Getting back to his roots

May 9th, 1889

After the meetings and a few other things Sung had to address Sung was still bothered by a nagging feeling. Walked up the stairs to his room looked around and was drawn to his trunk. Opening the lid he saw his two swords in their sheaths laying on some cloth. His father's sword was much older than his and had been in the family for hundreds of years. His sword was given to him by his father and was old too but not sure how old it was. Both are finely crafted and made by the best sword makers. The swords' names are Heavens Wind and Heavens Storm.

He picked them up and looked at them for a moment. He sighed "It has been too long" he mumbled. Sung placed the swords under his arms and walked downstairs The butler watched him pass and some other " Sung gave a "good evening" to those he passed. They did not question Sung but did wonder what was going on.

Walking out the Back door of the house. The air was cool the sound of the river was relaxing the stars were bright as he look up and took a deep breath in. Smelling the fresh air and the river not too far away. He looked around and saw the brick round pad for outdoor gatherings. It was cleared for now with nothing planned. He walked over and laid the swords at the edge of the brick circle. He took his jacket and shoes off folded the jacket and placed it on his shoes.

he pick up the swords one in each hand and walked onto the brick round pad the brick felt cool to his feet as he went to the center of the circle. He took a deep breath lying the swords at his feet with the handles forward. He put his feet shoulder apart and bent at the knees he moved his arms in the hard, linear category of martial arts, then into the soft, circular category. Then both hard and soft, both straight-line and circular movements breathing deeply.

After a few minutes, he started to move his whole body around He moves in the hard, linear category of martial arts, then into the soft, circular category. Then both hard and soft, both straight-line and circular movements. Sung moving about it looked like a dace but slow motion. As Sung moved gracefully he took deep breaths and blew the air out in a rhythm that changed from fast to slow. Sung's movements started to get faster spending up.

Sung used his foot to sweep and kick the sword into the air. With one motion he grabbed the handle of the sword and drew it with the other grabbed the sheath out of the air he spon making what looked like attacks or possible defenses. Sung movements made it look like the sword was everywhere he could attack or defend from any direction. Sung continued this for what seemed minutes.

With another swift movement, he kicked the other sword into the air at the same time dropped the sheath to the ground on his foot to bake its fall he grabbed the other sword by the hilt and drew it in midair he moved again not allowing the sheath hit the ground hard.

now with two swords spinning it look like a wall of spinning sword around him his speed and skill was breathtaking something only seem with the best Masters. One routine after another he kept it up the swords spinning and slashing the air. People could hear the air being cut by Sung.

Then it was like a gust of wind a Presuer released and an overbearing presence was there. As he moved faster and faster throwing kicks and slashes. Then he started to slow flow like the air or water. Sung again swept up sheaths with his Feet hurling both sheaths into the air. Sung sheathed the swords. He placed his sword down and still had his father's sword in his hand. He was still moving around with his father's in hand by the sheath. Sung slowly stopped as he looked at a granite pillar in the lawn near the circle. He dropped into a stance then with no warning and lighting fast reflexes he drew the sword. The eye could barely make out what happened. Just as fast it was drown it was back in its sheath.

Everything was still there seem to be no sound there was a dead quiet. Suddenly there was a sound of sliding rock and the pillar was cut in half as it fell to the ground. Sung took a deep breath and walked back to the center of the circle. Sitting in meditation with both swords in front of him.

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