Exploding Door

JP with Lorem, Jaxx, mdman, Omni and Cindy

Lorem waited patiently and also proposed an idea to Dr. Morgan. “What if you put the explosive clay inside a small container. That container could be designed to affix to surfaces and a clockwork, windup, timer could be built into the device so that inside of the container is a small mechanism which would strike the clay with a plate when the timer finished. Then the explosion would take place? Hmmm of course their may shrapnel and the device destroyed, unless one could figure out how to direct the blast completely away from the container and mechanism?” She was starting to think out loud.

Dr. Jackal sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he realized what she accidently hinting at. A controlled bomb that could be used for combat, subterfuge and terrorism. He wondered when she was going to regret her decision to explore dangerous toys. He was already dealing with his own mistakes and now he was dealing with some fool trying to copy his mistakes on a larger scale. He wanted to speak up but little Lorem had already opened the idea to the scientists and it was only a matter of time before this got bigger.

Dr. Morgan wasn't the only one listening to Lorem’s idea. The gnome engineer had gained the attention of Dr. Eldercott, who didn't seem to be that much older than Lorem herself, maybe his mid or late 20s, though with gnomes it was sometimes difficult to tell age.

"That is an interesting idea, would be something we would likely discuss with engineering to help design," Dr. Morgan explained, half thinking to herself, "but yes I could see could that might work, the box could be made to muffle the sound in some capacity."

The sound from the explosion was loud enough that it would be difficult, at best, to muffle completely. "I would think maybe a breakaway material of some sort could be used. Something like that could be destroyed with minimal costs and minimal shrapnel from the container itself. Multiple containers could be made, perhaps even collapsible ones to make them easier to carry." Breakaway material was meant to do just that, breakaway, if it got destroyed it was fine. Dr. Morgan and Dr. Eldercott were clearly filing the ideas about the container into their minds.

He should have been used to sudden noises by now, especially from the research and development teams, but the blasts still made Dumont shudder. Even with his headset muffling the sound, it brought him back to old memories of war against the Zulu tribes. Visions of the explosions, both mechanical and magical rang through him.

He involuntarily clenched his sweaty fists over and over to settle his nerves. He was glad to see the excitement of the scientists and Fräulein Ipsum, but he wondered if people would be better off not pushing more toward such destruction.

Already knowing enough about this part of the grounds, Dumont took a step away and waited, lighting a cigarette, until they moved on.

Vor was intrigued by the display, still lost in thought after seeing the grand library that he hoped to see again after the tour.
While he had never engaged in much violence, the explosions reminded him of fireworks he had used during festivals, though those had left a much kinder impression. He watched the demonstrations with interest, noting Lorem’s excitement.

Mr. Reminize appeared with an Orc, who was carrying a full sized wooden door as if it was a toy. The Orc put the door on the field, away from the team and Mr. Reminize made some adjustments to the back so the door would stand up on its own.

The door itself looked pretty standard. Just wooden, painted white with a handle and key lock.

"Feel free to get more clay out of the container," Dr. Morgan said to Lorem. "You may either throw it at the door, or place it on the door somewhere and then throw something at it, to cause the impact."

Cronk was as entertained as a dog chasing his own tail. Cronk liked exploding things, especially when he wasn’t going to get blame for it.

He took note of Pretty Flower liking to blow things up. Maybe he could give her a surprise sometime. He was just as explosive as that. He might not be able to put a hole in the ground, but he could in a wall. A nice sized hole. There would be no wall left. Cronk smiled as he thought of the pleasure of destroying something would bring to both of them.

Dr. Jackal noticed that Dumont was not pleased with the explosive demonstration unlike Ms. Lorem and Mr. Cronk. If it was ten years ago he to would have been amused by the invention, however his perspective changed after he first became a demon of destruction. As he watched the demonstration he had a few flashbacks to his last transformation. He stumbled a bit as his mind recalled several small images if him destroying the Expo while chasing a mage and a butler. Sweat began to drip down Dr. Jackal's face as he experienced his flashback. Then the mage shot a fireball into his face and when he cleared the smoke the butler was gone but the mage was trying to run away. Dr. Jackal could feel his rage increase and he leaped high above the ground to smash the ground just behind the mage as he landed hard. Then he gagged as he saw himself opening the mage's head and chest before feasting on his brain and heart. When Dr. Jackal came too he was leaning against a pillar and breathing hard. His head ached and his stomach hurt as he recalled the horrible taste of human organs. Once he could regain his balance he leaned on the pillar as he pretended to watch the demonstration while regaining his composure. He hated it when he had these flashbacks. It was bad enough he had them in his dreams.

Lorem was to fixated on the experiment to notice the behaviors of those behind her. She eagerly took more clay and ran over to the door. She placed the glob of explosive material over the lock mechanism on the door, just beneath the door handle. She then ran back to the group of spectators; gnomes learned early on when around big people to run instead of walk to keep up.

Along the way she reached down and picked up some small rocks she spied.

Lorem moved over to Cronk and asked sweetly. “Mr. Cronk, do you think you may be so kind as to throw these rocks at the door and hit the clay?”

Cronk took on a look of disbelief. Pretty Flower wanted him to join in the fun. There was a grin attempting to show between his two tusks. He shook his head in an affirmative motion.

Cronk held out a monstrous paw, allowing Lorem to place the rocks into it. In his hand, they seemed mere pebbles.

Taking aim, Cronk threw one of them. It hit high, just above the clay. With a huff, Cronk threw a second, this one true to its mark, striking the clay.

The first rock, Cronk threw did nothing. The second, hitting right on the mark, exploded the clay and lock sending the handle flying a good ten feet from its original positions. It also left about a one foot hole in the door where the lock and handle had been.

Lorem threw her hands up in the air in celebration. Then she quickly composed herself; however, her smile was still from ear to ear. She praised Cronk, “Nice throw.”

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