Showing posts 1291 - 1305 of 2814


Aug 31, 2022, 5:12pm by Winteroak

Odsier Plains As the day waned, many more joined the fallen on both sides. But with their moat powerful Bonecasters the numbers of the assembled tribes could not cope with the fero ...

Sons of Vastad

Aug 31, 2022, 2:22pm by Winteroak

Odsier Plains The Silent Flock raced forward silently. Some rode but most were on No words, no grunts, escaped their lips. No utterances of war and violence. Their vow to not speak ...

Prophecy (Part Two)

Aug 31, 2022, 2:22pm by Cindy

Islana's spirit moved away from Alexis and Tarmen, and further into the desert. Past countless dunes and drifts, or so it seemed that way. It could have really just been the anticipation ...

Turning tide

Aug 31, 2022, 9:00am by Winteroak

Odsier Plain Walking among their tribesmen, their faces streaked with dust and red ochre, the Bonecasters walked toward the main like, twelve of them, their tanned hide clothes whipp ...

The Call of the Holy City

Aug 30, 2022, 7:00pm by LucianNepreen

JP with Bandorchu, Winteroak, and LucianNepreen Alexis turned her head, wondering what their young host was looking at, but saw nothing. Well. Not exactly her first acquaintance to com ...

Bloody war

Aug 30, 2022, 5:26pm by Winteroak

Odsier Plains Great swats of Odsier spearmen crashed into the Ostiarium line and were stopped dead. Great swords gutted their horses. Nimble infantry cut the throats of the fallen ...

Holy Men

Aug 30, 2022, 9:58am by Omni

JP with Omni, Lorem, and Winteroak Gonyaul felt proud of Voah. She was conducting communication well and establishing understanding between the two parties. In addition, he got to ...

Eight Days

Aug 29, 2022, 5:44pm by Omni

JP with Omni, Lorem, and Winteroak As Voah and Gonyaul approached the closest fire camp, they saw five people in robes of white and blue casually sitting by the flames. The men tur ...

Around the shaman’s fire

Aug 29, 2022, 4:26pm by Bandorchu

JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu Tarmen had taken the time alone to gather his thoughts. There was a lot he didn’t like about this whole thing and it was making him restless. ...


Aug 29, 2022, 4:14pm by Winteroak

Odsier Plains Today would mark the greatest lesson the natives of Arcadia would learn about the invaders from across the sea. The lessons from this day would spread far and eyed am ...

Prophecy (Part One)

Aug 29, 2022, 11:59am by Cindy

Islana felt herself being lifted as if floating on an invisible cloud. Lightly, gracefully she moved through the air. A small turn to see her body below. A sickly, burnt shell of herself. ...

The Friendly Approach

Aug 28, 2022, 4:57pm by Omni

JP with Lorem and Omni This land was full of endless wonders it seemed. The sight of such a giant wonder protruding from the sand was staggering and had her staring, mouth partiall ...

The Plains

Aug 28, 2022, 4:51pm by Winteroak

Odsier range Despite thousands of Odsier horsemen and heads of cattle, and dozens of small pitched battles, the previous day had witnessed the first joining of the Odonine warban ...

Settling in for now

Aug 28, 2022, 12:26pm by Bandorchu

JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu Alexis watched the young shaman as he left to do whatever someone like him might do. She shook her head slightly. What was it with those mys ...


Aug 28, 2022, 10:47am by Winteroak

Great Desert of Skulls Voah and Gonyaul approach the lights slowly and carefully not knowing who or what to expect. For those travelling the ever shifting sands, it wou ...

Showing posts 1291 - 1305 of 2814