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View character profile for: Sir Eudon Zane

View character profile for: Margrave Otho
Odsier Plains
Today would mark the greatest lesson the natives of Arcadia would learn about the invaders from across the sea. The lessons from this day would spread far and eyed among all, Odonine, Ozainae although it would be the Odsier who would take the brunt of this painful lesson.
While their numbers were less than a couple of thousand in these shores, the Helians had superior weapons and tactics developed over centuries of warfare. The Odsier known as the horse lords of Arcadia, capable of riding and drawing their bows upon their enemies while galloping, would soon find out they were no match for a charge of heavy calvalry, that their unsaddled skills meant little against lance, shield, and saddles.
The Odsier rode out to answer the atrocities of the last month against their people. They were a race born to the fierce plains and they would meet their enemies head-on. Most of their leaders assumed that a well placed charged against the centre would break the enemy.
The grew closer, thundering across the dust drawing closer and closer against the enemy. Closer and closer now, that the army led by Sir Zane could see the bone of their bows, the iron points of their spears and their clubs and axes coats glistening in the sun.
Shouting 'For the Empire. For Salos', Sir Zane and his knights spurred their mounts forward, slowly at first to meet the rushing enemy, bringing their lances to bear. 'For the Pillars!'
Like an avalanche, rider after rider, soldier after soldier, followed, until almost all the iron clad might of Ostiarium middle army rushed out to engage their foes.
Then, like a cloud of bees, arrows swept among them. The sound of arrows hitting flesh joined by screaming horses and astonished shouts. Horses crashed and thrashed, throwing knights to the ground, breaking backs, crushing legs.
Then impact. The jarring splinter of wood as lances speared through flesh, through bone. Hands pulled out sword and axe, mace and pikes. Everywhere figures grappled and hacked. Horses reared. Blades pitched blood into the sky.
And the Odsier fell in their hundreds, undone by the Helians' ferocity, dying beneath hacking blades and ferocious faces.
Never had the tribes encountered such men, such furious beastial beings that fought as possessed.
And all the while Vastad's Song echoed from their lips.
For the Gods...