to the team. "Everyone let us take a five minute break. We will recovine back here in that time."

"My Lady, would you like me to be there too?" asked Sung. He thought he would ask He does not need to be next to her all the time but this was a man.

"Yes, please. Mr Sung." Elizabeth responded.

Sung stood to his feet and looked himself over "Yes, My Lady" He replied as he started to follow her as she walk.

< Prev : A Meeting of Minds (Part one) Next > : Unexpected Arrival